Thinking snippets

1. Programme --- an open process
有人致 washington的一封信上说:这是一个疯狂的年代, 只有天才才能生存
计算机科学是一门发展中的科学,它还处于幼年,理论不成熟, 实践又是如此容易的被应用和技术淘汰
这种open。 容易让人失望, 更容易让人迷失。
技术和经验的得到是无法缺失的, 一旦得到就无法失去。 但是技术的更新和技术海洋里面的惶惑也不是里面的每一条鱼儿所能够把握的, 这是一个创世纪, 这个世界需要天才
2. Our limited intelligence , energy decision programming, not enough intelligence for perfect programming.
Believed the truth: our power and ability is poor, we need others

3. CodingDesign, Document and implement is completed the realtime.
Coding....or design , no one do it perfect the first tring.
OO's code is difference with OP, so code reading must insist on OO's principle.
Now, I have two path only: go on or stop
go on doing must have a good plan.
4. Software Career
1) As a software engineer. must be expert in programming.
   on as an expert, you will be able to implement program function efficiently and wisely :)
2) Not only become coder. program contains not only code, but doc, UML relation. the most inportent is program is drived by market bot tech.
3) Code (program snippet) contains code. comment. herarchy. naming rule. coding style.
4) Code process just coding is not enough. but design ( interface in OO), first , know  what to do, how to do, then done, test, refactor, improvement.
reuse class and experence, analysis this case  for going ahead. It's done by head, but succed by heart.
5) Best programmer has a dream: Do the best, best for done. Software process contains the all lifecircle in software.  Excellence boy should think more and more.
He have a faith: today's coder, tomorrow's programmer, the day after tomorrow's project manager...... life go on, career go on, life is in career and career is in life.
UI, Tech cross, Mend process ......
6) The time and vigor is limited. Health and Intellegence is assure in lifecircle. do step by step. 
7) The order of programmer is running-software, the second is accumulate tech.
