一. hitTest:withEvent:调用过程
iOS系统检测到手指触摸(Touch)操作时会将其放入当前活动Application的事件队列,UIApplication会从事件队列中取出触摸事件并传递给key window(当前接收用户事件的窗口)处理,window对象首先会使用hitTest:withEvent:方法寻找此次Touch操作初始点所在的视图(View),即需要将触摸事件传递给其处理的视图,称之为hit-test view。
window对象会在首先在view hierarchy的顶级view上调用hitTest:withEvent:,此方法会在视图层级结构中的每个视图上调用pointInside:withEvent:,如果pointInside:withEvent:返回YES,则继续逐级调用,直到找到touch操作发生的位置,这个视图也就是hit-test view。
- 首先调用当前视图的pointInside:withEvent:方法判断触摸点是否在当前视图内;
- 若返回NO,则hitTest:withEvent:返回nil;
- 若返回YES,则向当前视图的所有子视图(subviews)发送hitTest:withEvent:消息,所有子视图的遍历顺序是从top到bottom,即从subviews数组的末尾向前遍历,直到有子视图返回非空对象或者全部子视图遍历完毕;
- 若第一次有子视图返回非空对象,则hitTest:withEvent:方法返回此对象,处理结束;
- 如所有子视图都返回非,则hitTest:withEvent:方法返回自身(self)。
hitTest:withEvent:方法忽略隐藏(hidden=YES)的视图,禁止用户操作(userInteractionEnabled=YES)的视图,以及alpha级别小于0.01(alpha<0.01)的视图。如果一个子视图的区域超过父视图的bound区域(父视图的clipsToBounds 属性为NO,这样超过父视图bound区域的子视图内容也会显示),那么正常情况下对子视图在父视图之外区域的触摸操作不会被识别,因为父视图的pointInside:withEvent:方法会返回NO,这样就不会继续向下遍历子视图了。当然,也可以重写pointInside:withEvent:方法来处理这种情况。
对于每个触摸操作都会有一个UITouch对象,UITouch对象用来表示一个触摸操作,即一个手指在屏幕上按下、移动、离开的整个过程。UITouch对象在触摸操作的过程中在不断变化,所以在使用UITouch对象时,不能直接retain,而需要使用其他手段存储UITouch的内部信息。UITouch对象有一个view属性,表示此触摸操作初始发生所在的视图,即上面检测到的hit-test view,此属性在UITouch的生命周期不再改变,即使触摸操作后续移动到其他视图之上。
- hitTest Hacking the responder chain
在此例子中button,scrollview同为topView的子视图,但scrollview覆盖在button之上,这样在在button上的触摸操作返回的hit-test view为scrollview,button无法响应,可以修改topView的hitTest:withEvent:方法如下:- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UIView *result = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event]; CGPoint buttonPoint = [underButton convertPoint:point fromView:self]; if ([underButton pointInside:buttonPoint withEvent:event]) { return underButton; } return result; }
- Paging-enabled UIScrollView with Previews
关于这两个例子,可以看之前文章的说明,见Paging-enabled UIScrollView
在测试中发现对每一次触摸操作实际会触发三次hitTest:withEvent:方法调用,有测试环境视图结构如下 UIWindow->UIScrollView->TapDetectingImageView
- 首先在TapDetectingImageView的三次hitTest:withEvent:打印两个参数查看有何不同
三次的打印结果分别为:point:{356.25, 232.031} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25269.8 touches: {()} point:{356.25, 232.031} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25269.8 touches: {()} point:{356.25, 232.031} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25272 touches: {()}
- 深入检查event参数
对于UIEvent对象我们还可以查看其内部的数据,UIEvent实际上是对GSEventRefs的包装,在GSEventRefs中又包含GSEventRecord,其结构如下:typedef struct __GSEvent { CFRuntimeBase _base; GSEventRecord record; } GSEvent; typedef struct __GSEvent* GSEventRef; typedef struct GSEventRecord { GSEventType type; // 0x8 //2 GSEventSubType subtype; // 0xC //3 CGPoint location; // 0x10 //4 CGPoint windowLocation; // 0x18 //6 int windowContextId; // 0x20 //8 uint64_t timestamp; // 0x24, from mach_absolute_time //9 GSWindowRef window; // 0x2C // GSEventFlags flags; // 0x30 //12 unsigned senderPID; // 0x34 //13 CFIndex infoSize; // 0x38 //14 } GSEventRecord;
if ([event respondsToSelector:@selector(_gsEvent)]) { #define GSEVENT_TYPE 2 #define GSEVENT_SUBTYPE 3 #define GSEVENT_X_OFFSET 6 #define GSEVENT_Y_OFFSET 7 #define GSEVENT_FLAGS 12 #define GSEVENTKEY_KEYCODE 15 #define GSEVENT_TYPE_KEYUP 11 int *eventMem; eventMem = (int *)objc_unretainedPointer([event performSelector:@selector(_gsEvent)]); if (eventMem) { int eventType = eventMem[GSEVENT_TYPE]; int eventSubType = eventMem[GSEVENT_SUBTYPE]; float xOffset = *((float*)(eventMem + GSEVENT_X_OFFSET)); float yOffset = *((float*)(eventMem + GSEVENT_Y_OFFSET)); } }
point:{356.25, 232.031} windowPoint:{152, 232} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25269.8 touches: {()} gsEventType:3001 gsXoffset:213.000000 gsYoffset:316.000000 point:{356.25, 232.031} windowPoint:{152, 232} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25269.8 touches: {()} gsEventType:3001 gsXoffset:213.000000 gsYoffset:316.000000 point:{356.25, 232.031} windowPoint:{152, 232} event:<UITouchesEvent: 0x8653ea0> timestamp: 25272 touches: {()} gsEventType:3001 gsXoffset:152.000000 gsYoffset:232.000000
- 调用栈分析
使用[NSThread callStackSymbols];
第一次调用:0 RenrenPhoto 0x0002b52d -[TapDetectingImageView hitTest:withEvent:] + 93 1 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 2 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 3 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 4 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 5 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 6 UIKit 0x00497397 -[UIScrollView hitTest:withEvent:] + 79 7 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 8 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 9 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 10 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 11 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 12 RenrenPhoto 0x0002e01b -[UIEventProbeWindow hitTest:withEvent:] + 395 13 UIKit 0x00477a02 __47+[UIWindow _hitTestToPoint:pathIndex:forEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 150 14 UIKit 0x00477888 +[UIWindow _topVisibleWindowPassingTest:] + 196 15 UIKit 0x00477965 +[UIWindow _hitTestToPoint:pathIndex:forEvent:] + 177 16 UIKit 0x0043cd06 _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 1696 17 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8df9 _PurpleEventCallback + 339 18 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8ad0 PurpleEventCallback + 46 19 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4bf5 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 53 20 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4962 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 146 21 CoreFoundation 0x01ad5bb6 __CFRunLoopRun + 2118 22 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4f44 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 276 23 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4e1b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123 24 GraphicsServices 0x01ff77e3 GSEventRunModal + 88 25 GraphicsServices 0x01ff7668 GSEventRun + 104 26 UIKit 0x0043c65c UIApplicationMain + 1211 27 RenrenPhoto 0x000026b2 main + 178 28 RenrenPhoto 0x000025b5 start + 53 29 ??? 0x00000001 0x0 + 1
0 RenrenPhoto 0x0002b52d -[TapDetectingImageView hitTest:withEvent:] + 93 1 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 2 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 3 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 4 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 5 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 6 UIKit 0x00497397 -[UIScrollView hitTest:withEvent:] + 79 7 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 8 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 9 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 10 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 11 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 12 RenrenPhoto 0x0002e01b -[UIEventProbeWindow hitTest:withEvent:] + 395 13 UIKit 0x00477a02 __47+[UIWindow _hitTestToPoint:pathIndex:forEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 150 14 UIKit 0x00477888 +[UIWindow _topVisibleWindowPassingTest:] + 196 15 UIKit 0x00477965 +[UIWindow _hitTestToPoint:pathIndex:forEvent:] + 177 16 UIKit 0x0043cfd3 _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 2413 17 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8df9 _PurpleEventCallback + 339 18 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8ad0 PurpleEventCallback + 46 19 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4bf5 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 53 20 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4962 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 146 21 CoreFoundation 0x01ad5bb6 __CFRunLoopRun + 2118 22 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4f44 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 276 23 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4e1b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123 24 GraphicsServices 0x01ff77e3 GSEventRunModal + 88 25 GraphicsServices 0x01ff7668 GSEventRun + 104 26 UIKit 0x0043c65c UIApplicationMain + 1211 27 RenrenPhoto 0x000026b2 main + 178 28 RenrenPhoto 0x000025b5 start + 53 29 ??? 0x00000001 0x0 + 1
0 RenrenPhoto 0x0002b52d -[TapDetectingImageView hitTest:withEvent:] + 93 1 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 2 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 3 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 4 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 5 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 6 UIKit 0x00497397 -[UIScrollView hitTest:withEvent:] + 79 7 UIKit 0x0047f4d5 __38-[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:]_block_invoke_0 + 132 8 CoreFoundation 0x01b515a7 __NSArrayChunkIterate + 359 9 CoreFoundation 0x01b2903f __NSArrayEnumerate + 1023 10 CoreFoundation 0x01b28a16 -[NSArray enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] + 102 11 UIKit 0x0047f3d1 -[UIView(Geometry) hitTest:withEvent:] + 640 12 RenrenPhoto 0x0002e01b -[UIEventProbeWindow hitTest:withEvent:] + 395 13 UIKit 0x0043d986 _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 4896 14 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8df9 _PurpleEventCallback + 339 15 GraphicsServices 0x01ff8ad0 PurpleEventCallback + 46 16 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4bf5 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 53 17 CoreFoundation 0x01aa4962 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 146 18 CoreFoundation 0x01ad5bb6 __CFRunLoopRun + 2118 19 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4f44 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 276 20 CoreFoundation 0x01ad4e1b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123 21 GraphicsServices 0x01ff77e3 GSEventRunModal + 88 22 GraphicsServices 0x01ff7668 GSEventRun + 104 23 UIKit 0x0043c65c UIApplicationMain + 1211 24 RenrenPhoto 0x000026b2 main + 178 25 RenrenPhoto 0x000025b5 start + 53 26 ??? 0x00000001 0x0 + 1
第一次的调用位置为_UIApplicationHandleEvent + 1696
第二次的调用位置为_UIApplicationHandleEvent + 2413
第三次的调用位置为_UIApplicationHandleEvent + 4896 - 结论
Event Handling Guide for iOS - Event Delivery
Event Handling Guide for iOS - Hit-Testing
UIView Class Reference
Event handling for iOS - how hitTest:withEvent: and pointInside:withEvent: are related?
UITouch Class Reference
hitTest Hacking the responder chain
Paging-enabled UIScrollView with Previews
Paging-enabled UIScrollView
Catching Keyboard Events in iOS
Kenny TM GoogleCode Repo - GSEvent.h (a bit old but still useful)
Kenny TM Github Repo - GSEvent.h
Intercepting status bar touches on the iPhone
Synthesizing a touch event on the iPhone