
 using System;
using MbUnit.Core.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework;

public class ManualFixture
    public void DoSomething()
            "Do this",
            "Do that",
            "You should see this",
A MbUnit fixture runs in it's own thread. By default, it uses the same AppartmentState as the main thread. If you want to force using another value, you can use the AppartmentState field in the constructor:
// A fixture running in STA
[TestFixture(ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA)]
public class MyFixture
   public void DoingCOM()
A MbUnit fixture runs in it's own thread. By default, it uses the same AppartmentState as the main thread. If you want to force using another value, you can use the AppartmentState field in the constructor:
// A fixture with 10 minute timeout
[TestFixture(TimeOut = 10)]
public class MyFixture
public void AMessageBoxShouldNotBlockTheTestProcess()
 MessageBox.Show("I'm blocking the test automation");
(4)Test Suit作用好像是把多个funtion一起执行To use suites, tag your class with the [TestSuiteFixtureAttribute] attribute. Each method which creates suite must be tagged with [TestSuiteAttribute] and return a TestSuite. Of course, there can be multiple methods returning suites.

A TestSuite can be filled with ITestCase implementation, whether you implement your own version or you use the built-in implementations.

using System;
using MbUnit.Core.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework;
namespace MyNamespace
 public class MyClass
  public delegate void TestDelegate(Object context);
  public TestSuite GetSuite()
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Suite1");
        suite.Add( "Test1", new TestDelegate( this.Test ), "hello" );
        suite.Add( "Test2", new TestDelegate( this.AnotherTest), "another test" );
        return suite;
 public void Test( object testContext )
       Assert.AreEqual("hello", testContext);
public void AnotherTest( object testContext )
      Console.WriteLine("AnotherTest"); Assert.AreEqual("another test", testContext);
ProcessTestFixture allows you to write tests in MbUnit that are executed in a defined sequence. Tests are then decorated with the TestSequenceAttribute to indicate the order in which they will be executed.
 public class CheckTestSequences
      int i = 0;
     [Test] [TestSequence( 2 )]
     public void Test2()
       Assert.AreEqual( 2, i++ );
    [Test] [TestSequence( 1 )]
    public void Test1()
      Assert.AreEqual( 1, i++ );
    [Test] [TestSequence( 0 )]
    public void Test0()
      Assert.AreEqual( 0, i++ );
using System;
using System.IO;
using MbUnit.Framework;
public class MyTestFixture
    private TextWriter writer = null;
    public void WriteLine()
        this.writer = new StringWriter();
        this.writer.WriteLine("hello world");
Our current test has a lot of duplicated code, specialy initializing the writer field. You can define a setup method (tagged with [SetUpAttribute]) that will be run before each test. Similarly, a tear down method (tagged with [TearDownAttribute]) can be defined. The tear down method will be run after each test even if it fails.
public void SetUp()
    this.writer = new StringWriter();
public void CleanUp()
    Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up");
At last, one can add a set up and tear down method at the fixture level using the [TestFixtureSetUpAttribute] and [TestFixtureTearDownAttribute].
public void FixtureSetUp()
public void FixtureTearDown()
