
诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp., NOK)已同意在其手机上采用微软(Microsoft Corp., MSFT)的部分数字音乐和电子邮件技术。此举可能意味著这两家长期处于敌对状态的公司之间关系出现缓和。





微软(Microsoft Corp., MSFT)周一宣布,将与总部在新加坡的伟创力国际(Flextronics International Ltd., FLEX)合作,向全球范围的手机制造商和无线网络运营商行销一系列运行Windows Mobile系统的高端手机。

上述两家公司分别是全球最大软件制造商和最大的手机合约制造商。这一合作协议是在摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Inc., MOT)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., 005930.SE)等公司纷纷采取措施、提高各自智能化手机和无线服务业务收益的背景下签署的。



作者: Builder.com
2005-01-31 11:43 AM


A move towards 'presence' - intelligent software that makes communication decisions - is aim of tools being developed by Microsoft and Siemens.

走向“定位”化——能够作出通讯决策的智能软件——是 Microsoft 和 Siemens 正在开发的软件的目标。

Microsoft and Siemens Communications Group announced a partnership on Tuesday to market and sell a suite of software tools for enhanced corporate Web conferencing and communication.

Microsoft 和 Siemens Communications Group 在周二宣布结成合作伙伴,以销售其增强Web 会议和通讯能力的软件包。

Under the multiyear agreement, Siemens will integrate its HiPathOpenScape Telephony Control Link with Microsoft's Office Live Communications Server 2005 and "Istanbul" instant messaging client.

在这份多年生效的协议下,Siemens 将会把其HiPathOpenScape Telephony Control Link 软件集成入 Office Live Communications Server 2005 和代号为“Istanbul”的即时消息客户端中。

The integration will allow Microsoft Office users to click their mouse to make a phone call through a PBX or Internet-PBX connected phone sold by Siemens or other phone vendors. The technologies are designed to work with a typical desk phone, alerting users when a call comes in, then routing the call to a recipient's cell phone or voice mailbox. The Istanbul client synchronises with Outlook's calendar and scheduling information to provide further information on finding the recipient.

这项集成将会使 Microsoft Office 用户仅需点击鼠标,就可以使用 Siemens 或其他话机供应商销售的 PBX 或 Internet-PBX 连接的话机拨打电话。该技术是为使用标准固定电话的用户设计的,当有电话拨入时会有提醒,并将电话转入被叫用户的移动电话或语音信箱中。而 Istanbul 客户端则与 Outlook 日历和日程信息同步,为找到被叫用户提供更多的信息。

The OpenScape telephony control link and Istanbul client will be available in the first half of this year and will be added to existing product lines. Pricing has not yet been released.

OpenScape电话控制连接,以及 Istanbul 客户端将在今年上半年面世并加入现有的产品线中。而其定价还未确定。

Sales representatives from both companies will meet with customers jointly but will represent their own products respectively, said Adam Moise, a Siemens Communications business development manager. He noted that the companies have not entered into a reseller agreement.
