Now, I am searching the source code by C# of adding my program shortcut into Start Menu. I think its solution maybe is to modify the correct key in the registry. And I have acquired knowledge about the the class library “Microsoft.Win32” which includes some methods to handle the registry. I believe I can find the perfect sollution at last! :) Maybe.
Oops... now, I haven't get some information correlative with this issue. So, if somebody else will tell me the answer directly, even give me some source code, It is very nice! I will appreciate his or her help:)
/*Modified on October 03,2004*/
ps: OK! I have found the answer already! It's great and very simple. But it make me embarrassed what I guessed before was definitely wrong. We need not handle the registry, in fact, there are some convenient methods in .Net.
There is solution as bellow:
using IWshRuntimeLibrary;
//folderType is special system folder type;
//linkName is shortcut's title which you want to add;
public bool AddShortCut(Environment.SpecialFolder folderType,string targetDir,string linkName)
string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(folderType) + "\\" + linkName;
// Create a Windows Script Host Shell class
IWshShell_Class shell = new IWshShell_ClassClass();
// Define the shortcut file
IWshShortcut_Class shortcut = shell.CreateShortcut(folder + ".lnk") as IWshShortcut_Class;
shortcut.TargetPath = targetDir;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
If you want to add the shortcut to StartMenu's Program menu, you can invoke the AddShortCut() method like this: