Move模块(Modules)定义了更新 Libra 区块链全局状态的规则。 这些模块与其他区块链系统中与智能合约相同。 模块声明可以在用户帐户下发布的 资源 类型。Libra 区块链中的每个帐户都是一个容器,可以容纳任意数量的资源和模块。
的资源类型。 LibraCoin.T
在语言中没有特殊的地位; 每个Move资源都享有相同的保护。一、Move是一种静态类型语言,也就是强类型语言,在这方面Move与Java和C类似,将问题的出现更多放在编译时暴露,降低了在运行时出现crash的机率。
cd ~/libra
cargo build --bin compiler
Compiling compiler v0.1.0 (/home/machao/libra/language/compiler)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 57.23s
// Simple peer-peer payment example.
// 0x0...0 (with 64 zeroes). 0x0 is shorthand that the IR pads out to
// 256 bits (64 digits) by adding leading zeroes.
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
main(payee: address, amount: u64) {
// The bytecode (and consequently, the IR) has typed locals. The scope of
// each local is the entire procedure. All local variable declarations must
// be at the beginning of the procedure. Declaration and initialization of
// variables are separate operations, but the bytecode verifier will prevent
// any attempt to use an uninitialized variable.
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
// The R# part of the type above is one of two *kind annotation* R# and V#
// (shorthand for "Resource" and "unrestricted Value"). These annotations
// must match the kind of the type declaration (e.g., does the LibraCoin
// module declare `resource T` or `struct T`?).
// Acquire a LibraCoin.T resource with value `amount` from the sender's
// account. This will fail if the sender's balance is less than `amount`.
coin = LibraAccount.withdraw_from_sender(move(amount));
// Move the LibraCoin.T resource into the account of `payee`. If there is no
// account at the address `payee`, this step will fail
LibraAccount.deposit(move(payee), move(coin));
// Every procedure must end in a `return`. The IR compiler is very literal:
// it directly translates the source it is given. It will not do fancy
// things like inserting missing `return`s.
mkdir test
cd test
gedit trans.m #贴粘上述代码到这个文件
1 在Libra的client进行编译
dev c /opt/libra/test/trans.m /opt/libra/test/trans.ir
2 也可以使用命令行进行编译
cd ~/libra/target/debug
./compiler /opt/libra/test/trans.m -o /opt/libra/test/trans.ir
3 查看生成的ir文件,我们看到其编译后的文件内容如下,这也就是我们刚刚所说的二进制码,其主要是应用为安全考虑,如果无权模块是不能改动资源的。
cat /opt/libra/test/trans.ir