
Download a single folder or directory from a GitHub rep

Two options for this feature:

Option 1: Browser Extensions(GitZip)

Chrome Extension, Firefox Addon


  1. In any GitHub repos page.
  2. Just double click on the items you need.
  3. Click download button at bottom-right.
  4. See the progress dashboard and wait for browser trigger download.
  5. Get the ZIP file.

Get Token:

  1. Click GitZip Extension icon on your browser.
  2. Click "Normal" or "Private" link besides "Get Token".
  3. Authorize GitZip permission on Github auth page.
  4. Back to repo page of the beginning.
  5. Continue to use.
  6. 注意这个方法需要登陆Github账号授权











Option 2: Github gh-page

http://kinolien.github.io/gitzip by using GitHub API, and JSZip, FileSaver.js libraries.

Step1: Input github url to the field at the top-right.
Step2: Press enter or click download for download zip directly or click search for view the list of sub-folders and files.
Step3: Click "Download Zip File" or "Get File" button to get files.

In most cases, it works fine, except that the folder contains more than 1,000 files, because of the Github Trees API limitation. (refers to Github API#Contents)

And it also can support private/public repos and upgrade the rate limit, if you have GitHub account and use "get token" link in this site.

