ESB 研究

Introduction to ESB

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business-to-Business (B2B), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and Web Services
Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

The purpose of an ESB is to facilitate application and process integration by providing distributed processing, intelligent routing, security, and dynamic data transformation.

Message Normalization
Message normalization/denormalization is the act of converting a message from/to a protocol-specific format into a format for the JBI environment. This normalization is performed by BCs involves converting all messages into a NormalizedMessage.

What is Java Business Integration (JBI)?

The Java Business Integration spec (JBI) is a Java-based standard that defines a runtime architecture for plugins to interoperate via a mediated message exchange model. This mediated message exchange model was simply adopted from the WSDL 2.0 spec's message exchange patterns (MEPs). Messages between components are mediated by the Normalized Message Router (NMR). The NMR serves as an intermediary for routing messages amongst plugins, no matter where that component resides. Plugins do not communicate directly with one another; they only communicate with the NMR. This provides location transparency for the plugins.

JBI Components
The plugins mentioned above come in two flavors, binding components and service engines.
