


TypeScript 2.x

If you are using TypeScript 2.x you no longer need to have Typings or Definitely Typed installed. Simply install the following package.

npm install @types/node --save-dev

The Future of Declaration Files (6/15/2016)

Tools like Typings and tsd will continue to work, and we’ll be working alongside those communities to ensure a smooth transition.

OPTIONAL: If you are specifying typeroots or types in your tsconfig.json. You may need to update the tsconfig.json to include node as a type. By default any package under @types is already included in your build unless you've specified either of these options. Read more

Below is proper configuration for each of these options.

    "compilerOptions": {
        // types option has been previously configured
         "types": [
            // add node as an option
         // typeRoots option has been previously configured
         "typeRoots": [
            // add path to @types

TypeScript 1.x

Using typings (DefinitelyTyped's replacement) you can specify a definition directly from a GitHub repository.

Install typings

npm install typings -g --save-dev

Install the requireJS type definition from DefinitelyType's repo

typings install dt~node --save --global

Quick and Dirty

If you just have one file using require, or you're doing this for demo purposes you can define require at the top of your TypeScript file.

declare var require: any

Angular CLI

If you're attempting to use a require statement in your Angular CLI project, update tsconfig.app.json to include node typings.

"compilerOptions": {
    // other options
    "types": [
