最近整理了下机器学习在 只能军事化领域、环境监测、自适应系统 以及 生成对抗网络 方面的文章:
[1] Goodfellow Ian,Pouget-Abadie J, Mirza M, et al. Generative adversarial nets[C]//Advances inNeural Information Processing Systems. 2014: 2672-2680.
[2] Mirza M, Osindero S. Conditional Generative AdversarialNets[J]. Computer Science, 2014:2672-2680.
[3] Denton E L, Chintala S, Fergus R. Deep Generative Image Modelsusing a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks[C]//Advances in neuralinformation processing systems. 2015: 1486-1494.
[4] Radford A, Metz L, Chintala S. Unsupervised representationlearning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks[J]. arXivpreprint arXiv:1511.06434, 2015.
[5] Im D J, Kim C D, Jiang H, et al. Generating images with recurrent adversarialnetworks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05110, 2016.
[6] Larsen A B L, Sønderby S K, Winther O. Autoencoding beyond pixels using alearned similarity metric[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.09300, 2015.
[7] Wang X, Gupta A. Generative Image Modeling using Style and StructureAdversarial Networks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.05631, 2016.
[8] Chen X, Duan Y, Houthooft R, et al. InfoGAN: Interpretable RepresentationLearning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets[J]. arXivpreprint arXiv:1606.03657, 2016.
[9] Kurakin A, Goodfellow I, Bengio S. Adversarial examples in the physicalworld[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.02533, 2016.
[10] Odena A. Semi-Supervised Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks[J].arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01583, 2016.
[11] Springenberg J T. Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning withCategorical Generative Adversarial Networks[J]. arXiv preprintarXiv:1511.06390, 2015.
[12]Kataoka, Y. Matsubara, T. Uehara, K. Image Generation Using generative Adversarial Networks and Attention Mechanism. 2016 Ieee/Acis 15th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (Icis). Jun 26-29, 2016-933-938
[13]Li, C. Wand, M. Precomputed RealTime Texture Synthesis with Markovian Generative Adversarial Networks. Computer Vision - Eccv 2016, Pt Iii. Oct 08-16, 2016-702-716
[14]Wang, X. L. Gupta, A.-GenerativeImage Modeling Using Style and Structure Adversarial Networks-Computer Vision -Eccv 2016, Pt Iv- 2016-318-335
[15]Yoon, Y. Choe, G. Kim, N.Lee, J. Y. Kweon, I. S.-Fine-Scale Surface Normal Estimation Using a Single NIRImage-Computer Vision - Eccv 2016, Pt Iii-2016-486-500
[16]Zhu, J. Y. Krahenbuhl, P.Shechtman, E. Efros, A. A.-Generative Visual Manipulation on the Natural Image Manifold-ComputerVision - Eccv 2016, Pt V-2016-597-613
[17]Li, Weijia Fu, Haohuan Yu, Le Gong, Peng Feng, Duole Li,Congcong Clinton, Nicholas-Stacked Autoencoder-based deep learning for remote-sensingimage classification: a case study of African land-cover mapping-InternationalJournal of Remote Sensing-28 Feb 2017-5632-5646
[18]Li, WeiWu, Guodong Zhang,Fan Du, Qian-Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Pixel-PairFeatures-Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing-FEB 2017-844-853
[19]Babalola, A. A. Belkacemi,R. Zarrabian, S. Craven, R.-Adaptive Immune System reinforcement Learning-Basedalgorithm for real-time Cascading Failures prevention- Engineering Applicationsof Artificial Intelligence-JAN 2017-118-133
[20]Babalola, A. A. Belkacemi, R. Zarrabian, S. Craven, R.Adaptive Immune System reinforcement Learning-Based algorithm for real-time Cascading Failures prevention- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence-JAN 2017-118-133
[21]Gao, W. N. Jiang, Z. P.Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Adaptive Optimal Output Regulation of Linear Systems-Ieee Transactions on Automatic ControlIeee Transactions on Automatic Control—DEC 2016-4164-4169
[22]Liu, L. Wang, Z. S. Zhang, H. G.-Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for MIMO Discrete-Time Systems via Reinforcement Learning Algorithm With Less Learning Parameters-Ieee Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering-JAN 2017-299-313
[23]Wang, Y. Z. Pedram, M. Model-Free Reinforcement Learning and Bayesian Classification in System-Level Power Management. Ieee Transactions on Computers. Dec 2016- 3713-3726
为了应对来自硬件或应用特性的不确定性和变化, 在本文中,基于无模型强化学习(RL)方法提出了在线自适应DPM技术,其不需要状态转换概率函数和奖励函数的先验知识。
[24]Yang, X. Liu, D. R. Luo, B. Li, C. Data-based robust adaptive control for a class of unknown nonlinear constrained-input systems via integral reinforcement learning. Information Sciences. Nov 2016- 731-747
[25]Cao, L. J. Jiang, Q. L. Cheng, M. Wang, C.- Robust vehicle detection by combining deep features with exemplar classification-Neurocomputing-NOV 26 2016-225-231
[26]Chen, Y. Yang, C. L. Yang, S. Y. Ieee,- A method for special vehicle recognition based on deep-transfer model-6th International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC)- JUL 21-23, 2016- 167-170
作为图像识别的应用,特殊车辆识别在军事领域非常重要。本文提出了一种深度传递模型(DTM)来克服现有识别方法中的问题。 DTM结合深度学习和转移学习来解决训练不足的模型的深度模型的难度,提高识别算法的性能。
[27]Varley, A. Tyler, A. Smith, L. Dale, P. Davies, M.-Remediating radium contaminated legacy sites: Advances made through machine learning in routine monitoring of "hot" particles-Science of the Total Environment- JUL 15 2015-270-279
本文提出建立一个优化的检测器 - 算法组合,利用神经网络和支持向量机算法评估来检测当地异质污染。来解决军事和制药目的广泛使用镭导致的大量被污染的遗产地点的检测。
[28]Wu, H. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. F. Xu, F. J. Ieee-Typical Target Detection In Satellite Images Based On Convolutional Neural Networks-IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)-Oct 09-12 2015-2956-2961
[29]Zhang, F. Du, B. Zhang, L. P. Xu, M. Z.-Weakly Supervised Learning Based on Coupled Convolutional Neural Networks for Aircraft Detection-Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing-SEP 2016-5553-5563
本文提出了一种基于耦合卷积神经网络(CNN)的飞行器检测的弱监督学习框架,解决了,1)提取对象的高级特征和层次特征表示是困难的; 2)大图像集中的对象的手动注释通常是昂贵的并且有时不可靠;3)在这样大的图像内定位对象是困难和耗时的。
[30]Berniker, M. Kording, K. P. Deep networks for motorcontrol functions-Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. MAR 19 2015-32
[31]Pal, S. Dong, Y. X. Thapa,B. Chawla, N. V. Swami, A. Ramanathan, R. Ieee. Deep Learning for NetworkAnalysis: Problems, Approaches and Challenges. 35th IEEE MilitaryCommunications Conference (MILCOM).Nov 01-3 2016-588-593
[32]Silver, D. ;Huang, A.;Maddison, C. J. ;Guez, A. ;Sifre, L. ;van den Driessche, G. ;Schrittwieser, J.;Antonoglou, I. ;Panneershelvam, V. ;Lanctot, M. ;Dieleman, S. ;Grewe, D.;Nham, J. ;Kalchbrenner, N. ;Sutskever, I. ;Lillicrap, T. ;Leach, M.;Kavukcuoglu, K. ;Graepel, T. ;Hassabis, D. Mastering the game of Go with deepneural networks and tree search. Nature. Jan 2016-484-+