(翻译)内嵌提示(Inline Hints)




(翻译)内嵌提示(Inline Hints)_第1张图片


  • 用于想提高引导帮助的可读性,因为内嵌提示的格式与其他内容一致[1];
  • 用于不想中断或混淆内容体验时;
  • 用于与白板模式组合使用提供有用信息时;
  • 如果想要绝对确定用户已经看到提示信息,不要使用本模式,内嵌提示与其他内容看着类似,容易被忽视[2];
  • 不要用于传达关键任务指令。





[1]原文:Use when you want to improve readability of guided help, as Inline Hints are formatted consistent with other content
[2]原文:Do not use when you want to be absolutely sure users have seen your hint, as the subtle appearance that flows the rest of the content is at the risk of being ignored.
[3]原文:The integrated experience of using the shapes of normal and everyday content allows for a more easily readable and relevant form of instruction that doesn’t interrupt or obscure a content experience.
[4]原文:Inline hints do not need to be dismissed although they are seen to be dismissible, to disappear after continued use, or, in the case of Blank Slates, when the user populates the screen.
[5]原文:Do not overuse them; make sure they are relevant and do not overwhelm the primary content experience.
