HTML5手机APP开发入(3) 如何实现MVC的代码重构,自定义一个Provider Service,Injectable 依赖注入
利用ionic2 向导生成一个项目并开发一个简单的通讯录的APP
HTML5手机APP开发入门(1) ionic2+angular2 开发环境的配置
这里我要向大家介绍一个第三方提供登录验证的云解决方案的,非常专业。并且支持Angular 2
Allowed Callback URLs 设定你测试的客户端域名的url
配置auth0 客户端
Auth0提供了不同环境的Quick Start,我这边的环境就是ionic 2 + Angular 2
1. Add the Auth0 Scripts and Install angular2-jwt
Install angular2-jwt with npm.
Add Lock in your index.html file and set the viewport.
providers:[DataService, provide(AuthHttp, { useFactory: (http) => { return new AuthHttp(new AuthConfig({noJwtError: true}), http); }, deps: [Http] }), AuthService],
添加这些基础代码Quick Start都有提供照抄就可以了

1 import {Storage, LocalStorage} from 'ionic-angular'; 2 import {HTTP_PROVIDERS, Http} from 'angular2/http'; 3 import {Type} from 'angular2/core'; 4 import {AuthHttp, JwtHelper, tokenNotExpired,AuthConfig} from 'angular2-jwt'; 5 import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core'; 6 import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx'; 7 8 // Avoid name not found warnings 9 declare var Auth0Lock; 10 11 @Injectable() 12 export class AuthService { 13 jwtHelper: JwtHelper = new JwtHelper(); 14 lock = new Auth0Lock('05VEtQMpSej5rgSgKor4XsaMaCJm8hLa', ''); 15 local: Storage = new Storage(LocalStorage); 16 refreshSubscription: any; 17 user: Object; 18 19 constructor(private authHttp: AuthHttp) { 20 // If there is a profile saved in local storage 21 this.local.get('profile').then((profile)=>{ 22 if (profile) { 23 this.user = JSON.parse(profile); 24 } 25 }); 26 //let profile = this.local.get('profile').map(); 27 // if (profile) { 28 // this.user = JSON.parse(profile); 29 // } 30 } 31 32 public authenticated() { 33 // Check if there's an unexpired JWT 34 return tokenNotExpired(); 35 } 36 37 public login() { 38 // Show the Auth0 Lock widget 39{ 40 closable: false, 41 authParams: { 42 scope: 'openid offline_access', 43 device: 'Mobile device' 44 } 45 }, (err, profile, token, accessToken, state, refreshToken) => { 46 if (err) { 47 alert(err); 48 } 49 // If authentication is successful, save the items 50 // in local storage 51 this.local.set('profile', JSON.stringify(profile)); 52 this.local.set('id_token', token); 53 this.local.set('refresh_token', refreshToken); 54 this.user = profile; 55 // Schedule a token refresh 56 this.scheduleRefresh(); 57 }); 58 } 59 60 public logout() { 61 this.local.remove('profile'); 62 this.local.remove('id_token'); 63 this.local.remove('refresh_token'); 64 this.user = null; 65 // Unschedule the token refresh 66 this.unscheduleRefresh(); 67 } 68 69 public scheduleRefresh() { 70 this.authHttp.tokenStream 71 // .flatMap(token=>{ 72 // let jwtIat = this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(token).iat; 73 // let jwtExp = this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(token).exp; 74 // let iat = new Date(0); 75 // let exp = new Date(0); 76 // 77 // let delay = (exp.setUTCSeconds(jwtExp) - iat.setUTCSeconds(jwtIat)); 78 // return Observable.interval(delay); 79 // }) 80 .subscribe( 81 data => { 82 console.log(data) 83 this.getNewJwt(); 84 }, 85 err => console.log(err), 86 () => console.log('Complete') 87 ); 88 89 // If the user is authenticated, use the token stream 90 // provided by angular2-jwt and flatMap the token 91 // let source = this.authHttp.tokenStream.flatMap( 92 // token => { 93 // // The delay to generate in this case is the difference 94 // // between the expiry time and the issued at time 95 // let jwtIat = this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(token).iat; 96 // let jwtExp = this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(token).exp; 97 // let iat = new Date(0); 98 // let exp = new Date(0); 99 // 100 // let delay = (exp.setUTCSeconds(jwtExp) - iat.setUTCSeconds(jwtIat)); 101 // 102 // return Observable.interval(delay); 103 // }); 104 // 105 // this.refreshSubscription = source.subscribe(() => { 106 // this.getNewJwt(); 107 // }); 108 } 109 110 public startupTokenRefresh() { 111 // If the user is authenticated, use the token stream 112 // provided by angular2-jwt and flatMap the token 113 // if (this.authenticated()) { 114 // let source = this.authHttp.tokenStream.flatMap( 115 // token => { 116 // // Get the expiry time to generate 117 // // a delay in milliseconds 118 // let now: number = new Date().valueOf(); 119 // let jwtExp: number = this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(token).exp; 120 // let exp: Date = new Date(0); 121 // exp.setUTCSeconds(jwtExp); 122 // let delay: number = exp.valueOf() - now; 123 // 124 // // Use the delay in a timer to 125 // // run the refresh at the proper time 126 // return Observable.timer(delay); 127 // }); 128 // 129 // // Once the delay time from above is 130 // // reached, get a new JWT and schedule 131 // // additional refreshes 132 // source.subscribe(() => { 133 // this.getNewJwt(); 134 // this.scheduleRefresh(); 135 // }); 136 // } 137 } 138 139 public unscheduleRefresh() { 140 // Unsubscribe fromt the refresh 141 if (this.refreshSubscription) { 142 this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe(); 143 } 144 } 145 146 public getNewJwt() { 147 this.local.get('refresh_token').then(token=>{ 148 this.lock.getClient().refreshToken(token,(err, delegationRequest) => { 149 if (err) { 150 alert(err); 151 } 152 console.log(delegationRequest); 153 this.local.set('id_token', delegationRequest.id_token); 154 }); 155 }); 156 // Get a new JWT from Auth0 using the refresh token saved 157 // in local storage 158 // let refreshToken = this.local.get('refresh_token')._result; 159 // this.lock.getClient().refreshToken(refreshToken, (err, delegationRequest) => { 160 // if (err) { 161 // alert(err); 162 // } 163 // this.local.set('id_token', delegationRequest.id_token); 164 // }); 165 } 166 }
4.修改app.ts 实现登录后才能访问
如果没有登录就显示登录页面,而这登录页面auth0 都有模板不需要另外开发

1 import {App, Platform,Storage, SqlStorage} from 'ionic-angular'; 2 import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native'; 3 import {ListPage} from './pages/home/list'; 4 import {DataService} from './pages/services/dataService'; 5 import {tokenNotExpired, JwtHelper,AuthHttp, AuthConfig} from 'angular2-jwt'; 6 import {provide} from 'angular2/core'; 7 import {HTTP_PROVIDERS, Http} from 'angular2/http'; 8 import {Type} from 'angular2/core'; 9 import {AuthService} from './pages/services/auth'; 10 11 declare var Auth0Lock; 12 @App({ 13 template: '', 14 providers:[DataService, 15 provide(AuthHttp, { 16 useFactory: (http) => { 17 return new AuthHttp(new AuthConfig({noJwtError: true}), http); 18 }, 19 deps: [Http] 20 }), 21 AuthService], 22 config: {} // 23 }) 24 export class MyApp { 25 rootPage: any = ListPage; 26 //lock = new Auth0Lock('T1wdQrDposGW5BisaKViC0Cu9CuxtR0c', ''); 27 //jwtHelper: JwtHelper = new JwtHelper(); 28 //location: Location; 29 30 constructor(platform: Platform,private authService:AuthService) { 31 //var self = this; 32 platform.ready().then(() => { 33 // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available. 34 // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need. 35 StatusBar.styleDefault(); 36 if(authService.authenticated()){ 37 this.authService.login(); 38 } 39 40 // string, profile: string, id_token: string) => { 41 // if (err) { 42 // throw new Error(err); 43 // } 44 // 45 // localStorage.setItem('profile', JSON.stringify(profile)); 46 // localStorage.setItem('id_token', id_token); 47 // 48 // console.log( 49 // this.jwtHelper.decodeToken(id_token), 50 // this.jwtHelper.getTokenExpirationDate(id_token), 51 // this.jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(id_token) 52 // ); 53 //}); 54 55 56 }); 57 } 58 }
5.RUN Test
打算在通讯录里调用一些手机的功能如何利用cordova-plugin-camera 调用拍照功能,利用cordova-plugin-geolocation实现定位.