Struts 2.5.2 HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [regist_A

使用Struts2.5.2   学习Action通配符时,出现错误:HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [regist_Action] associated with context path [/wildcard1].

在确保代码无误的情况下,用Struts2.3 JAR包代替后可正常使用,而Struts2.5不行,最后确定是Struts2.5.2 JAR本身的问题。


首先,2.3版本中多了一个Strict DMI,当设置包属性strict-method-invocation="true" 时,Struts会拒绝一切不明确的方法属性包括通配符。(有点难翻译,具体看原文)

而2.5版本中的 Method Invocation(SMI)继承了2.3中的Strict DMI,属性strict-method-invocation被默认设置为true,所以才会出现这个错误。






Strict DMI

In Struts 2.3, an option was added to restrict the methods that DMI can invoke. First, set the attribute strict-method-invocation="true" on your  element. This tells Struts to reject any method that is not explicitly allowed via either the method attribute (including wildcards) or the  tag. Then specify  as a comma-separated list of method names in your . (If you specify a method attribute for your action, you do not need to list it in .)

Note that you can specify  even without strict-method-invocation. This restricts access only for the specific actions that have .

Example struts.xml
xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
     "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN"
< struts >
   < constant name = "struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value = "true" />
   < package name = "default" extends = "struts-default" strict-method-invocation = "true" >
     < action name = "index" class = "org.apache.struts2.examples.actions.Index" >
         < result name = "success" type = "redirectAction" >hello result >
     action >
     < action name = "hello" class = "org.apache.struts2.examples.actions.HelloAction" >
         < result name = "success" >/WEB-INF/content/hello.jsp result >
         < result name = "redisplay" type = "redirectAction" >hello result >
         < allowed-methods >add allowed-methods >
     action >
   package >
struts >

Strict Method Invocation

In Struts 2.5 the Strict DMI was extended and it's called Strict Method Invocation aka SMI. You can imagine that the DMI is a "border police", where SMI is a "tax police" and keeps eye on internals. With this version, SMI is enabled by default (strict-method-invocation attribute is set to true by default in struts-default package), you have option to disable it per package - there is no global switch to disable SMI for the whole application. To gain advantage of new configuration option please use the latest DTD definition:

Struts 2.5 DTD
xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
         "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.5//EN"
< struts >
struts >

SMI works in the following way:

  •  / @AllowedMethods is defined per action - SMI works without switching it on but just for those actions (plus adding )
  • SMI is enabled but no  / @AllowedMethods are defined - SMI works but only with 
  • SMI is disabled - call to any action method is allowed that matches the default RegEx - ([A-Za-z0-9_$]*)

You can redefine the default RegEx by using a constant as follow 

When using wildcard mapping in actions' definitions SMI works in two ways:

  • SMI is disabled - any wildcard will be substituted with the default RegEx, ie.:  will be translated into allowedMethod = "regex:perform([A-Za-z0-9_$]*)".
  • SMI is enabled - no wildcard substitution will happen, you must strictly define which methods can be accessed by annotations or  tag.

You can configure SMI per  using  tag or via @AllowedMethod annotation plus using per  , see the examples below:

SMI via struts.xml
< package ...>
   < global-allowed-methods >execute,input,back,cancel,browse global-allowed-methods >
   < action name = "Bar" >
     < allowed-methods >foo,bar allowed-methods >
   action >
package >
SMI via annotation on action class level
@AllowedMethods ( "end" )
public class ClassLevelAllowedMethodsAction {
     public String execute() {
         return ...
SMI via annotation on package level (in
@org .apache.struts2.convention.annotation.AllowedMethods({ "home" , "start" })
package org.apache.struts2.convention.actions.allowedmethods;

Allowed methods can be defined as:

  • literals ie. in xml: execute,cancel or in annotation: {"execute", "cancel"}

  • patterns when using with wildcard mapping, i.e 
  • RegExs using regex: prefix, ie: execute,input,cancel,regex:user([A-Z]*)

Please be aware when using your own Configurationprovider that the logic to set allowed methods is defined in built-in providers - XmlConfigurationProvider and PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder - and you must replicate such logic in your code as by default only execute method is allowed, even when SMI is disabled.
