

最近刚帮业务线拆分完数据库, 源环境遗留了一张700G的大表, 虽说现在不用了, 但是业务方还是不希望删掉, 于是打算把这张表迁移到归档库, 这样有需要是还可以查询.
700G的表想了想, 如果是逻辑导出再导入的话, 感觉会很慢. 于是决定使用传输表空间方式恢复到归档库中

源库和归档库均为MGR集群 Multi-Primary Mode.


过程简单写, 并非本文重点

xbstream -vx --parallel=10 < mysql_backup_20190618.xbstream -C /rundata/backup/ > /tmp/xb.log 2>&1 &
cd /rundata/backup/datadir
rm 除这张700g表A的所有其他表的qp文件
xtrabackup --decompress --parallel=10 --remove-original --target-dir=/rundata/backup/
innobackupex --apply-log --export /rundata/backup/



mysql> create table A


mysql> alter table A discard tablespace;

3.将上一步产生的 A.ibd A.cfg 传输到归档库MGR集群每一个节点的datadir目录下

chown mysql:mysql A.*
mysql> alter table A import tablespace;

拷贝到所有节点的原因详见 主从传输表空间的坑

此时发现import tablespace卡住了State为System lock, 查看processlist

| Id       | User           | Host                 | db       | Command     | Time     | State                                                         | Info                                                  |
|      370 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 26094679 | executing                                                     | NULL                                                  |
|      373 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     |  3703683 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates        | NULL                                                  |
|      374 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 26094679 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      375 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086256 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      376 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086744 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      377 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086744 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      378 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086744 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      379 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086894 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      380 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086894 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
|      381 | system user    |                      | NULL     | Connect     | 19086903 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                  |
| 33199176 | dbms_monitor_r | 192.168.X.81:38804   | NULL     | Binlog Dump |  7696834 | Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for more updates | NULL                                                  |
| 58758525 | root           | localhost            | archive  | Query       |     1598 | System lock                                                   | ALTER TABLE A IMPORT TABLESPACE                       |
| 58764027 | root           | localhost            | NULL     | Query       |        0 | starting                                                      | show processlist                                      |

查看error log, 发现在阶段1 Update all pages

2019-06-22T06:34:14.173468Z 58758525 [Note] InnoDB: Importing tablespace for table 'origin_db/A' that was exported from host 'Hostname unknown'
2019-06-22T06:34:14.173672Z 58758525 [Note] InnoDB: Phase I - Update all pages

又等了一会, 发现监控任务执行的SQL被阻塞了.

| Id       | User           | Host                 | db                 | Command     | Time     | State                                                         | Info                                                                                                 |
|      370 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 26094907 | executing                                                     | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      373 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     |  3703911 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates        | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      374 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 26094907 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      375 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19086484 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      376 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19086972 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      377 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19086972 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      378 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19086972 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      379 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19087122 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      380 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19087122 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
|      381 | system user    |                      | NULL               | Connect     | 19087131 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator                         | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 33199176 | dbms_monitor_r | 192.168.X.81:38804   | NULL               | Binlog Dump |  7697062 | Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for more updates | NULL                                                                                                 |
| 58758525 | root           | localhost            | archive            | Query       |     1826 | System lock                                                   | ALTER TABLE A IMPORT TABLESPACE                                                                      |
| 58764075 | dbms_monitor_r | 192.168.X.142:41144  | information_schema | Query       |      214 | Waiting for table metadata lock                               | select * from tables                                                                                 |
| 58764750 | dbms_monitor_r | 192.168.X.142:25374  | mysql              | Query       |       18 | Waiting for table metadata lock                               | select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','sys |
| 58764840 | root           | localhost            | NULL               | Query       |        0 | starting                                                      | show processlist                                                                                     |

查看innodb status

[2019-06-22 14:35:11]root@localhost 14:35:02 [(none)]> show engine innodb status\G
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]------------
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]TRANSACTIONS
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]------------
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]Trx id counter 3747414252
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]Purge done for trx's n:o < 3747414158 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]History list length 1
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]---TRANSACTION 422073426655200, not started
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]MySQL thread id 58758525, OS thread handle 140583989245696, query id 6550373059 localhost root System lock
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]ALTER TABLE sales_sku_operation_log IMPORT TABLESPACE
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]---TRANSACTION 3747414146, ACTIVE 57 sec importing tablespace
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]1 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]MySQL thread id 58758525, OS thread handle 140583989245696, query id 6550373059 localhost root System lock
[2019-06-22 14:35:11]ALTER TABLE sales_sku_operation_log IMPORT TABLESPACE

虽然innodb status我已经基本不会看了, 但是从TRANSACTIONS这里也可以看到IMPORT TABLESPACE语句并没有被什么锁阻塞

当时想不明白为啥import tablespace会这么慢, 以为被MGR复制的相关线程阻塞了,或者有什么bug之类的, 怕影响业务(虽说是归档库). 于是我kill了这个import tablespace语句,

kill 58758525;


root@localhost 15:11:53 [mafengwo]> ALTER TABLE sales_sku_operation_log IMPORT TABLESPACE;
ERROR 1815 (HY000): Internal error: Cannot reset LSNs in table `mafengwo`.`sales_sku_operation_log` : Data structure corruption

观察集群三个节点的文件状态发现, 执行ALTER TABLE A IMPORT TABLESPACE语句的节点的A.ibd文件修改时间变了(而其他节点没有变化).

[root@node001189 mafengwo]# ll | grep A
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql         1091 Jun 21 13:20 A.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql        16384 Jun 21 13:20 A.exp
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql         9094 Jun 22 14:11 A.frm
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 799329484800 Jun 21 13:20 A.ibd


[root@node001189 mafengwo]# ll | grep A                     
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql         1091 Jun 21 13:20 A.cfg
-rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql        16384 Jun 21 13:20 A.exp
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 799329484800 Jun 22 15:12 A.ibd --变了



2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Importing tablespace for table 'test/t' that was exported from host 'ubuntu'
2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Phase I - Update all pages
2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Sync to disk
2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Sync to disk - done!
2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Phase III - Flush changes to disk
2013-07-18 15:15:01 34960 [Note] InnoDB: Phase IV - Flush complete

我觉得问题关键在于InnoDB: Phase I - Update all pages到底做了什么, 因为事实上import过程一直卡在这里, 没有进入下一步
google了一圈发现一个类似的问题, 但是并没有答案(现在有了是我回答的)

When ALTER TABLE … IMPORT TABLESPACE is run on the destination instance, the import algorithm performs the following operations for each tablespace being imported:

  • Each tablespace page is checked for corruption.

  • The space ID and log sequence numbers (LSNs) on each page are updated

  • Flags are validated and LSN updated for the header page.

  • Btree pages are updated.

  • The page state is set to dirty so that it is written to disk.


Import algorithm
We scan the blocks in extents and modify individual blocks rather than using 
logical index structure.

foreach page in tablespace {
  1. Check each page for corruption.

  2. Update the space id and LSN on every page  --I think this is what "InnoDB: Phase I - Update all pages" does
     * For the header page
       - Validate the flags
       - Update the LSN

  3. On Btree pages
     * Set the index id
     * Update the max trx id
     * In a cluster index, update the system columns
     * In a cluster index, update the BLOB ptr, set the space id
     * Purge delete marked records, but only if they can be easily
       removed from the page
     * Keep a counter of number of rows, ie. non-delete-marked rows
     * Keep a counter of number of delete marked rows
     * Keep a counter of number of purge failure
     * If a page is stamped with an index id that isn't in the .cfg file
       we assume it is deleted and the page can be ignored.
     * We can't tell free pages from allocated paes (for now). Therefore
       the assumption is that the free pages are either empty or are logically
       consistent. TODO: Cache the extent bitmap and check free pages.

   4. Set the page state to dirty so that it will be written to disk.

还有一个文档, 不过感觉不如上面两个说的明白

InnoDB: Phase I - Update all pages 阶段执行的就是 (按extend扫描整个表, 修改每个page的LSN等)

  2. Update the space id and LSN on every page
     * For the header page
       - Validate the flags
       - Update the LSN

这一步一定很耗时, 查看监控, 也确实发现执行ALTER TABLE A IMPORT TABLESPACE的节点再这个时间段IO有明显上升


无论主从复制, PXC 还是 MGR ,本质都是应用binlog

示例, 与之前的操作无关

/usr/local/mysql-5.7.23-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/mysqlbinlog -vv --base64-output=decode-rows 0242133310-relay-bin-group_replication_applier.000002|less

SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '88f93f74-ed3a-50c0-bc63-beb926cedcb5:1033040'/*!*/;
# at 15134136
#190621 10:45:09 server id 242123310  end_log_pos 126   Query   thread_id=4948397       exec_time=0     error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1561085109/*!*/;
alter table t_monitor_sync_delay DISCARD TABLESPACE
# at 15134262
#190227 16:34:38 server id 242123310  end_log_pos 61    GTID    last_committed=196812   sequence_number=196813  rbr_only=no
SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= '88f93f74-ed3a-50c0-bc63-beb926cedcb5:1033041'/*!*/;
# at 15134323
#190621 10:46:21 server id 242123310  end_log_pos 125   Query   thread_id=4948487       exec_time=0     error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1561085181/*!*/;
alter table t_monitor_sync_delay import tablespace
# at 15134448
#190227 16:34:38 server id 242123310  end_log_pos 61    GTID    last_committed=198535   sequence_number=198536  rbr_only=no

可以看到binlog中其实只记录了alter table t_monitor_sync_delay DISCARD TABLESPACEalter table t_monitor_sync_delay import tablespace两个语句, 并没有对这张表的INSERT语句

我们假设发起import tablespace的节点最终话费1小时更新了所有A表pages的LSN和其他信息, 成功的跑完了import tablespace语句.

当其他节点应用到这个import tablespace语句是就也要花费1小时去做相同的操作, 那面后面的事务是否就需要等待这个import tablespace执行完毕呢?



create table A


stop group_replication
set read_only=1, 确保没有数据写入
set sql_log_bin=0
alter table A discard tablespace
alter table A import tablespace
set sql_log_bin=1
start group_replication
