

图像金字塔 ——》对每一级图像进行hog提取特征——》svm分类(是否存在人脸)


执行  frontal_face_detector detector = get_frontal_face_detector();  调用 frontal_face_detection.h 19:

typedef object_detector > > frontal_face_detector;
    inline const std::string get_serialized_frontal_faces();
    inline frontal_face_detector get_frontal_face_detector()
        std::istringstream sin(get_serialized_frontal_faces());
        frontal_face_detector detector;
        deserialize(detector, sin); 
        return detector;

执行 deserialize(detector, sin);   调用 object_detector.h  240:

    void deserialize (
        object_detector& item,
        std::istream& in 
        int version = 0;
        deserialize(version, in);
        if (version == 1)
            deserialize(item.scanner, in);
            deserialize(item.w[0].w, in);
            deserialize(item.boxes_overlap, in);
        else if (version == 2)
            deserialize(item.scanner, in);
            deserialize(item.boxes_overlap, in);
            unsigned long num_detectors = 0;
            deserialize(num_detectors, in);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < item.w.size(); ++i)
                deserialize(item.w[i].w, in);
            throw serialization_error("Unexpected version encountered while deserializing a dlib::object_detector object.");

执行253 deserialize(item.scanner, in); 调用 scan_fhog_pyramid.h 495:

    void deserialize (
        scan_fhog_pyramid& item,
        std::istream& in 
        int version = 0;
        deserialize(version, in);
        if (version != 1)
            throw serialization_error("Unsupported version found when deserializing a scan_fhog_pyramid object.");

        deserialize(item.fe, in);
        deserialize(item.feats, in);
        deserialize(item.cell_size, in);
        deserialize(item.padding, in);
        deserialize(item.window_width, in);
        deserialize(item.window_height, in);
        deserialize(item.max_pyramid_levels, in);
        deserialize(item.min_pyramid_layer_width, in);
        deserialize(item.min_pyramid_layer_height, in);
        deserialize(item.nuclear_norm_regularization_strength, in);

        // When developing some feature extractor, it's easy to accidentally change its
        // number of dimensions and then try to deserialize data from an older version of
        // your extractor into the current code.  This check is here to catch that kind of
        // user error.
        long dims;
        deserialize(dims, in);
        if (item.get_num_dimensions() != dims)
            throw serialization_error("Number of dimensions in serialized scan_fhog_pyramid doesn't match the expected number.");

基本参数,fe, feats,cell_size,padding, window_width, window_height等


执行254 deserialize(item.boxes_overlap, in); 调用 box_overlap_testing.h 136

inline void deserialize (
        test_box_overlap& item,
        std::istream& in 
        double percent_covered_thresh, iou_thresh;
        deserialize(iou_thresh, in);
        deserialize(percent_covered_thresh, in);
        item = test_box_overlap(iou_thresh, percent_covered_thresh);

num_detectors = 5  //front, left,right, front left rotated, front right rotated人脸的五面

for (unsigned long i = 0; i < item.w.size(); ++i)
                deserialize(item.w[i].w, in);

对w进行赋值, w的size = 5







调用 interpolation.h 1602

if (image_size(in_img) == 0)
            set_image_size(out_img, 0, 0);

        rectangle rect = get_rect(in_img);
        rectangle uprect = pyr.rect_up(rect);
        if (uprect.is_empty())
            set_image_size(out_img, 0, 0);
        set_image_size(out_img, uprect.bottom()+1, uprect.right()+1);

        resize_image(in_img, out_img, interp);



std::vector dets = detector(img);

调用object_detector.h 505

    template <
        typename image_scanner_type
    template <
        typename image_type
    std::vector object_detector::
    operator() (
        const image_type& img,
        double adjust_threshold
        std::vector dets;

        std::vector final_dets(dets.size());
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets.size(); ++i)
            final_dets[i] = dets[i].rect;

        return final_dets;

执行507 (*this)(img,dets,adjust_threshold);   调用 object_detector.h 432:

 template <
        typename image_scanner_type
    template <
        typename image_type
    void object_detector::
    operator() (
        const image_type& img,
        std::vector& final_dets,
        double adjust_threshold
        scanner.load(img);          //执行完此句,图像金字塔建立完成,每张图像尺寸都是上一个图像的5/6
        std::vector > dets;
        std::vector dets_accum;
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i)
            const double thresh = w[i].w(scanner.get_num_dimensions());
            scanner.detect(w[i].get_detect_argument(), dets, thresh + adjust_threshold);
            for (unsigned long j = 0; j < dets.size(); ++j)
                rect_detection temp;
                temp.detection_confidence = dets[j].first-thresh;
                temp.weight_index = i;
                temp.rect = dets[j].second;

        // Do non-max suppression
        if (w.size() > 1)
            std::sort(dets_accum.rbegin(), dets_accum.rend());
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dets_accum.size(); ++i)
            if (overlaps_any_box(final_dets, dets_accum[i].rect))


执行433    scanner.load(img); 调用 scan_fhog_pyramid.h 630:

 template <
        typename Pyramid_type,
        typename feature_extractor_type
    template <
        typename image_type
    void scan_fhog_pyramid::
    load (
        const image_type& img
        unsigned long width, height;
        compute_fhog_window_size(width,height); //10*10
        impl::create_fhog_pyramid(img, fe, feats, cell_size, height,
            width, min_pyramid_layer_width, min_pyramid_layer_height,

执行632    compute_fhog_window_size(width,height);     调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 355

inline void compute_fhog_window_size(
            unsigned long& width,
            unsigned long& height
        ) const
            const rectangle rect = centered_rect(point(0,0),window_width,window_height); //得到中心点为point的矩形
            const rectangle temp = grow_rect(fe.image_to_feats(rect, cell_size, 1, 1), padding);
            width = temp.width();
            height = temp.height();

执行357                                                                                          调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h  28

inline rectangle image_to_feats (
            const rectangle& rect,
            int cell_size,
            int filter_rows_padding,
            int filter_cols_padding
        ) const
            return image_to_fhog(rect, cell_size, filter_rows_padding, filter_cols_padding);

执行28                                                                                        调用fhog.h

inline rectangle image_to_fhog (
        const rectangle& rect,
        int cell_size = 8,
        int filter_rows_padding = 1,
        int filter_cols_padding = 1
        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT( cell_size > 0 &&
            filter_rows_padding > 0 &&
            filter_cols_padding > 0 ,
            "\t rectangle image_to_fhog()"
            << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function. "
            << "\n\t cell_size: " << cell_size 
            << "\n\t filter_rows_padding: " << filter_rows_padding 
            << "\n\t filter_cols_padding: " << filter_cols_padding 

        return rectangle(image_to_fhog(rect.tl_corner(),cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding),


inline point image_to_fhog (
        point p,
        int cell_size = 8,
        int filter_rows_padding = 1,
        int filter_cols_padding = 1
        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT( cell_size > 0 &&
            filter_rows_padding > 0 &&
            filter_cols_padding > 0 ,
            "\t point image_to_fhog()"
            << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function. "
            << "\n\t cell_size: " << cell_size 
            << "\n\t filter_rows_padding: " << filter_rows_padding 
            << "\n\t filter_cols_padding: " << filter_cols_padding 

        // There is a one pixel border around the image.
        p -= point(1,1);
        // There is also a 1 "cell" border around the HOG image formation.
        return p/cell_size - point(1,1) + point((filter_cols_padding-1)/2,(filter_rows_padding-1)/2);



const rectangle temp = grow_rect(fe.image_to_feats(rect, cell_size, 1, 1), padding);


inline const rectangle grow_rect (
        const rectangle& rect,
        long num 
        return shrink_rect(rect, -num);
    inline const rectangle shrink_rect (
        const rectangle& rect,
        long num 
        return rectangle(rect.left()+num, rect.top()+num, rect.right()-num, rect.bottom()-num);
执行impl::create_fhog_pyramid(img, fe, feats, cell_size, height,
            width, min_pyramid_layer_width, min_pyramid_layer_height,

调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 574:

namespace impl
        template <
            typename pyramid_type,
            typename image_type,
            typename feature_extractor_type
        void create_fhog_pyramid (
            const image_type& img,
            const feature_extractor_type& fe,
            array > >& feats,
            int cell_size,
            int filter_rows_padding,
            int filter_cols_padding,
            unsigned long min_pyramid_layer_width,
            unsigned long min_pyramid_layer_height,
            unsigned long max_pyramid_levels
            unsigned long levels = 0;
            rectangle rect = get_rect(img);
            //生成金字塔图像, levels表示多少级, 图像最小是64*64
            // figure out how many pyramid levels we should be using based on the image size
            pyramid_type pyr;
                rect = pyr.rect_down(rect);
            } while (rect.width() >= min_pyramid_layer_width && rect.height() >= min_pyramid_layer_height &&
                levels < max_pyramid_levels);

            if (feats.max_size() < levels)
            feats.set_size(levels);   //我的输入图像是1024*1024, feats_size = 20

            // build our feature pyramid
            fe(img, feats[0], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);
            DLIB_ASSERT(feats[0].size() == fe.get_num_planes(), 
                "Invalid feature extractor used with dlib::scan_fhog_pyramid.  The output does not have the \n"
                "indicated number of planes.");

            if (feats.size() > 1)
                typedef typename image_traits::pixel_type pixel_type;
                array2d temp1, temp2;
                pyr(img, temp1);
                fe(temp1, feats[1], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);

                for (unsigned long i = 2; i < feats.size(); ++i)
                    pyr(temp2, temp1);
                    fe(temp1, feats[i], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);

执行    fe(img, feats[0], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);    调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 51

template <
            typename image_type
        void operator()(
            const image_type& img, 
            dlib::array >& hog, 
            int cell_size,
            int filter_rows_padding,
            int filter_cols_padding
        ) const

extract_fhog_features 调用 fhog.h中

template <
        typename image_type, 
        typename T, 
        typename mm1, 
        typename mm2
    void extract_fhog_features(
        const image_type& img, 
        dlib::array,mm2>& hog, 
        int cell_size = 8,
        int filter_rows_padding = 1,
        int filter_cols_padding = 1
        impl_fhog::impl_extract_fhog_features(img, hog, cell_size, filter_rows_padding, filter_cols_padding);
        // If the image is too small then the above function outputs an empty feature map.
        // But to make things very uniform in usage we require the output to still have the
        // 31 planes (but they are just empty).
        if (hog.size() == 0)

调用fhog.h 709



//结束 impl_fhog::impl_extract_fhog_features


 执行    pyr(img, temp1);


//结束 scanner.load

执行    const double thresh = w[i].w(scanner.get_num_dimensions());       调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 708

 template <
        typename Pyramid_type,
        typename feature_extractor_type
    long scan_fhog_pyramid::
    get_num_dimensions (
    ) const
        unsigned long width, height;
        return width*height*fe.get_num_planes();   //width = 10, height = 10, fe.get_num_planes() = 31

执行 const double thresh = w[i].w(scanner.get_num_dimensions()); //scanner.get_num_dimensions()=3100=10*10*31

 执行 scanner.detect(w[i].get_detect_argument(), dets, thresh + adjust_threshold); 调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 1209, 839:

template <
        typename Pyramid_type,
        typename feature_extractor_type
    struct processed_weight_vector >

        typedef matrix feature_vector_type;
        typedef typename scan_fhog_pyramid::fhog_filterbank fhog_filterbank;

        void init (
            const scan_fhog_pyramid& scanner
            fb = scanner.build_fhog_filterbank(w);

        const fhog_filterbank& get_detect_argument() const { return fb; }

        feature_vector_type w;
        fhog_filterbank fb;

template <
        typename Pyramid_type,
        typename feature_extractor_type
    void scan_fhog_pyramid::
    detect (
        const fhog_filterbank& w,
        std::vector >& dets,
        const double thresh
    ) const
        // make sure requires clause is not broken
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_loaded_with_image() &&
                    w.get_num_dimensions() == get_num_dimensions(), 
            "\t void scan_fhog_pyramid::detect()"
            << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function "
            << "\n\t is_loaded_with_image(): " << is_loaded_with_image()
            << "\n\t w.get_num_dimensions(): " << w.get_num_dimensions()
            << "\n\t get_num_dimensions():   " << get_num_dimensions()
            << "\n\t this: " << this

        unsigned long width, height;
        impl::detect_from_fhog_pyramid(feats, fe, w, thresh,
            height-2*padding, width-2*padding, cell_size, height, width, dets);


 impl::detect_from_fhog_pyramid(feats, fe, w, thresh,
            height-2*padding, width-2*padding, cell_size, height, width, dets);
       调用scan_fhog_pyramid.h 778:
 template <
            typename pyramid_type,
            typename feature_extractor_type,
            typename fhog_filterbank
        void detect_from_fhog_pyramid (
            const array > >& feats,
            const feature_extractor_type& fe,
            const fhog_filterbank& w,
            const double thresh,
            const unsigned long det_box_height,
            const unsigned long det_box_width,
            const int cell_size,
            const int filter_rows_padding,
            const int filter_cols_padding,
            std::vector >& dets
            dets.clear(); //检测器初始化

            array2d saliency_image;  //显著图
            pyramid_type pyr;

            // for all pyramid levels 遍历所有金字塔图像
            for (unsigned long l = 0; l < feats.size(); ++l)
                const rectangle area = apply_filters_to_fhog(w, feats[l], saliency_image); //得到显著图,区域

                // now search the saliency image for any detections
                for (long r = area.top(); r <= area.bottom(); ++r)
                    for (long c = area.left(); c <= area.right(); ++c)
                        // if we found a detection
                        if (saliency_image[r][c] >= thresh)
                        {    //该区域位置
                            rectangle rect = fe.feats_to_image(centered_rect(point(c,r),det_box_width,det_box_height), 
                                cell_size, filter_rows_padding, filter_cols_padding);
                            rect = pyr.rect_up(rect, l);//图像放大到原图
                            dets.push_back(std::make_pair(saliency_image[r][c], rect));

            std::sort(dets.rbegin(), dets.rend(), compare_pair_rect); //根据分数排序

执行 const rectangle area = apply_filters_to_fhog(w, feats[l], saliency_image);  调用 scan_fhog_pyramid.h 421:

namespace impl
        rectangle apply_filters_to_fhog (
            const fhog_filterbank& w,
            const array >& feats,
            array2d& saliency_image
            const unsigned long num_separable_filters = w.num_separable_filters(); //61
            rectangle area;
            // use the separable filters(row filter and col filter)if they would be faster than running the regular filters(二维filter).
            if (num_separable_filters > w.filters.size()*std::min(w.filters[0].nr(),w.filters[0].nc())/3.0)
                area = spatially_filter_image(feats[0], saliency_image, w.filters[0]);
                for (unsigned long i = 1; i < w.filters.size(); ++i)
                    // now we filter but the output adds to saliency_image rather than
                    // overwriting it.
                    spatially_filter_image(feats[i], saliency_image, w.filters[i], 1, false, true);
                array2d scratch;

                // find the first filter to apply
                unsigned long i = 0;
                while (i < w.row_filters.size() && w.row_filters[i].size() == 0) 

                for (; i < w.row_filters.size(); ++i)
                    for (unsigned long j = 0; j < w.row_filters[i].size(); ++j)
                        if (saliency_image.size() == 0)
                            area = float_spatially_filter_image_separable(feats[i], saliency_image, w.row_filters[i][j], w.col_filters[i][j],scratch,false);
                            area = float_spatially_filter_image_separable(feats[i], saliency_image, w.row_filters[i][j], w.col_filters[i][j],scratch,true);
                if (saliency_image.size() == 0)
                    saliency_image.set_size(feats[0].nr(), feats[0].nc());
                    assign_all_pixels(saliency_image, 0);
            return area;

FILT(r,c) == col_filter(r)*row_filter(c)  //二维卷积和行、列卷积间的关系

执行 const unsigned long num_separable_filters = w.num_separable_filters(); 调用 scan_fhog_pyramid.h 223:

unsigned long num_separable_filters() const 
                unsigned long num = 0;
                for (unsigned long i = 0; i < row_filters.size(); ++i)
                    num += row_filters[i].size();
                return num; //61

执行 area = float_spatially_filter_image_separable(feats[i], saliency_image, w.row_filters[i][j], w.col_filters[i][j],scratch,false); 调用 spatial_filtering.h 571:

template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type,
        typename EXP1,
        typename EXP2
    rectangle float_spatially_filter_image_separable (
        const in_image_type& in_img_,
        out_image_type& out_img_,
        const matrix_exp& _row_filter,
        const matrix_exp& _col_filter,
        out_image_type& scratch_,
        bool add_to = false
        // You can only use this function with images and filters containing float
        // variables.
        COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_float_filtering::value == true));

        const_temp_matrix row_filter(_row_filter);
        const_temp_matrix col_filter(_col_filter);
        DLIB_ASSERT(row_filter.size() != 0 && col_filter.size() != 0 &&
            is_vector(row_filter) &&
            "\trectangle float_spatially_filter_image_separable()"
            << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
            << "\n\t row_filter.size(): "<< row_filter.size()
            << "\n\t col_filter.size(): "<< col_filter.size()
            << "\n\t is_vector(row_filter): "<< is_vector(row_filter)
            << "\n\t is_vector(col_filter): "<< is_vector(col_filter)
        DLIB_ASSERT(is_same_object(in_img_, out_img_) == false,
            "\trectangle float_spatially_filter_image_separable()"
            << "\n\tYou must give two different image objects"

        const_image_view in_img(in_img_);
        image_view out_img(out_img_);

        // if there isn't any input image then don't do anything
        if (in_img.size() == 0)
            return rectangle();
        // figure out the range that we should apply the filter to 
        const long first_row = col_filter.size()/2;
        const long first_col = row_filter.size()/2;
        const long last_row = in_img.nr() - ((col_filter.size()-1)/2);
        const long last_col = in_img.nc() - ((row_filter.size()-1)/2);

        const rectangle non_border = rectangle(first_col, first_row, last_col-1, last_row-1);
        if (!add_to)
            zero_border_pixels(out_img, non_border); 

        image_view scratch(scratch_);
        scratch.set_size(in_img.nr(), in_img.nc());

        // apply the row filter行卷积
        for (long r = 0; r < in_img.nr(); ++r)
            long c = first_col;
            for (; c < last_col-7; c+=8)
                simd8f p,p2,p3, temp = 0, temp2=0, temp3=0;
                long n = 0;
                for (; n < row_filter.size()-2; n+=3)
                    // pull out the current pixel and put it into p
                    temp += p*row_filter(n);
                    temp2 += p2*row_filter(n+1);
                    temp3 += p3*row_filter(n+2);
                for (; n < row_filter.size(); ++n)
                    // pull out the current pixel and put it into p
                    temp += p*row_filter(n);
                temp += temp2 + temp3;
            for (; c < last_col; ++c)
                float p;
                float temp = 0;
                for (long n = 0; n < row_filter.size(); ++n)
                    // pull out the current pixel and put it into p
                    p = in_img[r][c-first_col+n];
                    temp += p*row_filter(n);
                scratch[r][c] = temp;

        // apply the column filter 列卷积
        for (long r = first_row; r < last_row; ++r)
            long c = first_col;
            for (; c < last_col-7; c+=8)
                simd8f p, p2, p3, temp = 0, temp2 = 0, temp3 = 0;
                long m = 0;
                for (; m < col_filter.size()-2; m+=3)
                    temp += p*col_filter(m);
                    temp2 += p2*col_filter(m+1);
                    temp3 += p3*col_filter(m+2);
                for (; m < col_filter.size(); ++m)
                    temp += p*col_filter(m);
                temp += temp2+temp3;

                // save this pixel to the output image
                if (add_to == false)
                    temp += p;
            for (; c < last_col; ++c)
                float temp = 0;
                for (long m = 0; m < col_filter.size(); ++m)
                    temp += scratch[r-first_row+m][c]*col_filter(m);

                // save this pixel to the output image
                if (add_to == false)
                    out_img[r][c] = temp;
                    out_img[r][c] += temp;
        return non_border;
