Big csv file spliter

# variable used to store the path of the source CSV file

#1) Change line 3 to suit the file path for your CSV file.

#$filepath = "S:\AMS_IT\Application Support\JDEdwards\FSPAllocation\Lighthouse Energy Limited FSP Allocation - Wells.csv"

#2) Change the value for "MaxLines", which is the maximum number of lines in each output file. Preferably, MaxLines < 5000 .

$filepath = "C:\_Staging\==20180430_Supercharged Energy\Supercharged Energy FSP Allocation - Indeserve.csv"
$file = Get-Item $filepath
$content = Get-Content $file
$csvheader = $content[0]
$lines = $content.Count
$MaxLines = 4000
$filepart = 1
$start = 1
Write-Output "test1"
Write-Output "header :"  $csvheader;
Write-Output "lines :"  $lines;
while ($start -lt $lines - 1) {
    #Set minimum $end value (last line)
    if ($start + $minlines -le $lines - 1) { $end = $start + $MaxLines - 1 } else { $end = $lines - 1 }
    Write-Output "end :"  $end;
    #Create new csv-part
    $filename = $file.FullName.Replace($file.BaseName, ($file.BaseName + ".part$filepart"))
    @($content[$start..$end]) | Set-Content $filename -Encoding 'UTF8'
    #Fix counters
    $start = $end + 1
    Write-Output "filepart :"  $filepart;
    Write-Output "start :"  $start;

你可能感兴趣的:(Big csv file spliter)