"Missing Push Notification Entitlement"警告-----以及解决方法


Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature’s entitlements do not include the “aps-environment” entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the “aps-environment” entitlement. See “Provisioning and Development” in the Local and Push Notification Programming Guide for more information. If your app does not use the Apple Push Notification service, no action is required. You may remove the API from future submissions to stop this warning. If you use a third-party framework, you may need to contact the developer for information on removing the API.



首先看邮件就知道问题所在,你的App IDs中打开了Push Notification功能,也就是推送,但是在软件中并没有用到推送这个功能,这里有两种方法:

1.你可以登陆到开发者中心https://developer.apple.com,找到相应应用的App IDs,点击Edit,关闭Push Notifications功能。如下图

2.要是用第一种方法的话,以后要添加这个功能的时候还要重新设置,重新编辑修改app ids,然后重新生成证书,有点麻烦。相比之下,第二种方法就没有那么麻烦了,只需要在xcode中添加一句话(DISABLE_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS=1)就行,如下

