Typora系列之Quick Start-Markdown Reference

        最近发现了 Markdown 这种从来没有接触过的写作方式,看起来很厉害的样子。于是用了一个周末的时间研究了好几个 Markdown 写作软件,如Markdown 2,Yu writer,Typora等,综合对比 Typora 最符合我的口味,该软件目前还在内测阶段,有Mac,Windows 和 Linux 版本。

Typora 官网 -> https://typora.io/

Typora 官方文档 -> https://support.typora.io/

        下面的代码是根据 Markdown Reference 学习的源码,由于 CSDN 的 Markdown 与 Typora 有所出入,所以此处就不贴出 Typora-learning.md 文件,感兴趣的童鞋可以到博主 GitHub 目录下查看/下载相应资料:




# Block Elements

## Paragraph and line breaks


按下Shift + Enter 可创建一个换行符。但是,大多数markdown解析器会忽略单行换行,让其他markdown解析器识别您的换行符,您可以在行末留出两个空格,或者插入
## Headers 创建一级到六级标题 ```markdown # 标题1 ## 标题2 ... ###### 标题6 ``` 快捷键: ![标题快捷键](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\标题快捷键.png) ## Blockquotes 使用 '>' 符号 ```markdown > This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. This is first paragraph. ``` > This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. This is first paragraph. > > This is second pragraph.Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. > > This is another blockquote with one paragraph. There is three empty line to seperate two blockquote. > > 在引用中再次引用 > > > 二级引用第一段 > > > > 二级引用第二段 > > > > > 三级引用第一段 > > > > > > ... 源码: ```markdown > This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. This is first paragraph. > > This is second pragraph.Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. > > This is another blockquote with one paragraph. There is three empty line to seperate two blockquote. > > 在引用中再次引用 > > > 二级引用第一段 > > > > 二级引用第二段 > > > > > 三级引用第一段 > > > > > > ... ``` ## Lists 无序列表:使用 '*','+','-' 有序列表:使用 '1.','2.',... ### un-ordered list + Red + Green + Block + Yellow + Blue 源码: ```markdown + Red + Green + Block + Yellow + Blue ``` **注: 快捷键 Ctrl + / 切换视图为源代码模式** ### ordered list 1. Red 1. Green 1. Block 2. Yellow 1. Blue 源码: ```markdown 1. Red 1. Green 1. Block 2. Yellow 1. Blue ``` ## Task list 创建任务列表形式的条目 - [x] A task list item - [ ] list syntax required - [ ] normal **formatting** , @mentions, #1234 refs - [x] incomplete - [ ] complete 源码: ```markdown - [x] A task list item - [ ] list syntax required - [ ] normal **formatting** , @mentions, #1234 refs - [x] incomplete - [ ] complete ``` ## (Fenced) Code Blocks Typora 仅支持 GitHub 格式的代码块,而不支持 Markdown 原始代码块的格式。 使用 Fence 创建代码块:使用连续的三个 '```',Typora 将把其之后的行解析成代码块。 ```markdown Code block line 1 ``` 设置代码块语言:'```Python' ```python import Serial ... ``` ## Math Blocks 创建公式:两个连续的 '$$' Input `$$`, then press ‘Return’ key will trigger an input field which accept *Tex/LaTex* source. $$ \mathbf{V}_1 \times \mathbf{V}_2 = \begin{vmatrix} \mathbf{i} & \mathbf{j} & \mathbf{k} \\ \frac{\partial X}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial u} & 0 \\ \frac{\partial X}{\partial v} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial v} & 0 \\ \end{vmatrix} $$ 源码: ```markdown $$ \mathbf{V}_1 \times \mathbf{V}_2 = \begin{vmatrix} \mathbf{i} & \mathbf{j} & \mathbf{k} \\ \frac{\partial X}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial u} & 0 \\ \frac{\partial X}{\partial v} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial v} & 0 \\ \end{vmatrix} $$ ``` ## Tables Input `| First Header | Second Header |` and press `return` key will create a table with two column. ### 使用源码格式建立表格: 切换到Markdown源码视图输入下面的代码块 ```markdown | Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned | | :------------ |:---------------:| -----:| | col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | zebra stripes | are neat | $1 | ``` 再切换回标准视图可以看到如下表格 | Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned | | :------------ |:---------------:| -----:| | col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 | | col 2 is | centered | $12 | | zebra stripes | are neat | $1 | ### 使用 Typora 快速建立表格 **快捷键:Ctrl + T**,可以快速设置对齐方式,而不是使用 ':' 与 '-' 结合的方法 | | | | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | | | | | | | | | | | | ## Footnotes You can create footnates like this[^1] and that[^2] . [^1]: Here is the *this* of the **footnote** [^2]: Here is the *that* of the **footnote** 源码: ```markdown You can create footnates like this[^1] and that[^2] . [^1]: Here is the *this* of the **footnote** [^2]: Here is the *that* of the **footnote** ``` ## Horizontal Rules 创建水平分割线:'***' 或 '---' 例如: *** --- 源码: ``` *** --- ``` ## YAML Front Matters Typora support [YAML Front Matters](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) now. Input `---` at the top of the article and then press `Enter` will introduce one. Or insert one metadata block from the menu. **注:快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + L 隐藏/显示侧边栏** ## Table of Contents(TOC) 输入 '[toc]' 按 enter 键会生成本文档的目录 **切换到源码模式,可以看到本文在开头添加了 `[TOC]`,用于生成本文的目录结构,且随着文章修改而自动更新** # Span Element ## Links Markdown 支持两种类型的 links: inline 和 reference 两种模式的链接名称都使用 [] 包含 This is [an example](https://www.baidu.com "百度一下") inline link. [This link](https://www.baidu.com) has no title attribute. 源码: ```markdown This is [an example](https://www.baidu.com "百度一下") inline link. [This link](https://www.baidu.com) has no title attribute. ``` ### Internal Links(内部引用) Command(on Windows: Ctrl) + Click [This link](https://support.typora.io/Markdown-Reference/#block-elements) will jump to header `Block Elements`. To see how to write that, please move cursor or click that link with `⌘` key pressed to expand the element into markdown source. ### Reference Links 可以先创建一个连接,[] 中的内容用一个“变量”代替,然后在本文章的任意位置均可以对该“变量”进行赋值,设置其网址和标题,如下: This is [an example][id] reference-style link. Then, anywhere in the document, you define your link label like this, on a line by itself: [id]: http://example.com/ "Optional Title Here" 源码: ```markdown This is [an example][id] reference-style link. Then, anywhere in the document, you define your link label like this, on a line by itself: [id]: http://example.com/ "Optional Title Here" ``` 也可以将中括号内空出来,仅使用连接名称作为“变量”去赋值: [Baidu][] And then difine the link: [Baidu]:http://www.baidu.com/ 源码: ```markdown [Google][] And then define the link: [Google]:http://google.com ``` ## URLs Typora 可以插入 URLs 作为链接,由 <> 包含 `` becomes [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). ``的地址是:www.baidu.com ## Images ### 快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + I 手动编辑 `![xxx](//path)`或使用快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + I ![蓝色经典](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\蓝色经典.jpg) 源码: ```markdown ![蓝色经典](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\蓝色经典.jpg) ``` ### 直接将图片拖进文章 此方式将自动地创建图片的链接信息 ![wallhaven-133008](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\wallhaven-133008.jpg) 源码: ```markdown ![wallhaven-133008](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\wallhaven-133008.jpg) ``` ## Emphasis 设置斜体突出显示,快捷键:Ctrl + I,或手输 `*xxx*` 或 `_xxxx_` *single asterisks* _single underscores_ 源码: ```markdown *single asterisks* _single underscores_ ``` **注:若需要使用`*`等特殊符号作为文本显示,则需要使用`\`对其进行转义** ## Strong 设置粗体突出显示,快捷键:Ctrl + B,或手输`**xxxx**` ## Code `` `符号用于代码引用 **注:在行内的代码块引用使用两个`` ` 包含文本,如:** ```markdown `code` ``code`` ``` ## Strikethrough 为文本添加删除线,使用`Shift` + `` `键,在文本两端添加 '~~' 符号 `Mistaken text.` becomes ~~Mistaken text~~ 源码: ```markdown `Mistaken text.` becomes ~~Mistaken text~~ ``` ## Underlines 为文本添加下划线:`xxx` `Underline` becomes Underline. 源码: ```markdown `Underline` becomes Underline. ``` ## Emoji:happy: `smile` -> :smile: `satified`-> :satisfied: ...... 源码: ```markdown `smile` -> :smile: `satified`-> :satisfied: ``` **以下功能需要开启 Markdown 扩展功能,在 Typora 中设置路径:** **文件->偏好设置->Markdown扩展语法->全部勾选** ![Markdown扩展语法](E:\OneDrive\GitHub\Markdown-Learning\Picture\Markdown 扩展语法.png) ## Inline Math $\lim_{x \to \infty} \exp(-x) = 0$ 源码: ``` $\lim_{x \to \infty} \exp(-x) = 0$ ``` ## Subscript 下标设置:使用`~`包含下标文本 H~2~O X~long~ 源码: ```markdown H~2~O X~long~ ``` ## Superscript 上标设置:使用`^`包含上标文本 X^2^ 源码: ```markdown X^2^ ``` ## Highlight 高亮设置:使用`==`包含高亮文本 Here is the *test* of ==footnote.== 源码: ```markdown Here is the *test* of ==footnote.== ```
