GitHub 重磅更新,可以创建免费私有仓库了

GitHub 重磅更新,可以创建免费私有仓库了_第1张图片

Today we’re announcing two major updates to make GitHub more accessible to developers: unlimited free private repositories, and a simpler, unified Enterprise offering. We’re excited about these updates to our Free and Enterprise offerings:

  • GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories. For the first time, developers can use GitHub for their private projects with up to three collaborators per repository for free. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it publicly. Starting today, those scenarios, and many more, are possible on GitHub at no cost. Public repositories are still free (of course—no changes there) and include unlimited collaborators.

  • GitHub Enterprise is the new unified product for Enterprise Cloud (formerly GitHub Business Cloud) and Enterprise Server (formerly GitHub Enterprise). Organizations that want the flexibility to use GitHub in a cloud or self-hosted configuration can now access both at one per-seat price. And with GitHub Connect, these products can be securely linked, providing a hybrid option so developers can work seamlessly across both environments.



昨天, 2019.01.07,GitHub 官网宣布,GitHub 两大更新

  • 个人可以免费创建私有仓库了,并且数量无限制,不过有一个限制就是,免费的私有仓库同时最多只能有三个协作者,不过,这对于个人开发者和小团队足矣。

  • GitHub 企业升级了,统一了原 GitHub 业务云 和 GitHub企业。方便开发人员可以无缝地在两种环境中工作。



GitHub 此次更新对于我们个人开发者有什么好处呢?

  • 可以免费创建私有仓库了,如果你之前购买了套餐,赶紧取更改吧,这样一年下来可以剩下 84 美元了,给 GitHub 点赞,给微软点赞。虽然免费的私有仓库最多只能同时三个人写作,但已经足够了。是免费的,你还想咋的。

GitHub 重磅更新,可以创建免费私有仓库了_第2张图片

  • 开发人员可以在原 GitHub 业务云 和 GitHub企业无缝切换了,不过,这对于我们国内的程序猿的用处并不那么大,因为我们一般也不会将公司项目托管到 GitHub,对于国外的,意义应该更重大一点。不过,还是要给 GitHub 点赞。


GitHub 宣布个人可以免费创建私有仓库了,虽然这可能让 GitHub 的收入变少,但确实是一个更加善意的举措,也有更大的战略性考虑。这些个人开发者或者创业团队,未来很有可能是 GitHub 的重大客户,给 GitHub 带来更庞大的意义。

最后,给 GitHub 点赞,有什么看法的,也欢迎在评论区一起探讨

GitHub 重磅更新,可以创建免费私有仓库了_第3张图片

