Android A/B System OTA分析(三)主系统和bootloader的通信

Android从7.0开始引入新的OTA升级方式,A/B System Updates,这里将其叫做A/B系统,涉及的内容较多,分多篇对A/B系统的各个方面进行分析。本文为第三篇,主系统和bootloader的通信。

本文基于AOSP 7.1.1_r23 (NMF27D)代码进行分析。

1. 传统系统的沟通机制


struct bootloader_message {
    char command[32];
    char status[32];
    char recovery[768];

    /* The 'recovery' field used to be 1024 bytes.  It has only ever
     * been used to store the recovery command line, so 768 bytes
     * should be plenty.  We carve off the last 256 bytes to store the
     * stage string (for multistage packages) and possible future
     * expansion.*/
    char stage[32];
    char reserved[224];
  1. android系统或recovery系统根据操作更新bootloader_messagecommand成员,并写入misc分区;
  2. bootloader启动后读取misc分区并解析得到bootloader_message,根据command内容选择相应的操作,command可能的内容包括:

    • "update-radio/hboot"
      • 指示bootloader更新firmware
    • "boot-recovery"
      • 指示bootloader加载recovery系统,进入recovery mode

2. A/B系统的沟通机制

2.1 boot_control的接口定义



 * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
 * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
 * followed by module specific information.
typedef struct boot_control_module {
    struct hw_module_t common;

     * (*init)() perform any initialization tasks needed for the HAL.
     * This is called only once.
    /* init 用于HAL初始化调用,仅启动时调用一次 */
    void (*init)(struct boot_control_module *module);

     * (*getNumberSlots)() returns the number of available slots.
     * For instance, a system with a single set of partitions would return
     * 1, a system with A/B would return 2, A/B/C -> 3...
    /* 返回系统slot分区套数,1套slot包含boot, system和vendor分区 */
    unsigned (*getNumberSlots)(struct boot_control_module *module);

     * (*getCurrentSlot)() returns the value letting the system know
     * whether the current slot is A or B. The meaning of A and B is
     * left up to the implementer. It is assumed that if the current slot
     * is A, then the block devices underlying B can be accessed directly
     * without any risk of corruption.
     * The returned value is always guaranteed to be strictly less than the
     * value returned by getNumberSlots. Slots start at 0 and
     * finish at getNumberSlots() - 1
    /* 返回系统当前所在的slot位置 */
    unsigned (*getCurrentSlot)(struct boot_control_module *module);

     * (*markBootSuccessful)() marks the current slot
     * as having booted successfully
     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.
    /* 标记当前slot为已经成功启动 */
    int (*markBootSuccessful)(struct boot_control_module *module);

     * (*setActiveBootSlot)() marks the slot passed in parameter as
     * the active boot slot (see getCurrentSlot for an explanation
     * of the "slot" parameter). This overrides any previous call to
     * setSlotAsUnbootable.
     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.
    /* 标记指定slot为可启动 */
    int (*setActiveBootSlot)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);

     * (*setSlotAsUnbootable)() marks the slot passed in parameter as
     * an unbootable. This can be used while updating the contents of the slot's
     * partitions, so that the system will not attempt to boot a known bad set up.
     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.
    /* 标记指定slot为不可启动 */
    int (*setSlotAsUnbootable)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);

     * (*isSlotBootable)() returns if the slot passed in parameter is
     * bootable. Note that slots can be made unbootable by both the
     * bootloader and by the OS using setSlotAsUnbootable.
     * Returns 1 if the slot is bootable, 0 if it's not, and -errno on
     * error.
    /* 返回指定slot是否可启动 */
    int (*isSlotBootable)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);

     * (*getSuffix)() returns the string suffix used by partitions that
     * correspond to the slot number passed in parameter. The returned string
     * is expected to be statically allocated and not need to be freed.
     * Returns NULL if slot does not match an existing slot.
    /* 返回指定slot的系统分区后缀,例如“_a”/“_b”等 */
    const char* (*getSuffix)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);

     * (*isSlotMarkedSucessful)() returns if the slot passed in parameter has
     * been marked as successful using markBootSuccessful.
     * Returns 1 if the slot has been marked as successful, 0 if it's
     * not the case, and -errno on error.
    /* 返回指定slot是否已经标记为成功启动 */
    int (*isSlotMarkedSuccessful)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);

    void* reserved[31];
} boot_control_module_t;

2.2 boot_control的存储和功能实现



  • Google平台的Brillo
  • Intel平台的edison
  • QualComm

2.2.1 Google平台Brillo的实现

AOSP代码中,system\extra\boot_control_copy 定义了bootctrl.default实现:

$ ls -lh system/extras/boot_control_copy/
total 36K
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  458 Mar 31 08:50
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  11K Mar 31 08:50 NOTICE
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 7.7K Mar 31 08:50 boot_control_copy.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 5.1K Mar 31 08:50 bootinfo.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 2.0K Mar 31 08:50 bootinfo.h


  • bootinfo.h定义了结构体BrilloSlotInfoBrilloBootInfo


    typedef struct BrilloSlotInfo {
      uint8_t bootable : 1;
      uint8_t reserved[3];
    } BrilloSlotInfo;
    typedef struct BrilloBootInfo {
      // Used by fs_mgr. Must be NUL terminated.
      char bootctrl_suffix[4];
      // Magic for identification - must be 'B', 'C', 'c' (short for
      // "boot_control copy" implementation).
      uint8_t magic[3];
      // Version of BrilloBootInfo struct, must be 0 or larger.
      uint8_t version;
      // Currently active slot.
      uint8_t active_slot;
      // Information about each slot.
      BrilloSlotInfo slot_info[2];
      uint8_t reserved[15];
    } BrilloBootInfo;


  • bootinfo.c实现了对BrilloBootInfo进行存取操作的接口

    • 存取操作
      • bool boot_info_load(BrilloBootInfo *out_info)
      • bool boot_info_save(BrilloBootInfo *info)
    • 校验和复位操作
      • bool boot_info_validate(BrilloBootInfo* info)
      • void boot_info_reset(BrilloBootInfo* info)
    • 指定分区的打开操作
      • int boot_info_open_partition(const char *name, uint64_t *out_size, int flags)
  • boot_control_copy.c实现了boot_control模块的功能

    /* This boot_control HAL implementation emulates A/B by copying the
     * contents of the boot partition of the requested slot to the boot
     * partition. It hence works with bootloaders that are not yet aware
     * of A/B. This code is only intended to be used for development.
    boot_control_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
      .common = {
        .tag                 = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
        .module_api_version  = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,
        .hal_api_version     = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
        .id                  = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
        .name                = "Copy Implementation of boot_control HAL",
        .author              = "The Android Open Source Project",
        .methods             = &module_methods,
      .init                 = module_init,
      .getNumberSlots       = module_getNumberSlots,
      .getCurrentSlot       = module_getCurrentSlot,
      .markBootSuccessful   = module_markBootSuccessful,
      .setActiveBootSlot    = module_setActiveBootSlot,
      .setSlotAsUnbootable  = module_setSlotAsUnbootable,
      .isSlotBootable       = module_isSlotBootable,
      .getSuffix            = module_getSuffix,


2.2.2 Intel平台edison的实现


$ ls -lh hardware/bsp/intel/soc/common/bootctrl/
total 20K
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  860 Mar 31 08:47
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 9.1K Mar 31 08:47 bootctrl.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.5K Mar 31 08:47 bootctrl.h


  • bootctrl.h定义了结构体slot_metadata_tboot_ctrl_t


    #define BOOT_CONTROL_VERSION    1
    typedef struct slot_metadata {
        uint8_t priority : 4;
        uint8_t tries_remaining : 3;
        uint8_t successful_boot : 1;
    } slot_metadata_t;
    typedef struct boot_ctrl {
        /* Magic for identification - '\0ABB' (Boot Contrl Magic) */
        uint32_t magic;
        /* Version of struct. */
        uint8_t version;
        /* Information about each slot. */
        slot_metadata_t slot_info[2];
        uint8_t recovery_tries_remaining;
    } boot_ctrl_t;


  • bootctrl.c实现了boot_ctrl_t存取操作和boot_control的模块功能

    • boot_ctrl_t存取操作
      • int bootctrl_read_metadata(boot_ctrl_t *bctrl)
      • int bootctrl_write_metadata(boot_ctrl_t *bctrl)
    • boot_control模块功能

      /* Boot Control Module implementation */
      boot_control_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
          .common = {
              .tag                 = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
              .module_api_version  = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,
              .hal_api_version     = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
              .id                  = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
              .name                = "boot_control HAL",
              .author              = "Intel Corporation",
              .methods             = &bootctrl_methods,
          .init                 = bootctrl_init,
          .getNumberSlots       = bootctrl_get_number_slots,
          .getCurrentSlot       = bootctrl_get_current_slot,
          .markBootSuccessful   = bootctrl_mark_boot_successful,
          .setActiveBootSlot    = bootctrl_set_active_boot_slot,
          .setSlotAsUnbootable  = bootctrl_set_slot_as_unbootable,
          .isSlotBootable       = bootctrl_is_slot_bootable,
          .getSuffix            = bootctrl_get_suffix,



2.2.3 QualComm平台的实现


$ ls -lh hardware/qcom/bootctrl/
total 28K
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  944 Mar 31 08:47
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.5K Mar 31 08:47 NOTICE
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  19K Mar 31 08:47 boot_control.cpp

GPT内容的第3个逻辑块LBA 2开始,依次存放的是每个GPT分区的详细信息Partition Entry,单个Partition Entry占用128个字节,从其第48个字节开始存放的是分区属性(Attribute flags)。A/B系统将每个slot分区的信息,存放到分区属性的Bit 48开始的位置上。




  • 统计系统中boot开头的分区数作为slot总数(见get_number_slots函数)
  • 访问系统的属性ro.boot.slot_suffix来确定当前系统在哪一个slot上运行(见get_current_slot函数)

2.3.4 Broadcom机顶盒平台的实现


$ ls -lh vendor/broadcom/bcm_platform/hals/boot_control/
total 20K
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.3K Mar 30 16:09
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  11K May  6 16:26 boot_control.cpp
-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.1K Mar 30 16:09 eio_boot.h
  • eio_boot.h定义了结构体eio_boot_sloteio_boot


    struct eio_boot_slot {
       char suffix[8];
       int  valid;
       int  boot_try;
       int  boot_ok;
       int  boot_fail;
    struct eio_boot {
       int    magic;
       int    current;
       struct eio_boot_slot slot[2];


  • boot_control.cpp实现了eio_boot存取操作和boot_control的模块功能

    struct boot_control_module HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
       .common = {
          .tag                = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
          .module_api_version = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,
          .hal_api_version    = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
          .id                 = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
          .name               = "boot control hal for bcm platform",
          .author             = "Broadcom",
          .methods            = &boot_control_module_methods,
          .dso                = 0,
          .reserved           = {0}
        .init                    = init,
        .getNumberSlots          = getNumberSlots,
        .getCurrentSlot          = getCurrentSlot,
        .markBootSuccessful      = markBootSuccessful,
        .setActiveBootSlot       = setActiveBootSlot,
        .setSlotAsUnbootable     = setSlotAsUnbootable,
        .isSlotBootable          = isSlotBootable,
        .getSuffix               = getSuffix,
        .isSlotMarkedSuccessful  = isSlotMarkedSuccessful,


2.3 boot_control的测试工具



  update_engine \
  update_verifier \


bcm7252ssffdr4:/ $ su
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # which bootctl
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl --help
bootctl - command-line wrapper for the boot_control HAL.

  bootctl COMMAND

  bootctl hal-info                       - Show info about boot_control HAL used.
  bootctl get-number-slots               - Prints number of slots.
  bootctl get-current-slot               - Prints currently running SLOT.
  bootctl mark-boot-successful           - Mark current slot as GOOD.
  bootctl set-active-boot-slot SLOT      - On next boot, load and execute SLOT.
  bootctl set-slot-as-unbootable SLOT    - Mark SLOT as invalid.
  bootctl is-slot-bootable SLOT          - Returns 0 only if SLOT is bootable.
  bootctl is-slot-marked-successful SLOT - Returns 0 only if SLOT is marked GOOD.
  bootctl get-suffix SLOT                - Prints suffix for SLOT.

SLOT parameter is the zero-based slot-number.
64|bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # 
64|bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl hal-info
HAL name:            boot control hal for bcm platform
HAL author:          Broadcom
HAL module version:  0.1
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-number-slots
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-current-slot
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-suffix 0
bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-suffix 1

最后的bootctl get-suffix调用可以看到,在我的测试平台上,slot Aslot B的分区命名后缀分别为_i_e


  • system/extras/tests/bootloader
  • external/autotest/server/site_tests/brillo_BootLoader


2.4 boot_control的调用

2.4.1 bootloader读取boot_control私有实现的数据


2.4.1 boot_control_android调用boot_control


// The Android implementation of the BootControlInterface. This implementation
// uses the libhardware's boot_control HAL to access the bootloader.
class BootControlAndroid : public BootControlInterface {

  // NOTE: There is no way to release/unload HAL implementations so
  // this is essentially leaked on object destruction.
  boot_control_module_t* module_;



bool BootControlAndroid::Init() {
  const hw_module_t* hw_module;
  int ret;

  // For update_engine_sideload, we simulate the hw_get_module() by accessing it
  // from the current process directly.
  # 对于update_engine_sideload应用,直接将HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM转换为hw_module
  hw_module = &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM;
  ret = 0;
  if (!hw_module ||
      strcmp(BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, hw_module->id) != 0) {
    ret = -EINVAL;
#else  // !_UE_SIDELOAD
  # 对于update_engine应用,通过BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID获取hw_module
  ret = hw_get_module(BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hw_module);
#endif  // _UE_SIDELOAD
  if (ret != 0) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading boot_control HAL implementation.";
    return false;

  # 通过hw_module得到boot_control_module_t,从而后面可以愉快地调用其各种功能实现函数
  module_ = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(hw_module));
  # 调用boot_control的init函数

  LOG(INFO) << "Loaded boot_control HAL "
            << "'" << hw_module->name << "' "
            << "version " << (hw_module->module_api_version>>8) << "."
            << (hw_module->module_api_version&0xff) << " "
            << "authored by '" << hw_module->author << "'.";
  return true;


2.4.2 update_verifier调用boot_control


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  # 直接根据名称"bootctrl"获取模块
  const hw_module_t* hw_module;
  if (hw_get_module("bootctrl", &hw_module) != 0) {
    SLOGE("Error getting bootctrl module.\n");
    return -1;

  # 将"bootctrl"模块转化为"boot_control_module_t"结构体
  boot_control_module_t* module = reinterpret_cast(
  # 调用init

  # 获取当前slot
  unsigned current_slot = module->getCurrentSlot(module);
  # 检查当前slot是否标记为successful
  int is_successful= module->isSlotMarkedSuccessful(module, current_slot);
  SLOGI("Booting slot %u: isSlotMarkedSuccessful=%d\n", current_slot, is_successful);
  # 如果当前slot没有标记为successful,说明当前启动可能存在问题
  if (is_successful == 0) {
    // The current slot has not booted successfully.
    # 检查"ro.boot.verifymode",是否其它原因导致失败
    # 不是其它原因导致失败的情况下,重新调用verify_image验证

    # verify_image验证成功,尝试标记当前slot为successful
    int ret = module->markBootSuccessful(module);
    if (ret != 0) {
      SLOGE("Error marking booted successfully: %s\n", strerror(-ret));
      return -1;
    SLOGI("Marked slot %u as booted successfully.\n", current_slot);

  # 完成操作,退出update_verifier
  SLOGI("Leaving update_verifier.\n");
  return 0;


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    Android A/B System OTA分析(三)主系统和bootloader的通信_第1张图片

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    Android A/B System OTA分析(三)主系统和bootloader的通信_第2张图片
