而索引结构中相似性查询算法有两种基本的方式:一种是范围查询(radius searches),另一种是K近邻查询(K-neighbor searches)。范围查询就是给定查询点和查询距离的阈值(以查询点为圆心,查询距离为半径),从数据集中找出所有与查询点距离小于阈值的数据(半径内的数据);K近邻查询是给定查询点及正整数K,从数据集中找到距离查询点最近的K个数据,当K=1时,就是最近邻查询(nearest neighbor searches)
PCL 中使用KdTree需要加入头文件:
pcl::KdTreeFLANN kdtree;
kdtree.setInputCloud (cloud);
// K nearest neighbor search
int K = 10;
std::vector pointIdxNKNSearch(K);
std::vector pointNKNSquaredDistance(K);
if ( kdtree.nearestKSearch (searchPoint, K, pointIdxNKNSearch, pointNKNSquaredDistance) > 0 )
for (size_t i = 0; i < pointIdxNKNSearch.size (); ++i)
std::cout << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].x
<< " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].y
<< " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxNKNSearch[i] ].z
<< " (squared distance: " << pointNKNSquaredDistance[i] << ")" << std::endl;
特定半径范围内查询(Radius Search):
// Neighbors within radius search
std::vector pointIdxRadiusSearch;
std::vector pointRadiusSquaredDistance;
float radius = 256.0f * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
if ( kdtree.radiusSearch (searchPoint, radius, pointIdxRadiusSearch, pointRadiusSquaredDistance) > 0 )
for (size_t i = 0; i < pointIdxRadiusSearch.size (); ++i)
std::cout << " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].x
<< " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].y
<< " " << cloud->points[ pointIdxRadiusSearch[i] ].z
<< " (squared distance: " << pointRadiusSquaredDistance[i] << ")" << std::endl;
开发环境: VS2015 & PCL1.8.1
相关工程与程序可在我的Github: https://github.com/yazhouzheng/KdTreeInPCL 找到。
K nearest neighbor search at (35.3125 465.594 237.813) with K=10
45.0625 433.031 234.906 (squared distance: 1163.83)
72.5313 437.719 211.656 (squared distance: 2846.4)
48.5 514.344 210 (squared distance: 3324.01)
20.25 501.813 281.719 (squared distance: 3466.44)
4.90625 468.781 303.813 (squared distance: 5290.7)
27 543.656 202.656 (squared distance: 7398.81)
110.031 515.625 272.188 (squared distance: 9267.66)
133.438 411.313 204.438 (squared distance: 13688.9)
99.4063 375.813 189.219 (squared distance: 14530)
87.9688 573.438 220.438 (squared distance: 14704.8)
Neighbors within radius search at (35.3125 465.594 237.813) with radius=128.359
45.0625 433.031 234.906 (squared distance: 1163.83)
72.5313 437.719 211.656 (squared distance: 2846.4)
48.5 514.344 210 (squared distance: 3324.01)
20.25 501.813 281.719 (squared distance: 3466.44)
4.90625 468.781 303.813 (squared distance: 5290.7)
27 543.656 202.656 (squared distance: 7398.81)
110.031 515.625 272.188 (squared distance: 9267.66)
133.438 411.313 204.438 (squared distance: 13688.9)
99.4063 375.813 189.219 (squared distance: 14530)
87.9688 573.438 220.438 (squared distance: 14704.8)
150.969 479.719 200.313 (squared distance: 14982.1)
1 二维KdTree 的构造及查找算法介绍: https://baike.baidu.com/item/kd-tree/2302515
2 PCL中使用KdTree 搜索:http://www.pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/kdtree_search.php#kdtree-search