lab6(stride scheduling)


论文链接:Stride Scheduling



 Resource rights are represented by tickets – abstract, first-class objects that can be issued in different amounts and passed between clients.

Throughput rates for active clients are directly proportional to their ticket allocations. Thus, a client with twice as many tickets as another will receive twice as much of a resource in a given time interval. Client response times are inversely proportional to ticket allocations. Therefore a client with twice as many tickets as another will wait only half as long before acquiring a resource. 


resource right:进程获得时间片的权利。

ticket:在一个系统中,所有进程的ticket总和是固定的。根据进程的优先级将一定总量的ticket分配给各进程,可以将ticket数量看作进程优先级的一个体现,优先级越高,ticket值越大。ticket值越大,resource right越大,一定时间内获得的时间片越多。


The stride field is inversely proportional to tickets, and represents the interval between selections, measured in passes. The pass field represents the virtual time index for the client’s next selection. 

 stride:可翻译为步幅,和进程的ticket值成反比,每当一个进程获得一个时间片,pass值会增大一个stride,因此stride是pass值增长的单位。    stride=\frac{stride_{1}}{ticket}, stride_{1}为大整数。


lab6(stride scheduling)_第1张图片




ticket 比例:□ : ○ : △ = 1 : 2 : 3

stride 比例:□ : ○ : △ = 6 : 3 : 2


