

    • 赛题介绍
    • 代码
      • 1 特征工程
        • 1.1 正样本
        • 1.2 负样本
      • 2 建模
      • 3 预测
        • 3.1 测试集
      • 4 提交结果
      • 0 查看数据
        • 0.1 训练数据
          • 0.1.1 正样本
          • 0.1.2 负样本
          • 0.1.3 天气数据
        • 0.2 测试数据
          • 0.2.1 测试集
          • 0.2.2 天气数据






训练集(training_set)约2.3G,其中包含 201708n,201708q 和 weather_data_2017三个文件夹,分别记录了对应的2017年6、7月用户历史数据和天气历史数据。

用户身份属性表(201708n1.txt, 201708q1.txt)
用户手机终端信息表(201708n2.txt, 201708q2.txt)
用户漫游行为表(201708n3.txt, 201708q3.txt)
用户漫出省份表(201708n4.txt, 201708q4.txt)
用户地理位置表(201708n6.txt, 201708q6.txt)
用户APP使用情况表(201708n7.txt, 201708q7.txt)

在201808文件夹中包含7个txt文件,命名依次为2018_1.txt,2018_2.txt, … ,2018_7.txt,字段信息与训练集相对应


本次比赛采用AUC来评判模型的效果。AUC即以False Positive Rate为横轴,True Positive Rate为纵轴的ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic)曲线下方的面积大小。



由于受到使用模型的泛化性能的影响,在 Public 榜获得最高分的提交在 Private 的分数不一定最高,因此需要选手从自己的有效提交里,选择两个觉得兼顾了泛化性能与模型评分的结果文件进入 Private 榜测评
Private 排行榜在比赛结束后会揭晓,比赛的最终有效成绩与有效排名将以 Private 榜为准。


# 显示cell运行时长
%load_ext klab-autotime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
time: 311 ms
# 减少内存使用

def reduce_mem_usage(df, verbose=True):

    numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']

    start_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024 ** 2

    for col in df.columns:

        col_type = df[col].dtypes

        if col_type in numerics:

            c_min = df[col].min()

            c_max = df[col].max()

            if str(col_type)[:3] == 'int':

                if c_min > np.iinfo(np.int8).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int8).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int8)

                elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int16).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int16).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int16)

                elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int32).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int32).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int32)

                elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int64).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int64).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int64)


                if c_min > np.finfo(np.float16).min and c_max < np.finfo(np.float16).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float16)

                elif c_min > np.finfo(np.float32).min and c_max < np.finfo(np.float32).max:

                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float32)


                    df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float64)

    end_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024 ** 2

    if verbose:

        print('Mem. usage decreased to {:5.2f} Mb ({:.1f}% reduction)'.format(end_mem, 100 * (start_mem - end_mem) / start_mem))

    return df
time: 3.85 ms

1 特征工程



q1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
q1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']
Mem. usage decreased to  0.16 Mb (53.1% reduction)
time: 39.2 ms
year_month id consume label
count 11200.000000 1.120000e+04 1.086500e+04 11200.0
mean 201706.500000 5.416583e+15 inf 1.0
std 0.500022 2.642827e+15 inf 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.448104e+12 4.998779e-02 1.0
25% 201706.000000 3.117220e+15 4.068750e+01 1.0
50% 201706.500000 5.456254e+15 9.837500e+01 1.0
75% 201707.000000 7.702940e+15 1.785000e+02 1.0
max 201707.000000 9.997949e+15 1.324000e+03 1.0
time: 37.3 ms

RangeIndex: 11200 entries, 0 to 11199
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    11200 non-null int32
id            11200 non-null int64
consume       10865 non-null float16
label         11200 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(1)
memory usage: 164.1 KB
time: 6.91 ms

time: 2.64 ms
q1 = q1.fillna(98.0)
time: 2.75 ms

RangeIndex: 11200 entries, 0 to 11199
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    11200 non-null int32
id            11200 non-null int64
consume       11200 non-null float16
label         11200 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(1)
memory usage: 164.1 KB
time: 6.71 ms
q1 = q1[['id', 'consume']]
q1_groupbyid = q1.groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})
time: 709 ms

特征1 使用过的top9+其它手机品牌 共10个
特征2 使用的不同品牌数量

q2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
q2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']
Mem. usage decreased to 11.31 Mb (14.6% reduction)
time: 2.46 s

RangeIndex: 289203 entries, 0 to 289202
Data columns (total 6 columns):
id                 289203 non-null int64
brand              197376 non-null object
type               197380 non-null object
first_use_time     289203 non-null int64
recent_use_time    289203 non-null int64
label              289203 non-null int8
dtypes: int64(3), int8(1), object(2)
memory usage: 11.3+ MB
time: 62.6 ms
q2.type = q2.type.fillna('其它')
time: 18.4 ms
brand_series = pd.Series({'苹果' : 'iphone', '华为' : "huawei", '欧珀' : 'oppo', '维沃' : 'vivo', '三星' : 'san', '小米' : 'mi', '金立' : 'jinli', '魅族' : 'mei', '乐视' : 'le', '四季恒美' : 'siji'})

q2.brand = q2.brand.map(brand_series)
time: 42.4 ms
q2.brand = q2.brand.fillna('其它')
time: 17.4 ms
id brand type first_use_time recent_use_time label
0 1752398069509000 其它 其它 20161209134530 20161209190636 1
1 1752398069509000 huawei PLK-AL10 20170609223138 20170609224345 1
2 1752398069509000 le LETV X501 20160924102711 20160924112425 1
3 1752398069509000 jinli 金立 GN800 20150331210255 20150630131232 1
4 1752398069509000 jinli GIONEE M5 20170508191216 20170605192347 1
time: 18.7 ms
q2['brand_type'] = q2['brand'] + q2['type']
time: 109 ms
id brand type first_use_time recent_use_time label brand_type
0 1752398069509000 其它 其它 20161209134530 20161209190636 1 其它其它
1 1752398069509000 huawei PLK-AL10 20170609223138 20170609224345 1 huaweiPLK-AL10
2 1752398069509000 le LETV X501 20160924102711 20160924112425 1 leLETV X501
3 1752398069509000 jinli 金立 GN800 20150331210255 20150630131232 1 jinli金立 GN800
4 1752398069509000 jinli GIONEE M5 20170508191216 20170605192347 1 jinliGIONEE M5
time: 9.75 ms
groupbybrand_type = q2['brand_type'].value_counts()
time: 51.8 ms
其它其它                     91823
iphoneA1586              14898
iphoneA1524              10330
iphoneA1700               9246
iphoneA1699               8277
iphoneIPHONE6S(A1633)     6271
oppoOPPO R9M              4725
iphoneA1530               4640
oppoOPPO R9TM             2978
vivoVIVO X7               2516
Name: brand_type, dtype: int64

time: 3.44 ms
q2_brand_type = q2[['id', 'brand_type']]
q2_brand_type = q2_brand_type.drop_duplicates()
q2_groupbyid = q2_brand_type['id'].value_counts()
q2_groupbyid = q2_groupbyid.reset_index()
q2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']
id phone_nums
0 8707678197418467 422
1 9196501153454276 409
2 3900535090108175 389
3 4104535378288025 352
4 1106540188374027 350
time: 90 ms

RangeIndex: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id            5600 non-null int64
phone_nums    5600 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2)
memory usage: 87.6 KB
time: 5.91 ms
q2_brand = q2[['id', 'brand']]
q2_brand = q2_brand.drop_duplicates()
q2_brand_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(q2_brand)
id brand_huawei brand_iphone brand_jinli brand_le brand_mei brand_mi brand_oppo brand_san brand_siji brand_vivo brand_其它
0 1752398069509000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 1752398069509000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1752398069509000 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1752398069509000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1752398069509000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
time: 48.9 ms
q2_one_hot = q2_brand_one_hot.groupby(['id']).agg({'brand_huawei': pd.Series.max, 
                                                   'brand_iphone': pd.Series.max,
                                                   'brand_jinli': pd.Series.max, 
                                                   'brand_le': pd.Series.max,
                                                   'brand_mei': pd.Series.max, 
                                                   'brand_mi': pd.Series.max,
                                                   'brand_oppo': pd.Series.max, 
                                                   'brand_san': pd.Series.max,
                                                   'brand_siji': pd.Series.max, 
                                                   'brand_vivo': pd.Series.max,
                                                   'brand_其它': pd.Series.max
brand_huawei brand_iphone brand_jinli brand_le brand_mei brand_mi brand_oppo brand_san brand_siji brand_vivo brand_其它
1448103998000 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
17398718813730 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
61132623486000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
68156596675520 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
76819334576430 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
time: 6.57 s
pos_set = q1_groupbyid.merge(q2_groupbyid, on=['id'])

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 3 columns):
id            5600 non-null int64
consume       5600 non-null float16
phone_nums    5600 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 142.2 KB
time: 11.6 ms
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q2_one_hot, on=['id'])

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 14 columns):
id              5600 non-null int64
consume         5600 non-null float16
phone_nums      5600 non-null int64
brand_huawei    5600 non-null uint8
brand_iphone    5600 non-null uint8
brand_jinli     5600 non-null uint8
brand_le        5600 non-null uint8
brand_mei       5600 non-null uint8
brand_mi        5600 non-null uint8
brand_oppo      5600 non-null uint8
brand_san       5600 non-null uint8
brand_siji      5600 non-null uint8
brand_vivo      5600 non-null uint8
brand_其它        5600 non-null uint8
dtypes: float16(1), int64(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 202.3 KB
time: 98.6 ms

2.将两月出省求和 是:1 否:0
3.将两月出国求和 是:1 否:0

q3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
q3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']
Mem. usage decreased to  0.18 Mb (64.6% reduction)
time: 85.8 ms

RangeIndex: 11200 entries, 0 to 11199
Data columns (total 6 columns):
year_month             11200 non-null int32
id                     11200 non-null int64
call_nums              11200 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    11200 non-null int8
is_transnational       11200 non-null int8
label                  11200 non-null int8
dtypes: int16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(3)
memory usage: 186.0 KB
time: 7.49 ms
q3_groupbyid_call = q3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})
q3_groupbyid_provincial = q3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})
q3_groupbyid_trans = q3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 17 columns):
id                     5600 non-null int64
consume                5600 non-null float16
phone_nums             5600 non-null int64
brand_huawei           5600 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           5600 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            5600 non-null uint8
brand_le               5600 non-null uint8
brand_mei              5600 non-null uint8
brand_mi               5600 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_san              5600 non-null uint8
brand_siji             5600 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_其它               5600 non-null uint8
call_nums              5600 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5600 non-null int8
is_transnational       5600 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 224.2 KB
time: 1.95 s


q4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
q4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']
Mem. usage decreased to  0.15 Mb (34.4% reduction)

RangeIndex: 7289 entries, 0 to 7288
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    7289 non-null int32
id            7289 non-null int64
province      7218 non-null object
label         7289 non-null int8
dtypes: int32(1), int64(1), int8(1), object(1)
memory usage: 149.6+ KB
time: 18.4 ms
year_month id province label
0 201707 6062475264825100 广东 1
1 201707 5627768389537500 北京 1
2 201707 2000900444179600 山西 1
3 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
4 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
time: 7.16 ms
q4_groupbyid = q4.groupby(['province']).size()
time: 61.3 ms
宁夏      15
吉林      20
内蒙古     22
黑龙江     27
青海      35
天津      39
辽宁      44
西藏      69
山西      70
甘肃      73
新疆      74
安徽      86
海南     100
陕西     114
山东     121
福建     150
河北     168
江苏     182
湖北     208
上海     215
河南     237
北京     247
江西     364
重庆     428
浙江     483
云南     530
广西     536
四川     793
广东     835
湖南     933
dtype: int64

time: 4.04 ms
q4.province = q4.province.fillna('湖南')

RangeIndex: 7289 entries, 0 to 7288
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    7289 non-null int32
id            7289 non-null int64
province      7289 non-null object
label         7289 non-null int8
dtypes: int32(1), int64(1), int8(1), object(1)
memory usage: 149.6+ KB
time: 8.09 ms
q4_groupbyid = q4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()
q4_groupbyid = q4_groupbyid.reset_index()
q4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 18 columns):
id                     5600 non-null int64
consume                5600 non-null float16
phone_nums             5600 non-null int64
brand_huawei           5600 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           5600 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            5600 non-null uint8
brand_le               5600 non-null uint8
brand_mei              5600 non-null uint8
brand_mi               5600 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_san              5600 non-null uint8
brand_siji             5600 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_其它               5600 non-null uint8
call_nums              5600 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5600 non-null int8
is_transnational       5600 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       1942 non-null float64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 268.0 KB
time: 19.6 ms
pos_set = pos_set.fillna(0)
pos_set['label'] = 1

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 19 columns):
id                     5600 non-null int64
consume                5600 non-null float16
phone_nums             5600 non-null int64
brand_huawei           5600 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           5600 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            5600 non-null uint8
brand_le               5600 non-null uint8
brand_mei              5600 non-null uint8
brand_mi               5600 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_san              5600 non-null uint8
brand_siji             5600 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_其它               5600 non-null uint8
call_nums              5600 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5600 non-null int8
is_transnational       5600 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       5600 non-null float64
label                  5600 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 311.7 KB
time: 12.7 ms

q6 暂时忽略

1.1 正样本

q1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

q1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']

q1 = q1.fillna(98.0)

q1 = q1[['id', 'consume']]

q1_groupbyid = q1.groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})

q2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

q2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']

q2.type = q2.type.fillna('其它')

brand_series = pd.Series({'苹果' : 'iphone', '华为' : "huawei", '欧珀' : 'oppo', '维沃' : 'vivo', '三星' : 'san', '小米' : 'mi', '金立' : 'jinli', '魅族' : 'mei', '乐视' : 'le', '四季恒美' : 'siji'})

q2.brand = q2.brand.map(brand_series)

q2.brand = q2.brand.fillna('其它')

q2['brand_type'] = q2['brand'] + q2['type']

q2_brand_type = q2[['id', 'brand_type']]

q2_brand_type = q2_brand_type.drop_duplicates()

q2_groupbyid = q2_brand_type['id'].value_counts()

q2_groupbyid = q2_groupbyid.reset_index()

q2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']

q2_brand = q2[['id', 'brand']]

q2_brand = q2_brand.drop_duplicates()

q2_brand_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(q2_brand)

q2_one_hot = q2_brand_one_hot.groupby(['id']).agg({'brand_huawei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_iphone': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_jinli': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_le': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_mei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_mi': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_oppo': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_san': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_siji': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_vivo': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_其它': pd.Series.max



pos_set = q1_groupbyid.merge(q2_groupbyid, on=['id'])

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q2_one_hot, on=['id'])

q3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

q3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']

q3_groupbyid_call = q3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})

q3_groupbyid_provincial = q3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})

q3_groupbyid_trans = q3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

q4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

q4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']

q4.province = q4.province.fillna('湖南')

q4_groupbyid = q4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()

q4_groupbyid = q4_groupbyid.reset_index()

q4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']

pos_set = pos_set.merge(q4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])

pos_set = pos_set.fillna(0)

pos_set['label'] = 1

Mem. usage decreased to  0.16 Mb (53.1% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to 11.31 Mb (14.6% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.18 Mb (64.6% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.15 Mb (34.4% reduction)

Int64Index: 5600 entries, 0 to 5599
Data columns (total 19 columns):
id                     5600 non-null int64
consume                5600 non-null float16
phone_nums             5600 non-null int64
brand_huawei           5600 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           5600 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            5600 non-null uint8
brand_le               5600 non-null uint8
brand_mei              5600 non-null uint8
brand_mi               5600 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_san              5600 non-null uint8
brand_siji             5600 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             5600 non-null uint8
brand_其它               5600 non-null uint8
call_nums              5600 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5600 non-null int8
is_transnational       5600 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       5600 non-null float64
label                  5600 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 311.7 KB
time: 10.1 s

1.2 负样本

n1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

n1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']

n1 = n1.fillna(98.0)

n1_groupbyid = n1[['id', 'consume']].groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})

n2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

n2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']

n2.type = n2.type.fillna('其它')

brand_series = pd.Series({'苹果' : 'iphone', '华为' : "huawei", '欧珀' : 'oppo', '维沃' : 'vivo', '三星' : 'san', '小米' : 'mi', '金立' : 'jinli', '魅族' : 'mei', '乐视' : 'le', '四季恒美' : 'siji'})

n2.brand = n2.brand.map(brand_series)

n2.brand = n2.brand.fillna('其它')

n2['brand_type'] = n2['brand'] + n2['type']

n2_brand_type = n2[['id', 'brand_type']]

n2_brand_type = n2_brand_type.drop_duplicates()

n2_groupbyid = n2_brand_type['id'].value_counts()

n2_groupbyid = n2_groupbyid.reset_index()

n2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']

n2_brand = n2[['id', 'brand']]

n2_brand = n2_brand.drop_duplicates()

n2_brand_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(n2_brand)

n2_one_hot = n2_brand_one_hot.groupby(['id']).agg({'brand_huawei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_iphone': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_jinli': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_le': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_mei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_mi': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_oppo': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_san': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_siji': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_vivo': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_其它': pd.Series.max


neg_set = n1_groupbyid.merge(n2_groupbyid, on=['id'])

neg_set = neg_set.merge(n2_one_hot, on=['id'])

n3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

n3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']

n3_groupbyid_call = n3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})

n3_groupbyid_provincial = n3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})

n3_groupbyid_trans = n3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})

neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])

neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])

neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

n4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

n4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']

n4.province = n4.province.fillna('湖南')

n4_groupbyid = n4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()

n4_groupbyid = n4_groupbyid.reset_index()

n4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']

neg_set = neg_set.merge(n4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])

neg_set = neg_set.fillna(0)

neg_set['label'] = 0

Mem. usage decreased to  2.67 Mb (53.1% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to 51.13 Mb (14.6% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  3.03 Mb (64.6% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.73 Mb (34.4% reduction)

Int64Index: 93375 entries, 0 to 93374
Data columns (total 19 columns):
id                     93375 non-null int64
consume                93375 non-null float16
phone_nums             93375 non-null int64
brand_huawei           93375 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           93375 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            93375 non-null uint8
brand_le               93375 non-null uint8
brand_mei              93375 non-null uint8
brand_mi               93375 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             93375 non-null uint8
brand_san              93375 non-null uint8
brand_siji             93375 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             93375 non-null uint8
brand_其它               93375 non-null uint8
call_nums              93375 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    93375 non-null int8
is_transnational       93375 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       93375 non-null float64
label                  93375 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 5.1 MB
time: 2min 48s
train_set = pos_set.append(neg_set)

Int64Index: 98975 entries, 0 to 93374
Data columns (total 19 columns):
id                     98975 non-null int64
consume                98975 non-null float16
phone_nums             98975 non-null int64
brand_huawei           98975 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           98975 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            98975 non-null uint8
brand_le               98975 non-null uint8
brand_mei              98975 non-null uint8
brand_mi               98975 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             98975 non-null uint8
brand_san              98975 non-null uint8
brand_siji             98975 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             98975 non-null uint8
brand_其它               98975 non-null uint8
call_nums              98975 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    98975 non-null int8
is_transnational       98975 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       98975 non-null float64
label                  98975 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 5.4 MB
time: 62.5 ms

2 建模

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import lightgbm as lgb

from sklearn import metrics

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X = train_set[['consume', 'phone_nums', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'province_out_cnt']].values

y = train_set['label'].values

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(x_train, y_train)

lgb_eval = lgb.Dataset(x_test, y_test, reference = lgb_train)

params = {

        'boosting_type':'gbdt',  #提升器的类型














        #'feature_fraction':0.9,  #每棵树训练之前选择90%的特征

        #'bagging_fraction':0.8,  #类似于feature_fraction,加速训练,处理过拟合




gbm = lgb.train(params,


                num_boost_round = 2000, # 4000 number of boosting iterations,

                valid_sets = lgb_eval,




y_pred = gbm.predict(X, num_iteration=gbm.best_iteration)

print('AUC: %.4f' % metrics.roc_auc_score(y, y_pred))

y_pred = gbm.predict(x_test, num_iteration=gbm.best_iteration)

print('Test AUC: %.4f' % metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred))
Training until validation scores don't improve for 50 rounds.
Early stopping, best iteration is:
[18]	valid_0's auc: 0.786865
AUC: 0.7981
Test AUC: 0.7869
time: 772 ms
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from xgboost import XGBClassifier

from collections import Counter

X = train_set[['consume', 'phone_nums', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'province_out_cnt']].values

y = train_set['label'].values

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

c = Counter(y_train)



    'objective': 'binary:logistic',

    'eval_metric': 'auc',






    'eta': 0.025,





clf = XGBClassifier(max_depth=5, eval_metric='auc', min_child_weight=6, scale_pos_weight=c[0] / 16 / c[1], 

                    nthread=12, num_boost_round=1000, seed=2019



print('fit start...')

clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

print('fit finish')


train_score = clf.score(X_train, y_train)

test_score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)

print('train score:{}\ntest score:{}'.format(train_score, test_score))



from sklearn import metrics

print('AUC: %.4f' % metrics.roc_auc_score(y, y_pred))


print('Test AUC: %.4f' % metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred))
fit start...
fit finish
AUC: 0.5134
Test AUC: 0.5082
time: 3.11 s
import xgboost as xgb

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from collections import Counter

X_train = train_set[['consume', 'phone_nums', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'province_out_cnt']].values

y_train = train_set['label'].values

c = Counter(y_train)

# n = c[0] / c[1]  # 13.98

# nn = c[0] / 16 / c[1] # 0.8738

# print(n, nn)

parameters = {

    'max_depth': [5, 10, 15],

    'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.02, 0.05],

    'n_estimators': [500, 1000, 2000],

    'min_child_weight': [0, 2, 5],

    'max_delta_step': [0, 0.2, 0.6],

    'subsample': [0.6, 0.7, 0.8],

    'colsample_bytree': [0.5, 0.6, 0.7],

    'reg_alpha': [0, 0.25, 0.5],

    'reg_lambda': [0.2, 0.4, 0.6],

    'scale_pos_weight': [0.8, 8, 14]


xlf = xgb.XGBClassifier(max_depth=10,

















# 有了gridsearch我们便不需要fit函数

gsearch = GridSearchCV(xlf, param_grid=parameters, scoring='accuracy', cv=3)

gsearch.fit(X_train, y_train)

print("Best score: %0.3f" % gsearch.best_score_)

print("Best parameters set:")

best_parameters = gsearch.best_estimator_.get_params()

for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()):

    print("\t%s: %r" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name]))

3 预测

3.1 测试集

t1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

t1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume']

t1 = t1.fillna(81.0)

# t1 = t1.dropna(axis=0)

t1_groupbyid = t1[['id', 'consume']].groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})

t2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

t2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time']

t2 = t2.fillna('其它')

# t2 = t2.dropna(axis=0)

brand_series = pd.Series({'苹果' : 'iphone', '华为' : "huawei", '欧珀' : 'oppo', '维沃' : 'vivo', '三星' : 'san', '小米' : 'mi', '金立' : 'jinli', '魅族' : 'mei', '乐视' : 'le', '四季恒美' : 'siji'})

t2.brand = t2.brand.map(brand_series)

t2.brand = t2.brand.fillna('其它')

t2['brand_type'] = t2['brand'] + t2['type']

t2_brand_type = t2[['id', 'brand_type']]

t2_brand_type = t2_brand_type.drop_duplicates()

t2_groupbyid = t2_brand_type['id'].value_counts()

t2_groupbyid = t2_groupbyid.reset_index()

t2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']

t2_brand = t2[['id', 'brand']]

t2_brand = t2_brand.drop_duplicates()

t2_brand_one_hot = pd.get_dummies(t2_brand)

t2_one_hot = t2_brand_one_hot.groupby(['id']).agg({'brand_huawei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_iphone': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_jinli': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_le': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_mei': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_mi': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_oppo': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_san': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_siji': pd.Series.max, 

                                                   'brand_vivo': pd.Series.max,

                                                   'brand_其它': pd.Series.max


test_set = t1_groupbyid.merge(t2_groupbyid, on=['id'])

test_set = test_set.merge(t2_one_hot, on=['id'])

t3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

t3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational']

t3_groupbyid_call = t3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})

t3_groupbyid_provincial = t3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})

t3_groupbyid_trans = t3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})

test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])

test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])

test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

t4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))

t4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province']

t4 = t4.fillna('湖南')

# t4 = t4.dropna(axis=0)

t4_groupbyid = t4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()

t4_groupbyid = t4_groupbyid.reset_index()

t4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']

test_set = test_set.merge(t4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])

test_set = test_set.fillna(0)

Mem. usage decreased to  1.34 Mb (41.7% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to 60.50 Mb (0.0% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  1.53 Mb (60.0% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.85 Mb (16.7% reduction)

Int64Index: 48668 entries, 0 to 48667
Data columns (total 18 columns):
id                     48668 non-null int64
consume                48668 non-null float16
phone_nums             48668 non-null int64
brand_huawei           48668 non-null uint8
brand_iphone           48668 non-null uint8
brand_jinli            48668 non-null uint8
brand_le               48668 non-null uint8
brand_mei              48668 non-null uint8
brand_mi               48668 non-null uint8
brand_oppo             48668 non-null uint8
brand_san              48668 non-null uint8
brand_siji             48668 non-null uint8
brand_vivo             48668 non-null uint8
brand_其它               48668 non-null uint8
call_nums              48668 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    48668 non-null int8
is_transnational       48668 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       48668 non-null float64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2), uint8(11)
memory usage: 2.3 MB
time: 1min 39s
# lightgbm
X_test = test_set[['consume', 'phone_nums', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'province_out_cnt']].values
y_predict = gbm.predict(X_test, num_iteration=gbm.best_iteration)
submit = test_set[['id']]
submit['pred'] = y_predict
time: 108 ms

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:5: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

time: 2.3 ms
array([0.10280227, 0.08214867, 0.06905468, 0.07655945, 0.11238844])

time: 2.9 ms
# xgboost
X_test = test_set[['consume', 'phone_nums', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'province_out_cnt']].values
y_predict = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
submit_xgb = test_set[['id']]
submit_xgb['pred'] = y_predict
time: 208 ms

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:5: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

4 提交结果

tt1 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_1.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
tt1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume']
time: 41.6 ms
xgb_t1_id = tt1[['id']].drop_duplicates()
time: 13 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 0 to 99852
Data columns (total 1 columns):
id    50200 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1)
memory usage: 784.4 KB
time: 5.46 ms
t1_id = tt1[['id']].drop_duplicates()
time: 12.5 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 0 to 99852
Data columns (total 1 columns):
id    50200 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1)
memory usage: 784.4 KB
time: 5.67 ms

Int64Index: 48668 entries, 0 to 48667
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      48668 non-null int64
pred    48668 non-null float32
dtypes: float32(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 950.5 KB
time: 7.8 ms

Int64Index: 48668 entries, 0 to 48667
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      48668 non-null int64
pred    48668 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 8.33 ms
tt_xgb = t1_id.merge(submit_xgb, on=['id'], how='left')
time: 17.6 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 0 to 50199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      50200 non-null int64
pred    48668 non-null float32
dtypes: float32(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 980.5 KB
time: 8.14 ms
tt = t1_id.merge(submit, on=['id'], how='left')
time: 19.3 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 0 to 50199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      50200 non-null int64
pred    48668 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 8.06 ms


# fill 0 0.469  dropna-0.50005  addfeat-0.46  addfeat dropna-0.4549
# fill 1 0.436  addfeat dropna-0.419
# fill mean0.088458 0.43048757
submit_xgb = tt_xgb.fillna(0.0)
time: 1.92 ms


# fill 0 addfeat-0.4491 0.4539  addfeat dropna-0.4512
submit_gbm = tt.fillna(0.0)
time: 1.96 ms

1.模型融合 求和 得分0.4558
2.全为1.0/0.0 得分0.5
3.大于0.5改为1.0,小于0.5改为0.0 应有2800人左右去 xgb0.26 得分0.50153 gbm0.17 得分0.50554

id pred
count 5.020000e+04 50200.000000
mean 5.449990e+15 0.092590
std 2.628886e+15 0.088487
min 5.959412e+11 0.000000
25% 3.177008e+15 0.034837
50% 5.441108e+15 0.063993
75% 7.726328e+15 0.125547
max 9.999920e+15 0.754152
time: 22.4 ms
id pred
count 2.818000e+03 2818.000000
mean 5.523494e+15 0.350387
std 2.632627e+15 0.083545
min 7.736480e+13 0.260060
25% 3.193231e+15 0.287803
50% 5.528103e+15 0.324941
75% 7.801996e+15 0.386373
max 9.999505e+15 0.754152
time: 16.7 ms
xgb_yes = submit_xgb[submit_xgb['pred']>=0.26] 
xgb_yes['pred'] = 1.0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
id pred
count 2.818000e+03 2818.0
mean 5.523494e+15 1.0
std 2.632627e+15 0.0
min 7.736480e+13 1.0
25% 3.193231e+15 1.0
50% 5.528103e+15 1.0
75% 7.801996e+15 1.0
max 9.999505e+15 1.0
time: 347 ms
xgb_no = submit_xgb[submit_xgb['pred']<0.26] 
xgb_no['pred'] = 0.0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
id pred
count 4.738200e+04 47382.0
mean 5.445619e+15 0.0
std 2.628626e+15 0.0
min 5.959412e+11 0.0
25% 3.175890e+15 0.0
50% 5.435288e+15 0.0
75% 7.722863e+15 0.0
max 9.999920e+15 0.0
time: 380 ms
submit = xgb_yes.append(xgb_no)
time: 2.29 ms
id pred
count 5.020000e+04 50200.000000
mean 5.449990e+15 0.056135
std 2.628886e+15 0.230185
min 5.959412e+11 0.000000
25% 3.177008e+15 0.000000
50% 5.441108e+15 0.000000
75% 7.726328e+15 0.000000
max 9.999920e+15 1.000000
time: 19.6 ms
id pred
count 5.547000e+03 5547.000000
mean 5.508672e+15 0.289829
std 2.641133e+15 0.086438
min 5.399382e+12 0.200014
25% 3.195841e+15 0.225862
50% 5.489831e+15 0.261552
75% 7.813588e+15 0.326278
max 9.999505e+15 0.754152
time: 18.5 ms

time: 2.17 ms
id pred
count 2.539000e+03 2539.000000
mean 5.482621e+15 0.298836
std 2.625965e+15 0.062903
min 7.736480e+13 0.230013
25% 3.200866e+15 0.253366
50% 5.471503e+15 0.279145
75% 7.742764e+15 0.326900
max 9.999505e+15 0.632138
time: 19 ms
id pred
count 2.859000e+03 2859.000000
mean 5.493943e+15 0.290563
std 2.630246e+15 0.063701
min 7.736480e+13 0.220121
25% 3.195841e+15 0.244933
50% 5.501943e+15 0.270700
75% 7.743865e+15 0.321506
max 9.999505e+15 0.632138
time: 19.6 ms
gbm_yes = submit_gbm[submit_gbm['pred']>=0.23] 
gbm_yes['pred'] = 1.0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
id pred
count 2.539000e+03 2539.0
mean 5.482621e+15 1.0
std 2.625965e+15 0.0
min 7.736480e+13 1.0
25% 3.200866e+15 1.0
50% 5.471503e+15 1.0
75% 7.742764e+15 1.0
max 9.999505e+15 1.0
time: 82.2 ms
gbm_no = submit_gbm[submit_gbm['pred']<0.23] 
gbm_no['pred'] = 0.0
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
id pred
count 4.766100e+04 47661.0
mean 5.448252e+15 0.0
std 2.629058e+15 0.0
min 5.959412e+11 0.0
25% 3.175232e+15 0.0
50% 5.439911e+15 0.0
75% 7.725629e+15 0.0
max 9.999920e+15 0.0
time: 58.7 ms
submit = gbm_yes.append(gbm_no)
time: 4.19 ms
id pred
count 5.020000e+04 50200.000000
mean 5.449990e+15 0.018745
std 2.628886e+15 0.135625
min 5.959412e+11 0.000000
25% 3.177008e+15 0.000000
50% 5.441108e+15 0.000000
75% 7.726328e+15 0.000000
max 9.999920e+15 1.000000
time: 20.4 ms
id pred
count 5.020000e+04 50200.000000
mean 5.449990e+15 0.085097
std 2.628886e+15 0.071304
min 5.959412e+11 0.000000
25% 3.177008e+15 0.036845
50% 5.441108e+15 0.062206
75% 7.726328e+15 0.113462
max 9.999920e+15 0.632138
time: 20.8 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 91 to 50199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      50200 non-null int64
pred    50200 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 9.36 ms
submit = submit_xgb.append(submit_gbm)
submit = submit.groupby(by='id').sum().reset_index()
id pred
count 5.020000e+04 50200.000000
mean 5.449990e+15 0.169012
std 2.628886e+15 0.139313
min 5.959412e+11 0.000000
25% 3.177008e+15 0.076237
50% 5.441108e+15 0.125893
75% 7.726328e+15 0.222622
max 9.999920e+15 1.124561
time: 41.7 ms
id pred
4 9297165066591558 1.0
14 8168181097053542 1.0
18 6473515505643555 1.0
25 4641233171005560 1.0
29 6759757036024682 1.0
time: 6.16 ms
id pred
8048 595941207920 0.185561
time: 7.07 ms
id pred
8048 595941207920 0.114782
time: 6.33 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 14 to 50199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      50200 non-null int64
pred    50200 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 8 ms


t1_id['pred'] = 1.0

submit = t1_id.copy()

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 0 to 99852
Data columns (total 2 columns):
id      50200 non-null int64
pred    50200 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 8.79 ms
id pred
0 6401824160010748 1.0
1 6506134548135499 1.0
2 5996920884619954 1.0
3 1187209424543713 1.0
4 9297165066591558 1.0
time: 13.1 ms

submit.columns = ['ID', 'Pred']
submit['ID'] = submit['ID'].astype(str)
time: 36.7 ms

Int64Index: 50200 entries, 14 to 50199
Data columns (total 2 columns):
ID      50200 non-null object
Pred    50200 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 1.1+ MB
time: 10.1 ms
time: 126 ms
!wget -O kesci_submit https://www.heywhale.com/kesci_submit&&chmod +x kesci_submit
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
--2019-07-31 08:15:56--  https://www.heywhale.com/kesci_submit
Resolving www.heywhale.com (www.heywhale.com)...
Connecting to www.heywhale.com (www.heywhale.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6528405 (6.2M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘kesci_submit’

kesci_submit        100%[===================>]   6.23M  12.1MB/s    in 0.5s    

2019-07-31 08:15:57 (12.1 MB/s) - ‘kesci_submit’ saved [6528405/6528405]

time: 1.83 s
!https_proxy="http://klab-external-proxy" ./kesci_submit -file ../submit.csv -token 578549794d544bff
Kesci Submit Tool 3.0

> 已验证Token
> 提交文件 ../submit.csv (1312.26 KiB)
> 文件已上传        
> 提交完成
time: 1.7 s

!./kesci_submit -token 578549794d544bff -file ../submit.csv
Kesci Submit Tool
Result File: ../submit.csv (1.28 MiB)
Uploading: 7%====================
Submit Failed.
Serevr Response:
 400 - {"message":"当前提交工具版本过旧,请参考比赛提交页面信息下载新的提交工具"}

time: 1 s
!ls ../
input  pred.csv  work
time: 665 ms
!wget -nv -O kesci_submit https://www.heywhale.com/kesci_submit&&chmod +x kesci_submit
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libcrypto.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
wget: /opt/conda/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0: no version information available (required by wget)
2019-07-02 08:08:23 URL:https://www.heywhale.com/kesci_submit [7842088/7842088] -> "kesci_submit" [1]
time: 1.47 s

0 查看数据

0.1 训练数据

0.1.1 正样本
q1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  0.16 Mb (53.1% reduction)
time: 23 ms
q1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']
time: 1.21 ms
q1 = q1.dropna(axis=0)
time: 6.72 ms
year_month id consume label
2 201706 8160829951314300 82.75000 1
3 201707 8160829951314300 37.68750 1
4 201706 1508075698521400 68.00000 1
5 201707 1508075698521400 49.59375 1
6 201706 1686251204809800 200.75000 1
time: 6.82 ms
year_month id consume label
count 10865.000000 1.086500e+04 1.086500e+04 10865.0
mean 201706.499678 5.417732e+15 inf 1.0
std 0.500023 2.635784e+15 inf 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.448104e+12 4.998779e-02 1.0
25% 201706.000000 3.118365e+15 4.068750e+01 1.0
50% 201706.000000 5.456594e+15 9.837500e+01 1.0
75% 201707.000000 7.687339e+15 1.785000e+02 1.0
max 201707.000000 9.997949e+15 1.324000e+03 1.0
time: 37.1 ms

Int64Index: 10865 entries, 2 to 11199
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    10865 non-null int32
id            10865 non-null int64
consume       10865 non-null float16
label         10865 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(1)
memory usage: 244.0 KB
time: 6.9 ms
%matplotlib inline

# 按index日期排序

Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.

time: 11.3 s
q1[q1.consume == 1323.74]
year_month id consume label
4867 201707 5510977603357000 1324.0 1
time: 11.1 ms
q2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to 11.31 Mb (14.6% reduction)
time: 291 ms
q2 = q2.dropna(axis=0)
time: 77.7 ms
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1752398069509000 华为 PLK-AL10 20170609223138 20170609224345 1
2 1752398069509000 乐视 LETV X501 20160924102711 20160924112425 1
3 1752398069509000 金立 金立 GN800 20150331210255 20150630131232 1
4 1752398069509000 金立 GIONEE M5 20170508191216 20170605192347 1
5 1752398069509000 华为 PLK-AL10 20160618182839 20170731235959 1
time: 8.16 ms
q2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']
time: 1.15 ms
id brand type first_use_time recent_use_time label
1 1752398069509000 华为 PLK-AL10 20170609223138 20170609224345 1
2 1752398069509000 乐视 LETV X501 20160924102711 20160924112425 1
3 1752398069509000 金立 金立 GN800 20150331210255 20150630131232 1
4 1752398069509000 金立 GIONEE M5 20170508191216 20170605192347 1
5 1752398069509000 华为 PLK-AL10 20160618182839 20170731235959 1
time: 8.58 ms
id first_use_time recent_use_time label
count 1.973760e+05 1.973760e+05 1.973760e+05 197376.0
mean 5.436228e+15 2.015597e+13 2.015684e+13 1.0
std 2.642924e+15 2.685010e+11 2.685124e+11 0.0
min 1.448104e+12 -1.000000e+00 -1.000000e+00 1.0
25% 3.227267e+15 2.015122e+13 2.016013e+13 1.0
50% 5.353833e+15 2.016052e+13 2.016060e+13 1.0
75% 7.764521e+15 2.016102e+13 2.016112e+13 1.0
max 9.997949e+15 2.017073e+13 2.017073e+13 1.0
time: 64.7 ms

Int64Index: 197376 entries, 1 to 289201
Data columns (total 6 columns):
id                 197376 non-null int64
brand              197376 non-null object
type               197376 non-null object
first_use_time     197376 non-null int64
recent_use_time    197376 non-null int64
label              197376 non-null int8
dtypes: int64(3), int8(1), object(2)
memory usage: 9.2+ MB
time: 41.7 ms
q3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  0.18 Mb (64.6% reduction)
time: 18.4 ms
q3 = q3.dropna(axis=0)
time: 6.41 ms
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 201707 6062475264825100 88 1 0 1
1 201707 8160829951314300 27 0 0 1
2 201707 1508075698521400 19 0 0 1
3 201707 1686251204809800 207 0 0 1
4 201707 5627768389537500 133 1 0 1
time: 7.62 ms
q3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']
time: 1.16 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational label
0 201707 6062475264825100 88 1 0 1
1 201707 8160829951314300 27 0 0 1
2 201707 1508075698521400 19 0 0 1
3 201707 1686251204809800 207 0 0 1
4 201707 5627768389537500 133 1 0 1
time: 7.37 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational label
count 11200.000000 1.120000e+04 11200.000000 11200.000000 11200.000000 11200.0
mean 201706.500000 5.416583e+15 70.562232 0.235446 0.014464 1.0
std 0.500022 2.642827e+15 61.820144 0.424296 0.119400 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.448104e+12 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.0
25% 201706.000000 3.117220e+15 25.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.0
50% 201706.500000 5.456254e+15 54.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.0
75% 201707.000000 7.702940e+15 99.250000 0.000000 0.000000 1.0
max 201707.000000 9.997949e+15 727.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.0
time: 79.6 ms

Int64Index: 11200 entries, 0 to 11199
Data columns (total 6 columns):
year_month             11200 non-null int32
id                     11200 non-null int64
call_nums              11200 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    11200 non-null int8
is_transnational       11200 non-null int8
label                  11200 non-null int8
dtypes: int16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(3)
memory usage: 273.4 KB
time: 7.47 ms
q4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
q4 = q4.dropna(axis=0)
q4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']
time: 935 µs
year_month id province label
0 201707 6062475264825100 广东 1
1 201707 5627768389537500 北京 1
2 201707 2000900444179600 山西 1
3 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
4 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
time: 6.84 ms
year_month id label
count 7218.000000 7.218000e+03 7218.0
mean 201706.538515 5.341915e+15 1.0
std 0.498549 2.631231e+15 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.739872e+13 1.0
25% 201706.000000 3.037311e+15 1.0
50% 201707.000000 5.367106e+15 1.0
75% 201707.000000 7.545199e+15 1.0
max 201707.000000 9.987407e+15 1.0
time: 22.2 ms

Int64Index: 7218 entries, 0 to 7288
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    7218 non-null int32
id            7218 non-null int64
province      7218 non-null object
label         7218 non-null int8
dtypes: int32(1), int64(1), int8(1), object(1)
memory usage: 204.4+ KB
time: 6.74 ms
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/
201708q1.txt  201708q3.txt  201708q6.txt
201708q2.txt  201708q4.txt  201708q7.txt
time: 667 ms
q6 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q6.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to 62.58 Mb (52.1% reduction)
time: 3.9 s
q6.columns = ['date', 'hour', 'id', 'user_longitude', 'user_latitude', 'label']
time: 868 µs
date hour id user_longitude user_latitude label
0 2017-07-18 8.0 9239265006758100 106.467545 26.58625 1
1 2017-07-10 0.0 3859201812337600 106.708213 26.57854 1
2 2017-07-16 18.0 3859201812337600 106.545690 26.56724 1
3 2017-07-17 8.0 3859201812337600 106.545690 26.56724 1
4 2017-07-27 16.0 3859201812337600 106.545690 26.56724 1
time: 16.7 ms
hour id user_longitude user_latitude label
count 2.852871e+06 2.852871e+06 2.851527e+06 2.851527e+06 2852871.0
mean 1.141897e+01 5.415213e+15 1.068143e+02 2.659968e+01 1.0
std 6.632995e+00 2.634349e+15 5.580043e-01 2.852525e-01 0.0
min 0.000000e+00 1.448104e+12 1.036700e+02 2.470664e+01 1.0
25% 6.000000e+00 3.135488e+15 1.066656e+02 2.654610e+01 1.0
50% 1.200000e+01 5.442594e+15 1.067027e+02 2.658143e+01 1.0
75% 1.800000e+01 7.687963e+15 1.067373e+02 2.662629e+01 1.0
max 2.200000e+01 9.997949e+15 1.095277e+02 2.909348e+01 1.0
time: 775 ms

RangeIndex: 2852871 entries, 0 to 2852870
Data columns (total 6 columns):
date              object
hour              float64
id                int64
user_longitude    float64
user_latitude     float64
label             int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 130.6+ MB
time: 3.24 ms
q7 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708q/201708q7.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  3.80 Mb (42.5% reduction)
time: 137 ms
q7 = q7.dropna(axis=0)
time: 35.4 ms
q7.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'app', 'flow', 'label']
time: 1.54 ms
year_month id app flow label
0 201707 6610350034824100 腾讯手机管家 0.010002 1
1 201707 6997210664840100 喜马拉雅FM 27.390625 1
2 201707 3198621664927300 网易新闻 0.029999 1
3 201707 9987406611703100 喜马拉雅FM 0.000000 1
4 201707 1785540174324200 天气通 0.020004 1
time: 8.14 ms
year_month id flow label
count 173117.000000 1.731170e+05 173117.000000 173117.0
mean 201706.539699 5.403100e+15 NaN 1.0
std 0.498423 2.667026e+15 NaN 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.448104e+12 0.000000 1.0
25% 201706.000000 3.056260e+15 0.010002 1.0
50% 201707.000000 5.429056e+15 0.080017 1.0
75% 201707.000000 7.730223e+15 1.599609 1.0
max 201707.000000 9.997949e+15 7828.000000 1.0
time: 70.4 ms

Int64Index: 173117 entries, 0 to 173116
Data columns (total 5 columns):
year_month    173117 non-null int32
id            173117 non-null int64
app           173117 non-null object
flow          173117 non-null float16
label         173117 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int32(1), int64(1), int8(1), object(1)
memory usage: 5.1+ MB
time: 29.8 ms


year_month id consume label
2 201706 8160829951314300 82.75000 1
3 201707 8160829951314300 37.68750 1
4 201706 1508075698521400 68.00000 1
5 201707 1508075698521400 49.59375 1
6 201706 1686251204809800 200.75000 1
time: 7.05 ms
q1 = q1[['id', 'consume']]
time: 2.91 ms
q1_groupbyid = q1.groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})
time: 747 ms

time: 8.1 ms
id consume
3532 1448103998000 18.09375
3533 1448103998000 44.28125
time: 8.84 ms
1448103998000 62.37500
17398718813730 460.75000
61132623486000 12.28125
68156596675520 903.50000
76819334576430 282.25000
78745100940550 531.00000
110229638660000 253.00000
122134826301000 138.75000
132923269304000 26.81250
138204830829320 387.50000
time: 5.8 ms

特征1 使用过的top9+其它手机品牌 共10个
特征2 使用的不同品牌数量

q2 = q2[['id', 'brand']]
time: 4.86 ms
id brand
1 1752398069509000 华为
2 1752398069509000 乐视
3 1752398069509000 金立
4 1752398069509000 金立
5 1752398069509000 华为
6 1752398069509000 华为
7 1752398069509000 金立
8 1752398069509000 三星
9 4799656026499908 三星
10 4799656026499908 华为
time: 6.36 ms
groupbybrand = q2['brand'].value_counts()
time: 18.7 ms

time: 2.09 ms
%matplotlib inline


time: 454 ms
苹果      62347
华为      22266
欧珀      20516
维沃      17158
三星      13435
小米      10632
金立       9922
魅族       9708
乐视       5609
四季恒美     2163
Name: brand, dtype: int64

time: 3.52 ms
q2 = q2.drop_duplicates()
groupbyid = q2['id'].value_counts()
time: 19.6 ms

time: 2.23 ms
%matplotlib inline


time: 294 ms
4104535378288025    115
8707678197418467    108
3900535090108175    104
3986280749497468     93
9196501153454276     88
5510977603357000     84
8569492566715454     78
1106540188374027     71
4091371962011072     71
4874962666674313     71
Name: id, dtype: int64

time: 3.27 ms
year_month id consume label
10576 201706 4104535378288025 208.000 1
10577 201707 4104535378288025 205.125 1
time: 7.63 ms
# q2[q2['id']==4104535378288025]
time: 364 µs

time: 2.14 ms

time: 3.13 ms
q2_groupbyid = groupbyid.reset_index()
time: 2.34 ms
q2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']
time: 1.19 ms
id phone_nums
0 4104535378288025 115
1 8707678197418467 108
2 3900535090108175 104
3 3986280749497468 93
4 9196501153454276 88
time: 6.12 ms

time: 2.15 ms
pos_set = q1_groupbyid.merge(q2_groupbyid, on=['id'])
time: 6.42 ms
id consume phone_nums
0 1448103998000 62.37500 6
1 17398718813730 460.75000 23
2 61132623486000 12.28125 1
3 68156596675520 903.50000 4
4 76819334576430 282.25000 21
time: 7.11 ms

Int64Index: 5473 entries, 0 to 5472
Data columns (total 3 columns):
id            5473 non-null int64
consume       5473 non-null float16
phone_nums    5473 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 139.0 KB
time: 6.27 ms

2.将两月出省求和 是:1 否:0
3.将两月出国求和 是:1 否:0

year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational label
0 201707 6062475264825100 88 1 0 1
1 201707 8160829951314300 27 0 0 1
2 201707 1508075698521400 19 0 0 1
3 201707 1686251204809800 207 0 0 1
4 201707 5627768389537500 133 1 0 1
time: 7.69 ms
q3_groupbyid_call = q3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})
q3_groupbyid_provincial = q3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})
q3_groupbyid_trans = q3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})
time: 1.95 s
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])
time: 5.14 ms
id consume phone_nums call_nums
0 1448103998000 62.37500 6 21
1 17398718813730 460.75000 23 217
2 61132623486000 12.28125 1 61
3 68156596675520 903.50000 4 353
4 76819334576430 282.25000 21 431
time: 7.94 ms
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])
time: 9.61 ms

Int64Index: 5473 entries, 0 to 5472
Data columns (total 6 columns):
id                     5473 non-null int64
consume                5473 non-null float16
phone_nums             5473 non-null int64
call_nums              5473 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5473 non-null int8
is_transnational       5473 non-null int8
dtypes: float16(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2)
memory usage: 160.3 KB
time: 7.3 ms


year_month id province label
0 201707 6062475264825100 广东 1
1 201707 5627768389537500 北京 1
2 201707 2000900444179600 山西 1
3 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
4 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
5 201707 5304502776817600 四川 1
6 201707 5304502776817600 重庆 1
7 201707 8594396491246200 广西 1
8 201707 8594396491246200 广西 1
9 201707 8594396491246200 广西 1
time: 8.78 ms
q4_groupbyid = q4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).agg({'province': pd.Series.unique})
17398718813730 重庆
61132623486000 [福建, 河南, 江苏, 安徽]
68156596675520 [辽宁, 广东]
132923269304000 江西
138204830829320 浙江
time: 322 ms
q4_groupbyid = q4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()
17398718813730     1
61132623486000     8
68156596675520     3
132923269304000    1
138204830829320    2
dtype: int64

time: 6.52 ms
year_month id province label
461 201707 61132623486000 福建 1
462 201707 61132623486000 福建 1
463 201707 61132623486000 福建 1
4363 201706 61132623486000 河南 1
4364 201706 61132623486000 江苏 1
4365 201706 61132623486000 安徽 1
4366 201706 61132623486000 安徽 1
4367 201706 61132623486000 江苏 1
time: 8.26 ms

time: 4.03 ms
q4_groupbyid = q4_groupbyid.reset_index()
q4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']
time: 2.73 ms
id province_out_cnt
0 17398718813730 1
1 61132623486000 8
2 68156596675520 3
3 132923269304000 1
4 138204830829320 2
time: 5.73 ms
pos_set = pos_set.merge(q4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt
0 1448103998000 62.37500 6 21 0 0 NaN
1 17398718813730 460.75000 23 217 1 0 1.0
2 61132623486000 12.28125 1 61 2 0 8.0
3 68156596675520 903.50000 4 353 2 0 3.0
4 76819334576430 282.25000 21 431 0 0 NaN
time: 14.6 ms

Int64Index: 5473 entries, 0 to 5472
Data columns (total 7 columns):
id                     5473 non-null int64
consume                5473 non-null float16
phone_nums             5473 non-null int64
call_nums              5473 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5473 non-null int8
is_transnational       5473 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       1913 non-null float64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2)
memory usage: 203.1 KB
time: 7.53 ms
pos_set = pos_set.fillna(0)
time: 2.46 ms

Int64Index: 5473 entries, 0 to 5472
Data columns (total 7 columns):
id                     5473 non-null int64
consume                5473 non-null float16
phone_nums             5473 non-null int64
call_nums              5473 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    5473 non-null int8
is_transnational       5473 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       5473 non-null float64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(2), int8(2)
memory usage: 203.1 KB
time: 8.02 ms
# inner
# pos_set.info()

Int64Index: 1913 entries, 0 to 1912
Data columns (total 7 columns):
id                     1913 non-null int64
consume                1913 non-null float16
phone_nums             1913 non-null int64
call_nums              1913 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    1913 non-null int8
is_transnational       1913 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       1913 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2)
memory usage: 71.0 KB
time: 6.67 ms

q6 暂时忽略

year_month id app flow label
0 201707 6610350034824100 腾讯手机管家 0.010002 1
1 201707 6997210664840100 喜马拉雅FM 27.390625 1
2 201707 3198621664927300 网易新闻 0.029999 1
3 201707 9987406611703100 喜马拉雅FM 0.000000 1
4 201707 1785540174324200 天气通 0.020004 1
time: 7.94 ms
q7_groupbyapp = q7.groupby(['app']).agg({'flow': pd.Series.sum})
time: 135 ms

time: 2.04 ms
q7_groupbyapp.sort_values(by='flow', ascending=False)
网易云音乐 inf
爱奇艺视频 inf
微信 inf
新浪微博 inf
QQ音乐 inf
今日头条 inf
QQ 57856.0
手机百度 53408.0
陌陌 43488.0
iTunes 35392.0
腾讯新闻 25952.0
快手 24256.0
手机淘宝 18400.0
UC浏览器 16608.0
酷狗音乐 15360.0
高德地图 14984.0
酷我音乐 13488.0
新浪新闻 13432.0
唯品会 11504.0
腾讯视频 10760.0
优酷视频 10736.0
汽车之家 9984.0
百度地图 9816.0
美团 9400.0
网易新闻 8648.0
AppStore 7776.0
中国联通手机营业厅 6736.0
百度贴吧 6104.0
凤凰新闻 5504.0
虾米音乐 5020.0
... ...
百才招聘网 0.0
碰碰 0.0
禾文阿思看图购 0.0
科学作息时间表 0.0
章鱼输入法 0.0
米折 0.0
约会吧 0.0
网易微博 0.0
表情大全 0.0
欢乐互娱 0.0
博客大巴 0.0
查快递 0.0
邮储银行 0.0
号簿助手 0.0
司机邦 0.0
壁纸多多 0.0
天天聊 0.0
天翼阅读 0.0
安全管家 0.0
安卓游戏盒子 0.0
安软市场 0.0
车网互联 0.0
宜搜搜索 0.0
工程师爸爸 0.0
彩票控 0.0
贝瓦儿歌 0.0
搜狗壁纸 0.0
智远一户通 0.0
诚品快拍 0.0
07073手游中心 0.0

762 rows × 1 columns

time: 12.4 ms
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt
count 5.473000e+03 5473.000000 5473.000000 5473.000000 5473.000000 5473.000000 5473.000000
mean 5.417038e+15 inf 8.228942 141.201900 0.474511 0.029600 1.300018
std 2.637784e+15 inf 8.551830 121.262826 0.706162 0.187904 3.110401
min 1.448104e+12 0.099976 1.000000 -2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 3.113785e+15 82.000000 3.000000 52.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 5.457364e+15 198.250000 6.000000 108.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 7.688781e+15 355.250000 10.000000 198.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
max 9.997949e+15 2392.000000 115.000000 1035.000000 2.000000 2.000000 42.000000
time: 126 ms
pos_set['label'] = 1
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt label
0 1448103998000 62.37500 6 21 0 0 NaN 1
1 17398718813730 460.75000 23 217 1 0 1.0 1
2 61132623486000 12.28125 1 61 2 0 8.0 1
3 68156596675520 903.50000 4 353 2 0 3.0 1
4 76819334576430 282.25000 21 431 0 0 NaN 1
time: 10.5 ms
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt label
0 1448103998000 62.37500 6 21 0 0 NaN 1
1 17398718813730 460.75000 23 217 1 0 1.0 1
2 61132623486000 12.28125 1 61 2 0 8.0 1
3 68156596675520 903.50000 4 353 2 0 3.0 1
4 76819334576430 282.25000 21 431 0 0 NaN 1
time: 23.5 ms
0.1.2 负样本
n1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
n1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']
n1 = n1.dropna(axis=0)
n1_groupbyid = n1[['id', 'consume']].groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})

n2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
n2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']
n2 = n2.dropna(axis=0)
n2 = n2[['id', 'brand']]
n2 = n2.drop_duplicates()
n2_groupbyid = n2['id'].value_counts()
n2_groupbyid = n2_groupbyid.reset_index()
n2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']

neg_set = n1_groupbyid.merge(n2_groupbyid, on=['id'])
Mem. usage decreased to  2.67 Mb (53.1% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to 51.13 Mb (14.6% reduction)
id consume phone_nums
0 1009387204000 225.000000 4
1 1167316303000 1.199219 4
2 1883071709000 213.500000 8
3 3393143830010 517.500000 6
4 4568973162000 18.078125 3
time: 10.8 s

Int64Index: 76515 entries, 0 to 76514
Data columns (total 3 columns):
id            76515 non-null int64
consume       76515 non-null float16
phone_nums    76515 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 1.9 MB
time: 11.1 ms
n3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
n3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']

n3_groupbyid_call = n3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})
n3_groupbyid_provincial = n3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})
n3_groupbyid_trans = n3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})
neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])
neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])
neg_set = neg_set.merge(n3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

n4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
n4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']

n4_groupbyid = n4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()
n4_groupbyid = n4_groupbyid.reset_index()
n4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']
neg_set = neg_set.merge(n4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])
neg_set = neg_set.fillna(0)
Mem. usage decreased to  3.03 Mb (64.6% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.73 Mb (34.4% reduction)
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt
0 1009387204000 225.000000 4 19 0 0 0.0
1 1167316303000 1.199219 4 6 0 0 0.0
2 1883071709000 213.500000 8 40 0 0 0.0
3 3393143830010 517.500000 6 205 1 0 2.0
4 4568973162000 18.078125 3 17 0 0 0.0
time: 32.5 s
neg_set['label'] = 0
time: 1.83 ms

Int64Index: 76515 entries, 0 to 76514
Data columns (total 8 columns):
id                     76515 non-null int64
consume                76515 non-null float16
phone_nums             76515 non-null int64
call_nums              76515 non-null int16
is_trans_provincial    76515 non-null int8
is_transnational       76515 non-null int8
province_out_cnt       76515 non-null float64
label                  76515 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), float64(1), int16(1), int64(3), int8(2)
memory usage: 3.4 MB
time: 18.9 ms
n1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  2.67 Mb (53.1% reduction)
time: 484 ms
n1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume', 'label']
time: 1.28 ms
year_month id consume label
0 201707 8570518832906100 9.00 0
1 201707 2182640938718700 10.00 0
2 201707 783614344429000 8.38 0
3 201707 2007036960106400 100.00 0
4 201707 9482847959399300 226.05 0
time: 7.22 ms
year_month id consume label
count 186800.000000 1.868000e+05 150750.000000 186800.0
mean 201706.500000 5.464219e+15 63.580028 0.0
std 0.500001 2.633848e+15 84.063600 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.009387e+12 -70.660000 0.0
25% 201706.000000 3.192389e+15 12.930000 0.0
50% 201706.500000 5.486486e+15 34.000000 0.0
75% 201707.000000 7.744140e+15 82.500000 0.0
max 201707.000000 9.999717e+15 3979.940000 0.0
time: 52.5 ms

RangeIndex: 186800 entries, 0 to 186799
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    186800 non-null int64
id            186800 non-null int64
consume       150750 non-null float64
label         186800 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 5.7 MB
time: 21.7 ms
n2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to 51.13 Mb (14.6% reduction)
time: 7.76 s
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 5227696575283900 苹果 A1699 20150331210636 20150701063017 0
1 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20160725112240 20170731235959 0
2 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20161205220417 20161205220417 0
3 6279759720262000 三星 SM-A9000 20161128231001 20161128231001 0
4 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20161220102623 20170306173713 0
time: 8.15 ms
n2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time', 'label']
time: 1.2 ms
id brand type first_use_time recent_use_time label
0 5227696575283900 苹果 A1699 20150331210636 20150701063017 0
1 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20160725112240 20170731235959 0
2 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20161205220417 20161205220417 0
3 6279759720262000 三星 SM-A9000 20161128231001 20161128231001 0
4 6279759720262000 NaN NaN 20161220102623 20170306173713 0
time: 8.3 ms
id first_use_time recent_use_time label
count 1.307608e+06 1.307608e+06 1.307608e+06 1307608.0
mean 5.460966e+15 1.999810e+13 1.999992e+13 0.0
std 2.619222e+15 1.801007e+12 1.801171e+12 0.0
min 1.009387e+12 -1.000000e+00 -1.000000e+00 0.0
25% 3.196695e+15 2.015112e+13 2.016022e+13 0.0
50% 5.477102e+15 2.016071e+13 2.016101e+13 0.0
75% 7.728047e+15 2.016123e+13 2.017023e+13 0.0
max 9.999717e+15 2.017073e+13 2.017073e+13 0.0
time: 252 ms

RangeIndex: 1307608 entries, 0 to 1307607
Data columns (total 6 columns):
id                 1307608 non-null int64
brand              894190 non-null object
type               894205 non-null object
first_use_time     1307608 non-null int64
recent_use_time    1307608 non-null int64
label              1307608 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 59.9+ MB
time: 251 ms
n3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  3.03 Mb (64.6% reduction)
time: 584 ms
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 201707 4295277677437000 36 1 0 0
1 201707 9121335969062000 37 0 0 0
2 201707 9438277095447300 -1 0 0 0
3 201707 6749854876532500 20 0 0 0
4 201707 1545361809381400 26 0 0 0
time: 7.82 ms
n3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational', 'label']
time: 1.13 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational label
0 201707 4295277677437000 36 1 0 0
1 201707 9121335969062000 37 0 0 0
2 201707 9438277095447300 -1 0 0 0
3 201707 6749854876532500 20 0 0 0
4 201707 1545361809381400 26 0 0 0
time: 7.49 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational label
count 186800.000000 1.868000e+05 186800.000000 186800.000000 186800.000000 186800.0
mean 201706.500000 5.464219e+15 32.674797 0.093292 0.005054 0.0
std 0.500001 2.633848e+15 46.054929 0.290842 0.070909 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.009387e+12 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
25% 201706.000000 3.192389e+15 4.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
50% 201706.500000 5.486486e+15 19.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
75% 201707.000000 7.744140e+15 43.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
max 201707.000000 9.999717e+15 1807.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0
time: 75.7 ms

RangeIndex: 186800 entries, 0 to 186799
Data columns (total 6 columns):
year_month             186800 non-null int64
id                     186800 non-null int64
call_nums              186800 non-null int64
is_trans_provincial    186800 non-null int64
is_transnational       186800 non-null int64
label                  186800 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(6)
memory usage: 8.6 MB
time: 26.6 ms
n4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to  0.73 Mb (34.4% reduction)
time: 88.8 ms
n4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province', 'label']
time: 1.15 ms
year_month id province label
0 201707 4295277677437000 重庆 0
1 201707 5560109665240300 广西 0
2 201707 5560109665240300 广东 0
3 201707 5560109665240300 广东 0
4 201707 5705601521649600 重庆 0
time: 7.14 ms
year_month id label
count 36499.000000 3.649900e+04 36499.0
mean 201706.539193 5.471019e+15 0.0
std 0.498468 2.639006e+15 0.0
min 201706.000000 3.393144e+12 0.0
25% 201706.000000 3.203830e+15 0.0
50% 201707.000000 5.468480e+15 0.0
75% 201707.000000 7.753756e+15 0.0
max 201707.000000 9.999305e+15 0.0
time: 24.4 ms

RangeIndex: 36499 entries, 0 to 36498
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    36499 non-null int64
id            36499 non-null int64
province      36099 non-null object
label         36499 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 1.1+ MB
time: 9.97 ms
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/
201708n1.txt  201708n3.txt  201708n6.txt
201708n2.txt  201708n4.txt  201708n7.txt
time: 669 ms
n6 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n6.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to 798.26 Mb (52.1% reduction)
time: 2min 59s
n6.columns = ['date', 'hour', 'id', 'user_longitude', 'user_latitude', 'label']
time: 1.51 ms
date hour id user_longitude user_latitude label
0 2017-07-02 10.0 7748777616409800 106.680816 26.563650 0
1 2017-07-10 0.0 7748777616409800 106.719520 26.576370 0
2 2017-07-31 14.0 7748777616409800 106.683060 26.654663 0
3 2017-07-01 0.0 6633710902197900 106.697440 26.613930 0
4 2017-07-08 14.0 6633710902197900 106.715700 26.609710 0
time: 9.14 ms
hour id user_longitude user_latitude label
count 2.852871e+06 2.852871e+06 2.851527e+06 2.851527e+06 2852871.0
mean 1.141897e+01 5.415213e+15 1.068143e+02 2.659968e+01 1.0
std 6.632995e+00 2.634349e+15 5.580043e-01 2.852525e-01 0.0
min 0.000000e+00 1.448104e+12 1.036700e+02 2.470664e+01 1.0
25% 6.000000e+00 3.135488e+15 1.066656e+02 2.654610e+01 1.0
50% 1.200000e+01 5.442594e+15 1.067027e+02 2.658143e+01 1.0
75% 1.800000e+01 7.687963e+15 1.067373e+02 2.662629e+01 1.0
max 2.200000e+01 9.997949e+15 1.095277e+02 2.909348e+01 1.0
time: 979 ms

RangeIndex: 36393070 entries, 0 to 36393069
Data columns (total 6 columns):
date              object
hour              float64
id                int64
user_longitude    float64
user_latitude     float64
label             int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 1.6+ GB
time: 3.76 ms
n7 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/201708n/201708n7.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
Mem. usage decreased to 17.98 Mb (31.2% reduction)
time: 3.14 s
n7.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'app', 'flow']
time: 1.44 ms
year_month id app flow
0 201707 4011022166491000 米聊 0.01
1 201707 8544172893207700 百度地图 2.07
2 201707 9856572220983403 搜狗输入法 0.00
3 201707 6441300393946200 爱奇艺视频 0.00
4 201707 8751918977379700 开心消消乐 0.03
time: 7.51 ms
# n7['label'] = 0
time: 2.94 ms
# n7.head()
year_month id app flow label
0 201707 4011022166491000 米聊 0.01 0
1 201707 8544172893207700 百度地图 2.07 0
2 201707 9856572220983403 搜狗输入法 0.00 0
3 201707 6441300393946200 爱奇艺视频 0.00 0
4 201707 8751918977379700 开心消消乐 0.03 0
time: 8.46 ms
year_month id flow label
count 856961.000000 8.569610e+05 856961.000000 856961.0
mean 201706.535881 5.432556e+15 9.942533 0.0
std 0.498711 2.643712e+15 68.096944 0.0
min 201706.000000 1.009387e+12 0.000000 0.0
25% 201706.000000 3.134290e+15 0.000000 0.0
50% 201707.000000 5.440495e+15 0.060000 0.0
75% 201707.000000 7.727765e+15 1.130000 0.0
max 201707.000000 9.999717e+15 10986.150000 0.0
time: 170 ms

RangeIndex: 856961 entries, 0 to 856960
Data columns (total 5 columns):
year_month    856961 non-null int64
id            856961 non-null int64
app           856961 non-null object
flow          856961 non-null float64
label         856961 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 32.7+ MB
time: 116 ms
0.1.3 天气数据
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/weather_data_2017/
weather_forecast_2017.txt  weather_reported_2017.txt  天气现象编码.xlsx
time: 669 ms
weather_reported = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/weather_data_2017/weather_reported_2017.txt', sep='\t')
time: 6.15 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Month Day TEM_Avg TEM_Max TEM_Min PRE_Time_2020 WEP_Record
0 麻江 522635 2017 6 1 23.00 24.5 20.9 0.6 ( 01 60 ) 60 .
1 三穗 522624 2017 6 1 21.13 25.6 19.4 9.0 ( 01 10 80 ) 80 60 .
2 镇远 522625 2017 6 1 22.68 26.5 21.3 8.9 ( 60 ) 60 .
3 雷山 522634 2017 6 1 23.80 26.1 20.4 5.1 ( 10 ) 60 .
4 剑河 522629 2017 6 1 23.53 27.1 22.0 6.8 ( 01 10 80 ) 80 10 .
time: 12.2 ms
# weather_reported.columns = ['Station_Name', 'VACODE', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'TEM_Avg', 'TEM_Max', 'TEM_Min', 'PRE_Time_2020', 'WEP_Record']
time: 1.25 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Month Day TEM_Avg TEM_Max TEM_Min PRE_Time_2020 WEP_Record
count 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404
unique 24 25 2 3 32 448 214 109 330 305
top 贵阳 520000 2017 7 4 22.83 30.5 20.5 0.0 ( 01 ) 01 .
freq 61 360 1403 713 46 10 18 35 625 197
time: 49.9 ms

RangeIndex: 1404 entries, 0 to 1403
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Station_Name     1404 non-null object
VACODE           1404 non-null object
Year             1404 non-null object
Month            1404 non-null object
Day              1404 non-null object
TEM_Avg          1404 non-null object
TEM_Max          1404 non-null object
TEM_Min          1404 non-null object
PRE_Time_2020    1404 non-null object
WEP_Record       1404 non-null object
dtypes: object(10)
memory usage: 109.8+ KB
time: 6.32 ms
weather_forecast = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/train_set/weather_data_2017/weather_forecast_2017.txt', sep='\t')
time: 10.8 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h WEP_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h ... TEM_Max_120h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Max_144h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Max_168h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24 Unnamed: 25
0 白云 520113 2017 6 1 25.0 17.0 (2)1 24.0 19.0 ... (4)2 25.0 15.0 (2)1 27.0 15.0 (1)0 26.0 16.0 (1)0
1 岑巩 522626 2017 6 1 31.3 19.4 (1)1 31.0 22.0 ... (4)1 32.0 19.4 (1)1 32.0 22.8 (1)1 32.0 21.0 (1)1
2 从江 522633 2017 6 1 33.4 22.0 (1)1 30.0 23.0 ... (4)3 34.0 22.0 (1)1 34.0 23.8 (1)1 34.0 22.0 (1)1
3 丹寨 522636 2017 6 1 27.5 18.0 (1)1 24.5 20.0 ... (4)1 28.5 18.0 (1)1 28.5 21.0 (1)1 28.5 20.0 (1)1
4 贵阳 520103 2017 6 1 26.0 18.0 (2)1 25.0 20.0 ... (4)2 26.0 16.0 (2)1 28.0 16.0 (1)0 27.0 17.0 (1)0

5 rows × 26 columns

time: 86.4 ms
VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h TEM_Max_72h TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h TEM_Min_96h WEP_96h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24
count 1464.000000 1464.0 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000 1464.000000
mean 521792.583333 2017.0 6.508197 15.754098 28.374658 20.721585 28.375820 20.872814 28.283811 21.112432 28.539481 21.408128 28.702254 21.454713 29.142623 21.485656 29.131626 21.589003
std 1180.891163 0.0 0.500104 8.809966 4.300391 2.290850 4.379771 2.232788 4.329132 2.204980 4.154188 5.203525 4.167441 5.238257 4.124026 2.180222 4.033227 2.391945
min 520103.000000 2017.0 6.000000 1.000000 17.300000 13.800000 17.300000 13.600000 17.000000 10.000000 19.000000 14.300000 19.000000 15.000000 18.000000 15.000000 18.000000 2.000000
25% 520122.750000 2017.0 6.000000 8.000000 25.000000 19.000000 25.000000 19.400000 25.000000 19.600000 25.500000 19.700000 26.000000 19.700000 26.000000 20.000000 26.500000 20.000000
50% 522624.500000 2017.0 7.000000 16.000000 28.500000 21.000000 28.500000 21.000000 28.000000 21.000000 28.500000 21.500000 28.500000 21.500000 29.000000 22.000000 29.000000 22.000000
75% 522630.250000 2017.0 7.000000 23.000000 31.800000 22.500000 31.600000 22.500000 31.500000 23.000000 31.500000 23.000000 32.000000 23.000000 32.000000 23.000000 32.000000 23.500000
max 522636.000000 2017.0 7.000000 31.000000 39.000000 25.700000 39.500000 25.500000 38.000000 25.800000 39.000000 200.000000 39.000000 202.000000 38.800000 25.800000 37.500000 26.000000
time: 121 ms

RangeIndex: 1464 entries, 0 to 1463
Data columns (total 26 columns):
Station_Name             1464 non-null object
VACODE                   1464 non-null int64
Year                     1464 non-null int64
Mon                      1464 non-null int64
Day                      1464 non-null int64
TEM_Max_24h              1464 non-null float64
TEM_Min_24h              1464 non-null float64
WEP_24h                  1464 non-null object
TEM_Max_48h              1464 non-null float64
TEM_Min_48h              1464 non-null float64
WEP_48h                  1464 non-null object
TEM_Max_72h              1464 non-null float64
TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h      1464 non-null float64
TEM_Max_96h              1464 non-null object
TEM_Min_96h              1464 non-null float64
WEP_96h                  1464 non-null float64
TEM_Max_120h             1464 non-null object
TEM_Min_120h             1464 non-null float64
WEP_120h                 1464 non-null float64
TEM_Max_144h             1464 non-null object
TEM_Min_144h             1464 non-null float64
WEP_144h                 1464 non-null float64
TEM_Max_168h             1464 non-null object
TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h    1464 non-null float64
Unnamed: 24              1464 non-null float64
Unnamed: 25              1464 non-null object
dtypes: float64(14), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 297.5+ KB
time: 9.2 ms

0.2 测试数据

0.2.1 测试集
t1 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_1.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
t1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume']
t1 = t1.dropna(axis=0)
t1_groupbyid = t1[['id', 'consume']].groupby(['id']).agg({'consume': pd.Series.sum})

t2 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_2.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
t2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time']
t2 = t2.dropna(axis=0)
t2 = t2[['id', 'brand']]
t2 = t2.drop_duplicates()
t2_groupbyid = t2['id'].value_counts()
t2_groupbyid = t2_groupbyid.reset_index()
t2_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'phone_nums']

test_set = t1_groupbyid.merge(t2_groupbyid, on=['id'])
Mem. usage decreased to  1.34 Mb (41.7% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to 60.50 Mb (0.0% reduction)
id consume phone_nums
0 595941207920 220.000 10
1 901845022650 662.000 6
2 1868765858840 143.375 4
3 5058794512580 200.000 7
4 5399381591230 192.000 29
time: 7.86 s

Int64Index: 43977 entries, 0 to 43976
Data columns (total 3 columns):
id            43977 non-null int64
consume       43977 non-null float16
phone_nums    43977 non-null int64
dtypes: float16(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 1.1 MB
time: 9.02 ms
t3 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_3.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
t3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational']

t3_groupbyid_call = t3[['id', 'call_nums']].groupby(['id']).agg({'call_nums': pd.Series.sum})
t3_groupbyid_provincial = t3[['id', 'is_trans_provincial']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_trans_provincial': pd.Series.sum})
t3_groupbyid_trans = t3[['id', 'is_transnational']].groupby(['id']).agg({'is_transnational': pd.Series.sum})
test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_call, on=['id'])
test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_provincial, on=['id'])
test_set = test_set.merge(t3_groupbyid_trans, on=['id'])

t4 = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_4.txt', sep='\t', header=None))
t4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province']

t4_groupbyid = t4[['id', 'province']].groupby(['id']).size()
t4_groupbyid = t4_groupbyid.reset_index()
t4_groupbyid.columns = ['id', 'province_out_cnt']
test_set = test_set.merge(t4_groupbyid, how='left', on=['id'])
test_set = test_set.fillna(0)
Mem. usage decreased to  1.53 Mb (60.0% reduction)
Mem. usage decreased to  0.85 Mb (16.7% reduction)
id consume phone_nums call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational province_out_cnt
0 595941207920 220.000 10 68 1 0 1.0
1 901845022650 662.000 6 278 0 0 0.0
2 1868765858840 143.375 4 107 2 0 3.0
3 5058794512580 200.000 7 128 0 0 0.0
4 5399381591230 192.000 29 61 0 0 0.0
time: 17.4 s
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/
201808	weather_data_2018
time: 704 ms
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808
2018_1.txt  2018_2.txt	2018_3.txt  2018_4.txt	2018_6.txt  2018_7.txt
time: 702 ms
t1 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_1.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 527 ms
t1.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'consume']
time: 1.27 ms
year_month id consume
0 201807 6401824160010748 618.40
1 201807 6506134548135499 NaN
2 201807 5996920884619954 22.05
3 201806 1187209424543713 7.20
4 201807 9297165066591558 124.00
time: 99.9 ms
year_month id consume
count 100402.000000 1.004020e+05 86787.000000
mean 201806.500000 5.449905e+15 103.357399
std 0.500002 2.628916e+15 311.428596
min 201806.000000 5.959412e+11 0.010000
25% 201806.000000 3.176902e+15 36.500000
50% 201806.500000 5.440931e+15 81.000000
75% 201807.000000 7.726318e+15 132.125000
max 201807.000000 9.999920e+15 61465.900000
time: 50.6 ms

RangeIndex: 100402 entries, 0 to 100401
Data columns (total 3 columns):
year_month    100402 non-null int64
id            100402 non-null int64
consume       86787 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2)
memory usage: 2.3 MB
time: 12.6 ms
%matplotlib inline

# 按index日期排序

Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.

time: 17 s
t1[t1.consume == 61465.9]
year_month id consume
11962 201807 4827806860301307 61465.9
time: 7.15 ms
t2 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_2.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 11.8 s
t2.columns = ['id', 'brand', 'type', 'first_use_time', 'recent_use_time']
time: 1.18 ms
id brand type first_use_time recent_use_time
0 3179771753483280 魅族 M575 20180601151052 20180601151054
1 4185007692177509 NaN NaN 20171021182915 20171021183000
2 4972845789896505 NaN NaN 20180624003647 20180624003656
3 4207293827582218 NaN NaN 20171224165902 20180306175444
4 2628020151876580 NaN NaN 20170820111053 20171207020159
time: 7.95 ms
id first_use_time recent_use_time
count 1.586024e+06 1.586024e+06 1.586024e+06
mean 5.410516e+15 2.017033e+13 2.017156e+13
std 2.618994e+15 6.902153e+09 6.865591e+09
min 5.959412e+11 2.016032e+13 2.016033e+13
25% 3.140763e+15 2.016122e+13 2.017021e+13
50% 5.389338e+15 2.017063e+13 2.017080e+13
75% 7.660413e+15 2.017122e+13 2.018013e+13
max 9.999920e+15 2.018073e+13 2.018073e+13
time: 353 ms

RangeIndex: 1586024 entries, 0 to 1586023
Data columns (total 5 columns):
id                 1586024 non-null int64
brand              1098244 non-null object
type               1098250 non-null object
first_use_time     1586024 non-null int64
recent_use_time    1586024 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 60.5+ MB
time: 291 ms
t3 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_3.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 451 ms
t3.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'call_nums', 'is_trans_provincial', 'is_transnational']
time: 1.14 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational
0 201806 3690814703003361 49 0 0
1 201807 4315823592069831 -1 0 0
2 201806 5199170013029443 -1 0 0
3 201806 1387658205895203 35 0 0
4 201807 3280240784164442 -1 0 0
time: 7.12 ms
year_month id call_nums is_trans_provincial is_transnational
count 100400.000000 1.004000e+05 100400.000000 100400.000000 100400.000000
mean 201806.500000 5.449990e+15 51.642102 0.206116 0.012809
std 0.500002 2.628873e+15 90.705957 0.404516 0.112449
min 201806.000000 5.959412e+11 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 201806.000000 3.177008e+15 6.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 201806.500000 5.441108e+15 31.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 201807.000000 7.726328e+15 71.000000 0.000000 0.000000
max 201807.000000 9.999920e+15 6537.000000 1.000000 1.000000
time: 46.4 ms

RangeIndex: 100400 entries, 0 to 100399
Data columns (total 5 columns):
year_month             100400 non-null int64
id                     100400 non-null int64
call_nums              100400 non-null int64
is_trans_provincial    100400 non-null int64
is_transnational       100400 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(5)
memory usage: 3.8 MB
time: 15.1 ms
t4 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_4.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 240 ms
t4.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'province']
time: 1.2 ms
year_month id province
0 201807 8445647072009305 广东
1 201806 9414872397547413 浙江
2 201806 2272887111818372 广东
3 201807 224368910874770 湖北
4 201807 6081677258986878 NaN
time: 6.81 ms
year_month id
count 44543.000000 4.454300e+04
mean 201806.530319 5.448788e+15
std 0.499086 2.640390e+15
min 201806.000000 5.959412e+11
25% 201806.000000 3.118911e+15
50% 201807.000000 5.430117e+15
75% 201807.000000 7.751481e+15
max 201807.000000 9.999505e+15
time: 20.3 ms

RangeIndex: 44543 entries, 0 to 44542
Data columns (total 3 columns):
year_month    44543 non-null int64
id            44543 non-null int64
province      44119 non-null object
dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB
time: 9.73 ms
t6 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_6.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 2min 7s
t6.columns = ['date', 'hour', 'id', 'user_longitude', 'user_latitude']
time: 1.22 ms
date hour id user_longitude user_latitude
0 2018-06-10 20 1929821481825935 106.289902 26.837687
1 2018-07-14 18 5450093661688579 106.641975 26.627846
2 2018-07-16 2 4617571498633816 106.230420 27.466980
3 2018-06-15 22 2826359445811398 106.693610 26.591110
4 2018-06-22 10 3526202744290054 107.032570 27.715830
time: 8.4 ms
hour id user_longitude user_latitude
count 1.655899e+07 1.655899e+07 1.655081e+07 1.655081e+07
mean 1.144987e+01 5.461505e+15 1.066642e+02 2.662386e+01
std 6.742805e+00 2.629564e+15 4.626476e-01 3.195807e-01
min 0.000000e+00 5.959412e+11 1.036700e+02 2.469706e+01
25% 6.000000e+00 3.191837e+15 1.066328e+02 2.655164e+01
50% 1.200000e+01 5.475087e+15 1.066902e+02 2.658444e+01
75% 1.800000e+01 7.732384e+15 1.067199e+02 2.663778e+01
max 2.200000e+01 9.999920e+15 1.095534e+02 2.916468e+01
time: 6.3 s

RangeIndex: 16558993 entries, 0 to 16558992
Data columns (total 5 columns):
date              object
hour              int64
id                int64
user_longitude    float64
user_latitude     float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 631.7+ MB
time: 3.04 ms
t7 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/201808/2018_7.txt', sep='\t', header=None)
time: 8.75 s
t7.columns = ['year_month', 'id', 'app', 'flow']
time: 1.18 ms
year_month id app flow
0 201806 9813651010156104 OPPO软件商店 14545.00
1 201806 2338567014163500 腾讯新闻 0.19
2 201807 1133512913801798 讯飞输入法 0.01
3 201807 7739596338372898 手机百度 1615.00
4 201807 5724269192271018 百度贴吧 1301953.00
time: 15.6 ms
year_month id flow
count 1.493733e+06 1.493733e+06 1.492434e+06
mean 2.018065e+05 5.468351e+15 8.991198e+07
std 4.999895e-01 2.628382e+15 8.503798e+08
min 2.018060e+05 5.959412e+11 0.000000e+00
25% 2.018060e+05 3.196619e+15 6.519000e+03
50% 2.018070e+05 5.477012e+15 2.883350e+05
75% 2.018070e+05 7.737568e+15 7.842132e+06
max 2.018070e+05 9.999920e+15 3.341152e+11
time: 226 ms

RangeIndex: 1493733 entries, 0 to 1493732
Data columns (total 4 columns):
year_month    1493733 non-null int64
id            1493733 non-null int64
app           1457137 non-null object
flow          1492434 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 45.6+ MB
time: 178 ms
0.2.2 天气数据
!ls /home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/weather_data_2018/
weather_forecast_2018.txt  weather_reported_2018.txt
time: 830 ms
weather_reported_2018 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/weather_data_2018/weather_reported_2018.txt', sep='\t')
time: 8.57 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Month Day TEM_Avg TEM_Max TEM_Min PRE_Time_2020 WEP_Record
0 镇远 522625 2018 6 1 19.0 21.0 17.8 0.1 ( 60 01 ) 01 60 10 .
1 丹寨 522636 2018 6 1 17.0 19.9 15.3 4.3 ( 60 80 ) 80 .
2 三穗 522624 2018 6 1 17.8 19.2 17.0 0.6 ( 80 10 ) 60 10 .
3 台江 522630 2018 6 1 18.8 21.1 17.5 1.4 ( 60 01 ) 01 60 10 .
4 剑河 522629 2018 6 1 19.2 21.6 17.9 2.1 ( 60 ) 60 10 .
time: 12.6 ms
VACODE Year Month Day TEM_Avg TEM_Max TEM_Min PRE_Time_2020
count 1403.000000 1403.0 1403.000000 1403.000000 1403.000000 1403.000000 1403.000000 1403.000000
mean 521862.934426 2018.0 6.508197 15.754098 737.393799 742.297577 734.011119 4.922594
std 1155.972144 0.0 0.500111 8.810097 26696.850268 26696.719415 26696.940604 15.090986
min 520103.000000 2018.0 6.000000 1.000000 15.100000 16.200000 11.800000 0.000000
25% 520122.000000 2018.0 6.000000 8.000000 22.900000 27.300000 20.000000 0.000000
50% 522625.000000 2018.0 7.000000 16.000000 25.100000 30.100000 21.600000 0.000000
75% 522631.000000 2018.0 7.000000 23.000000 26.900000 32.550000 23.050000 2.100000
max 522636.000000 2018.0 7.000000 31.000000 999999.000000 999999.000000 999999.000000 281.700000
time: 118 ms

RangeIndex: 1403 entries, 0 to 1402
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Station_Name     1403 non-null object
 VACODE          1403 non-null int64
 Year            1403 non-null int64
 Month           1403 non-null int64
 Day             1403 non-null int64
 TEM_Avg         1403 non-null float64
 TEM_Max         1403 non-null float64
 TEM_Min         1403 non-null float64
PRE_Time_2020    1403 non-null float64
WEP_Record       1403 non-null object
dtypes: float64(4), int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 109.7+ KB
time: 6.7 ms
weather_forecast_2018 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/weather_data_2018/weather_forecast_2018.txt', sep='\t')
time: 12 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h WEP_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h ... TEM_Max_120h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Max_144h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Max_168h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24 Unnamed: 25
0 白云 520113 2018 6 1 20.2 14.8 (3)2 23.2 15.8 ... (2)1 27.5 13.5 (1)1 26.0 14.0 (2)1 24.0 16.0 (1)1
1 岑巩 522626 2018 6 1 25.5 17.5 (2)2 28.5 20.2 ... (2)0 31.0 17.0 (0)0 31.0 18.5 (0)1 31.0 21.5 (1)1
2 从江 522633 2018 6 1 27.3 19.0 (7)2 29.5 22.0 ... (21)0 33.5 19.6 (0)0 33.5 20.2 (0)1 31.5 23.0 (1)1
3 丹寨 522636 2018 6 1 23.0 15.5 (2)2 26.0 19.2 ... (2)0 28.0 16.2 (0)0 28.0 17.2 (0)1 27.0 19.5 (1)1
4 贵阳 520103 2018 6 1 20.9 14.9 (3)2 24.0 16.4 ... (2)1 28.0 14.0 (1)1 26.0 14.0 (2)1 24.0 16.0 (1)1

5 rows × 26 columns

time: 54.2 ms
VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h TEM_Max_72h TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h TEM_Min_96h WEP_96h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24
count 1463.000000 1463.0 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000
mean 521793.738209 2018.0 6.508544 15.759398 29.724607 21.244703 29.724470 21.385236 29.694463 21.655434 29.924949 21.886945 29.891183 22.010936 30.027341 22.055229 30.192960 21.985373
std 1180.467638 0.0 0.500098 8.810643 3.470128 2.536103 3.232737 2.385237 3.167789 2.270505 3.130886 2.131020 3.191721 2.066640 3.199460 2.092155 3.167676 2.227871
min 520103.000000 2018.0 6.000000 1.000000 17.800000 10.800000 18.000000 12.000000 16.500000 12.500000 16.500000 14.000000 14.500000 13.000000 17.000000 13.200000 16.000000 15.000000
25% 520123.000000 2018.0 6.000000 8.000000 27.500000 20.000000 27.500000 20.000000 27.500000 20.200000 28.000000 20.500000 27.500000 21.000000 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000 20.850000
50% 522625.000000 2018.0 7.000000 16.000000 30.000000 22.000000 29.900000 22.000000 29.500000 22.000000 30.000000 22.000000 30.000000 22.200000 30.000000 22.100000 30.000000 22.200000
75% 522630.500000 2018.0 7.000000 23.000000 32.350000 23.000000 32.000000 23.000000 32.300000 23.300000 32.500000 23.500000 32.500000 23.500000 32.500000 23.700000 32.600000 24.000000
max 522636.000000 2018.0 7.000000 31.000000 37.500000 27.000000 37.000000 25.900000 36.500000 26.000000 36.500000 26.000000 36.500000 26.200000 37.000000 26.000000 37.000000 30.000000
time: 74 ms

RangeIndex: 1463 entries, 0 to 1462
Data columns (total 26 columns):
Station_Name             1463 non-null object
VACODE                   1463 non-null int64
Year                     1463 non-null int64
Mon                      1463 non-null int64
Day                      1463 non-null int64
TEM_Max_24h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_24h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_24h                  1463 non-null object
TEM_Max_48h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_48h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_48h                  1463 non-null object
TEM_Max_72h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h      1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_96h              1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_96h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_96h                  1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_120h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_120h             1463 non-null float64
WEP_120h                 1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_144h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_144h             1463 non-null float64
WEP_144h                 1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_168h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h    1463 non-null float64
Unnamed: 24              1463 non-null float64
Unnamed: 25              1463 non-null object
dtypes: float64(14), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 297.2+ KB
time: 11 ms
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "“联创黔线”杯大数据应用创新大赛.ipynb"






time: 118 ms

RangeIndex: 1403 entries, 0 to 1402
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Station_Name     1403 non-null object
 VACODE          1403 non-null int64
 Year            1403 non-null int64
 Month           1403 non-null int64
 Day             1403 non-null int64
 TEM_Avg         1403 non-null float64
 TEM_Max         1403 non-null float64
 TEM_Min         1403 non-null float64
PRE_Time_2020    1403 non-null float64
WEP_Record       1403 non-null object
dtypes: float64(4), int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 109.7+ KB
time: 6.7 ms
weather_forecast_2018 = pd.read_csv('/home/kesci/input/gzlt/test_set/weather_data_2018/weather_forecast_2018.txt', sep='\t')
time: 12 ms
Station_Name VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h WEP_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h ... TEM_Max_120h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Max_144h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Max_168h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24 Unnamed: 25
0 白云 520113 2018 6 1 20.2 14.8 (3)2 23.2 15.8 ... (2)1 27.5 13.5 (1)1 26.0 14.0 (2)1 24.0 16.0 (1)1
1 岑巩 522626 2018 6 1 25.5 17.5 (2)2 28.5 20.2 ... (2)0 31.0 17.0 (0)0 31.0 18.5 (0)1 31.0 21.5 (1)1
2 从江 522633 2018 6 1 27.3 19.0 (7)2 29.5 22.0 ... (21)0 33.5 19.6 (0)0 33.5 20.2 (0)1 31.5 23.0 (1)1
3 丹寨 522636 2018 6 1 23.0 15.5 (2)2 26.0 19.2 ... (2)0 28.0 16.2 (0)0 28.0 17.2 (0)1 27.0 19.5 (1)1
4 贵阳 520103 2018 6 1 20.9 14.9 (3)2 24.0 16.4 ... (2)1 28.0 14.0 (1)1 26.0 14.0 (2)1 24.0 16.0 (1)1

5 rows × 26 columns

time: 54.2 ms
VACODE Year Mon Day TEM_Max_24h TEM_Min_24h TEM_Max_48h TEM_Min_48h TEM_Max_72h TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h TEM_Min_96h WEP_96h TEM_Min_120h WEP_120h TEM_Min_144h WEP_144h TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h Unnamed: 24
count 1463.000000 1463.0 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000 1463.000000
mean 521793.738209 2018.0 6.508544 15.759398 29.724607 21.244703 29.724470 21.385236 29.694463 21.655434 29.924949 21.886945 29.891183 22.010936 30.027341 22.055229 30.192960 21.985373
std 1180.467638 0.0 0.500098 8.810643 3.470128 2.536103 3.232737 2.385237 3.167789 2.270505 3.130886 2.131020 3.191721 2.066640 3.199460 2.092155 3.167676 2.227871
min 520103.000000 2018.0 6.000000 1.000000 17.800000 10.800000 18.000000 12.000000 16.500000 12.500000 16.500000 14.000000 14.500000 13.000000 17.000000 13.200000 16.000000 15.000000
25% 520123.000000 2018.0 6.000000 8.000000 27.500000 20.000000 27.500000 20.000000 27.500000 20.200000 28.000000 20.500000 27.500000 21.000000 28.000000 21.000000 28.000000 20.850000
50% 522625.000000 2018.0 7.000000 16.000000 30.000000 22.000000 29.900000 22.000000 29.500000 22.000000 30.000000 22.000000 30.000000 22.200000 30.000000 22.100000 30.000000 22.200000
75% 522630.500000 2018.0 7.000000 23.000000 32.350000 23.000000 32.000000 23.000000 32.300000 23.300000 32.500000 23.500000 32.500000 23.500000 32.500000 23.700000 32.600000 24.000000
max 522636.000000 2018.0 7.000000 31.000000 37.500000 27.000000 37.000000 25.900000 36.500000 26.000000 36.500000 26.000000 36.500000 26.200000 37.000000 26.000000 37.000000 30.000000
time: 74 ms

RangeIndex: 1463 entries, 0 to 1462
Data columns (total 26 columns):
Station_Name             1463 non-null object
VACODE                   1463 non-null int64
Year                     1463 non-null int64
Mon                      1463 non-null int64
Day                      1463 non-null int64
TEM_Max_24h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_24h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_24h                  1463 non-null object
TEM_Max_48h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_48h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_48h                  1463 non-null object
TEM_Max_72h              1463 non-null float64
TEM_Min_72h,WEP_72h      1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_96h              1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_96h              1463 non-null float64
WEP_96h                  1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_120h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_120h             1463 non-null float64
WEP_120h                 1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_144h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_144h             1463 non-null float64
WEP_144h                 1463 non-null float64
TEM_Max_168h             1463 non-null object
TEM_Min_168h,WEP_168h    1463 non-null float64
Unnamed: 24              1463 non-null float64
Unnamed: 25              1463 non-null object
dtypes: float64(14), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 297.2+ KB
time: 11 ms
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "“联创黔线”杯大数据应用创新大赛.ipynb"
