QT 5.12.4 QWebEngineView XDG_RUNTIME_DIR错误接近方案



  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • QT 5.12.4


  • 非root用户运行无问题,切换到root用户或者以sudo方式运行出现问题。


Sandboxing Support

Qt WebEngine provides out-of-the-box sandboxing support for Chromium render processes on Linux and macOS. Sandboxing is currently not supported on Windows due to a limitation in how the sandbox is set up and how it interacts with the host process provided by the Qt WebEngine libraries.

On macOS, there are no special requirements for enabling sandbox support.

On Linux, the kernel has to support the anonymous namespaces feature (kernel version >= 3.8) and seccomp-bpf feature (kernel version >= 3.5). Setuid sandboxes are not supported and are thus disabled.

To explicitly disable sandboxing, the QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX environment variable can be set to 1 or alternatively the --no-sandbox command line argument can be passed to the user application executable.

根据官方文档提示,启动参数加入 --no-sandbox或者设置环境变量QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1即可解决。
