Pytorch学习入门(一)--- 从torch7跳坑至pytorch --- Tensor


1. ICLR2017的论文现在越来越多用pytorch了,而不是tensorflow了。ICLR-17最全盘点:PyTorch超越TensorFlow,三巨头Hinton、Bengio、LeCun论文被拒,GAN泛滥
2. 2017年1月18日Facebook发行的PyTorch相比TensorFlow、MXNet有何优势?
3. 额,竟然课上老师让一个同学讲实例代码,用的就是pytorch。可以的。
4. 其实另一个原因就是,pytorch的很多函数写法几乎和torch是一致的。所以入坑快啊。

Pytorch学习入门(一)--- 从torch7跳坑至pytorch --- Tensor_第1张图片

可以看到这些都是非功能性更新啊,唯独第二个TH implementation of Tensor expansion是一个非官方PR,点进去一看。。
Pytorch学习入门(一)--- 从torch7跳坑至pytorch --- Tensor_第2张图片
再说点其他的,比如pixel2pixel和Cycle-GAN,本来都是torch7写的,然而作者本人也追加了pytorch版本的 pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix
, 现在 不管怎么说,反正我是准备入坑了。



II. Inplace与Out-of-place, 前者加上后缀_,表示内部直接替换,而后者没有该后缀。

a = torch.Tensor(3,4)
#内部替换值,a值已经被替换为2.5,就是相当于torch的 a:fill(2.5)

#a的值没有被替换,相当于 torch的torch.add(a,4.0)
b = a.add(4.0) 

# a的值已经全部替换为6.5,相当于torch的 torch.add(a,a,4.0)
c = a.add_(4.0) 

可以看到,很多类似这样的torch的函数,内部值的替换与否,取决于参数的多少。一般来说,总共n个参数,第一个参数是可省略的,第一个参数就是存储计算后的值的tensor,比如[result] view([result,] tensor, sizes)。而pytorch则将这个功能更加明确化,通过轻微改变函数名(有无后缀_)来判定。

III. pytorch既然是基于python接口的,当然是从zero indexing开始的。而且不是camel命名,采用中间下划线的命名方式。

b = a[:, 3:5]  # selects all rows, 4th column and  5th column from a
# torch的方式
# b = a[{{},{4,6}}]

比如indexAdd现在变成了index_add_, 因为index_add_是inplace函数。稍微解释一下index_add_就是沿着某一维度index,对该维度上的每个元素加一个值(根据给定的加值tensor,下面是z),并且是按照一定的order(一般用torch.LongTensor来构建表示order的tensor)。

x = torch.ones(5, 5)
1  1  1  1  1
 1  1  1  1  1
 1  1  1  1  1
 1  1  1  1  1
 1  1  1  1  1
[torch.FloatTensor of size 5x5]
z = torch.Tensor(5, 2)
z[:, 0] = 10
z[:, 1] = 100
10  100
  10  100
  10  100
  10  100
  10  100
[torch.FloatTensor of size 5x2]
#选定x的第二个维度(zero index的)
x.index_add_(1, torch.LongTensor([4, 0]), z)
# 可以看到x的第五列(4)加的值是`z`的第一列,
# x的第一列(0)加的值是`z`的第二列。
101    1    1    1   11
 101    1    1    1   11
 101    1    1    1   11
 101    1    1    1   11
 101    1    1    1   11
[torch.FloatTensor of size 5x5]

IV. Numpy与torch Tensor的相互转换

a_np = a.numpy()  #直接这样转
a.add_(1)  # 此时 a_np也变了。

import numpy as np
a = np.ones(5)
b = torch.from_numpy(a)  #这样numpy转pytorch tensor
np.add(a, 1, out=a)
print(b)  #a和b的值依旧一样。

一句话:pytorch tensor与numpy的相互转换是内存共享的!!

V. 数据转GPU上

# let us run this cell only if CUDA is available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    # creates a LongTensor and transfers it
    # to GPU as torch.cuda.LongTensor
    a = torch.LongTensor(10).fill_(3).cuda()
    print(type(a)) #
    b = a.cpu()
    # transfers it to CPU, back to
    # being a torch.LongTensor



Tensors behave almost exactly the same way in PyTorch as they do in

Create a tensor of size (5 x 7) with uninitialized memory:


import torch
a = torch.FloatTensor(5, 7)

# Initialize a tensor randomized with a normal distribution with mean=0, var=1:

a = torch.randn(5, 7)

# .. note::
#     ``torch.Size`` is in fact a tuple, so it supports the same operations
# Inplace / Out-of-place
# ----------------------
# The first difference is that ALL operations on the tensor that operate
# in-place on it will have an ``_`` postfix. For example, ``add`` is the
# out-of-place version, and ``add_`` is the in-place version.

# a has now been filled with the value 3.5

b = a.add(4.0)
# a is still filled with 3.5
# new tensor b is returned with values 3.5 + 4.0 = 7.5

print(a, b)

# Some operations like ``narrow`` do not have in-place versions, and
# hence, ``.narrow_`` does not exist. Similarly, some operations like
# ``fill_`` do not have an out-of-place version, so ``.fill`` does not
# exist.
# Zero Indexing
# -------------
# Another difference is that Tensors are zero-indexed. (In lua, tensors are
# one-indexed)

b = a[0, 3]  # select 1st row, 4th column from a

# Tensors can be also indexed with Python's slicing

b = a[:, 3:5]  # selects all rows, 4th column and  5th column from a

# No camel casing
# ---------------
# The next small difference is that all functions are now NOT camelCase
# anymore. For example ``indexAdd`` is now called ``index_add_``

x = torch.ones(5, 5)


z = torch.Tensor(5, 2)
z[:, 0] = 10
z[:, 1] = 100

x.index_add_(1, torch.LongTensor([4, 0]), z)

# Numpy Bridge
# ------------
# Converting a torch Tensor to a numpy array and vice versa is a breeze.
# The torch Tensor and numpy array will share their underlying memory
# locations, and changing one will change the other.
# Converting torch Tensor to numpy Array
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a = torch.ones(5)


b = a.numpy()

print(b)    # see how the numpy array changed in value

# Converting numpy Array to torch Tensor
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

import numpy as np
a = np.ones(5)
b = torch.from_numpy(a)
np.add(a, 1, out=a)
print(b)  # see how changing the np array changed the torch Tensor automatically

# All the Tensors on the CPU except a CharTensor support converting to
# NumPy and back.
# CUDA Tensors
# ------------
# CUDA Tensors are nice and easy in pytorch, and transfering a CUDA tensor
# from the CPU to GPU will retain its underlying type.

# let us run this cell only if CUDA is available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    # creates a LongTensor and transfers it
    # to GPU as torch.cuda.LongTensor
    a = torch.LongTensor(10).fill_(3).cuda()
    b = a.cpu()
    # transfers it to CPU, back to
    # being a torch.LongTensor
