UCI机器学习数据库的网址: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/
此目录包含数据集和相关领域知识(后面以简短的列表形式进行的注释),这些数据已经或能用于评价学习 算法。
每个数据文件 (*.data)包含以“属性-值”对形式描述的很多个体样本的记录。对应的*.info文件包含的大量的文档资料 。(有些文件_generate_ databases;他们不包含*.data文件。)作为数据集和领域知识的补充,在utilities目录里包含了一些在使用这一数据集时的有用资料。
地址 http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html ,这里的UCI数据集可以看作是通过web的远程拷贝。作为选择
,这些数据同样可以通过ftp获得,ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu . 可是使用匿名登陆ftp。可以在pub/machine-learning-databases目录中找到。
UCI一直都在寻找可加入的新数据,这些数据将被写入incoming子目录中。希望您能贡献您的数据,并提供相应的文档。谢谢——贡献过程可以参考DOC-REQUIREMENTS文件。目前,多数数据使用下面的格式 :一个实例一行,没有空格,属性值之间使用逗号“,”隔开,并且缺少的值使用问号“?”表示。并请在做出您的贡献后提醒一下站点管理员:[email protected]
Index of iris
18 Mar 1996 105 Index
08 Mar 1993 4551 iris.data
30 May 1989 2604 iris.names
7. Attribute Information:
1. sepal length in cm
2. sepal width in cm
3. petal length in cm
4. petal width in cm
5. class:
-- Iris Setosa
-- Iris Versicolour
-- Iris Virginica
9. Class Distribution: 33.3% for each of 3 classes.
This is the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases and Domain Theories
4 December 1995
ftp.ics.uci.edu: pub/machine-learning-databases
Librarian: Patrick M. Murphy ([email protected] )
111 databases and domain theories (36MB)
This directory contains data sets and domain theories (the latter have been
annotated as such in the following brief listing) that have been or can be
used to evaluate learning algorithms. Each data file (*.data) contains
individual records described in terms of attribute-value pairs. The
corresponding *.info file contains voluminous documentation. (Some files
_generate_ databases; they do not have *.data files.)
In addition to data sets and domain theories, the "utilities/" directory
contains utilities that you may find useful when using datasets in this
The contents of this repository can be viewed and remotely copied over
the web. The address is http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html.
Alternatively, the contents of this repository can be remotely copied via
ftp to ftp.ics.uci.edu. Enter "anonymous" for user id, and e-mail address
([email=user@host]user@host[/email]) for password. These databases can be found by executing
"cd pub/machine-learning-databases".
1. We're always looking for addition al databases, which can be
written to the sub-directory named "/incoming". Please send yours, with
documentation. Thanks -- See DOC-REQUIREMENTS for suggested documentation
procedures. Presently, most databases have the following format: 1
instance per line, no spaces, commas separate attribute values, and
missing values are denoted by "?". Also, please notify the site librarian
([email protected] ) after making a donation.
2. Ivan Bratko requested that the databases he donated from the Ljubljana
Oncology Institute (e.g., breast-cancer, lymphography, and primary-tumor)
have restricted access. We are allowed to share them with academic
institutions upon request. These databases (like several others) require
providing proper citations be made in published articles that use them.
Citation requirements are in each database's corresponding *.doc file.
To access any of these databases, send email to [email protected] .
To aid you in deciding if you want any of these databases, the
documentation files are available.
3. An archive server may now be used to recieve via e-mail files in this
repository. Installed on ics, it provides email access to files in
our anonymous ftp/uucp area (~ftp). If people have no other access to
our archives, then they can send mail to:
[email protected]
Commands to the server may be given in the body. Some commands are:
The help command replies with a useful help message.
If you publish material based on databases obtained from this repository,
then, in your acknowledgements, please note the assistance you received by
using this repository. Thanks -- this will help others to obtain the same
data sets and replicate your experiments. We suggest the following pseudo-APA
reference format for referring to this repository (LaTeX'd):
Murphy,~P.~M., /& Aha,~D.~W. (1994). {/it UCI Repository of machine
learning databases} [http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html ].
Irvine, CA: University of California, Department of Information and Computer
Patrick M. Murphy (Repository Librarian)
Brief Overview of Databases and Domain Theories:
Quick Listing:
1. annealing (David Sterling and Wray Buntine)
2. Artificial Characters Database & DT (donated by Attilio Giordana)
3-4. audiology (Ray Bareiss and Bruce Porter, used in Protos)
1. Original Version
2. Standardized-Attribute Version of the Original.
5. auto-mpg (from CMU StatLib library)
6. autos (Jeff Schlimmer)
7. badges (Haym Hirsh)
8. balance-scale (Tim Hume)
9. balloons (Michael Pazzani)
10. breast-cancer (Ljubljana Institute of Ontcology, restricted access)
11. breast-cancer-wisconsin (Wisconsin Breast Cancer D'base, Olvi Mangasarian)
1. Original version
2. Diagnostic data set
3. Prognostic data set
12. bridges (Yoram Reich)
13-21. chess
1. Partial generator of Quinlan's chess-end-game data (kr-vs-kn) (Schlimmer)
2. Shapiros' endgame database (kr-vs-kp) (Rob Holte)
3. king-rook-vs-king (Michael Bain, Arthur van Hoff)
4-9. Six domain theories (Nick Flann)
22. Bach Chorales (time-series) database (Darrell Conklin)
23. Connect-4 Database (John Tromp)
24-25. Credit Screening Database
1. Japanese Credit Screening Data and domain theory (Chiharu Sano)
2. Credit Card Application Approval Database (Ross Quinlan)
26. Ein-Dor and Feldmesser's cpu-performance database (David Aha)
27. Diabetes Data (Serdar Uckun, AI-M94)
28. dgp-2 data generation program (Powell Benedict)
29. Document Understanding (Donato Malerba)
30. Nine small EBL domain theories and examples in sub-directory ebl
31. Evlin Kinney's echocardiogram database (Steven Salzberg)
32. flags (Richard Forsyth)
33. function-finding (Cullen Schafer's 352 case studies)
34. glass (Vina Spiehler)
35. hayes-roth (from Hayes-Roth^2's paper)
36-39. heart-disease (Robert Detrano)
40. hepatitis (G. Gong)
41. horse colic database (Mary McLeish & Matt Cecile)
42. (Boston) Housing database (from CMU StatLib library)
43. ICU data (Serdar Uckun, AIM-94)
44. Image segmentation database (Carla Brodley)
45. ionosphere information (Vince Sigillito)
46. iris (R.A. Fisher, 1936)
47. isolet (Ron Cole and Mark Fanty's database donated by Tom Dietterich)
48. kinship (J. Ross Quinlan)
49. labor-negotiations (Stan Matwin)
50-51. led-display-creator (from the CART book)
52. lenses (Cendrowska's database donated by Benoit Julien)
53. letter-recognition database (created and donated by David Slate)
54. liver-disorders (BUPA Medical's database donated by Richard Forsyth)
55. logic-theorist (Paul O'Rorke)
56. lung cancer (Stefan Aeberhard)
57. lymphography (Ljubjana Institute of Oncology, restricted access)
58-59. mechanical-analysis (Francesco Bergadano)
1. Original Mechanical Analysis Data Set
60 mobile robots (donated by Klingspor, Morik and Rieger)
61-64. molecular-biology
1. promoter sequences (Towell, Shavlik, & Noordewier, domain theory also)
2. splice-junction sequences (Towell, Noordewier, & Shavlik,
domain theory also)
3. protein secondary structure database (Qian and Sejnowski)
4. protein secondary structure domain theory (Jude Shavlik & Rich Maclin)
65. MONK's Problems (donated by Sebastian Thrun)
66. Moral Reasoner Database (donated by James Wogulis)
67. mushroom (Jeff Schlimmer)
68. MUSK databases (2) (donated by Tom Dietterich)
69. othello domain theory (Tom Fawcett)
70. Page Blocks Classification (Donato Malerba)
71. Pima Indians diabetes diagnoses (Vince Sigillito)
72. Postoperative Patient data (Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse)
73. Primary Tumor (Ljubjana Institute of Oncology, restricted access)
74. Qualitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSARs) (Ross King)
75. Quadraped Animals (John H. Gennari)
76. Servo data (Ross Quinlan)
77. shuttle-landing-control (Bojan Cestnik)
78. solar flare (Gary Bradshaw)
79-80. soybean (from Ryszard Michalski's groups)
81. space shuttle databases (David Draper)
82. spectrometer (Infra-Red Astronomy Satellite Project Database, John Stutz)
83. Sponge Database (Iosune Uriz and Marta Domingo)
84. Statlog Project databases (7) (from Ross King,...)
85 Student Loan relational database (from Michael Pazzani)
86. tic-tac-toe endgame database (Turing Institute, David W. Aha)
87-97. thyroid-disease (Garavan Institute, J. Ross Quinlan; Stefan Aeberhard)
98. trains database (David Aha & Eric Bloedorn)
99-104. Undocumented databases: sub-directory undocumented
1. Economic sanctions database (domain theory included, Mike Pazzani)
2. Cloud cover images (Philippe Collard)
3. DNA secondary structure (Qian and Sejnowski, donated by Vince Sigillito)
4. Nettalk data (Sejnowski and Rosenberg, taken from connectionist-bench)
5. Sonar data (Gorman and Sejnowski, taken from connectionist-bench)
6. Vowel data (Qian, Sejnowski and Turney, taken from connectionist-bench)
105. university (Michael Lebowitz, donated by Steve Souders)
106. voting-records (Jeff Schlimmer)
107. water treatement plant data (donated by Javier Bejar and Ulises Cortes)
108-109. Waveform domain (taken from CART book)
110. Wine Recognition Database (donated by Stefan Aeberhard)
111. Zoological database (Richard Forsyth)