Python 异步IO技术
异步(asynchronous)编程模式是相对于同步方式的另一种编程思路。 C10K的问题提出后, 各种编程语言都出现了解决高并发的技术栈, 而早在Python2时期, Twisted、Tornado和Gevent这三个库用不同的技术路径解决了高并发。[1] 其中就有用到Python的一些异步实现方法。 此文将对异步编程的基本思想和Python的实现方式进行阐述。
- Python 异步IO技术
- 概念解释,同步\异步\阻塞\非阻塞\协程
- 同步异步(Synchornous\Asynchronous)
- 阻塞非阻塞(Blocking\Unblocking)
- 协程(coroutines)
- 高并发问题解决方案:多线程与异步IO
- asyncio解决的问题
- Python异步IO生态圈
- Web框架
- 消息队列
- 数据库驱动
- 网络
- 测试
- 可选择的队列
- 其他
- 文档
- 讨论
- 并发哪家强?应用:异步爬虫测试
- 参考资料
- 概念解释,同步\异步\阻塞\非阻塞\协程
- 高并发问题解决方案:多线程与异步IO
- asyncio解决的问题
- Python异步IO生态圈
- 并发哪家强?应用:异步爬虫测试
这一概念是针对主程序来说的, 如果主程序遇到阻塞的任务时选择等待,那么这种行为就是同步的, 如果不等待选择执行其他的任务,就是异步的;
这一概念是针对任务来说的, 如果某项任务在执行费时IO操作时不能挂起跳出(不能把执行权归还主程序)那么此项任务就是阻塞的, 相反就是非阻塞的。
协程的定义由很多,我比较认同可以挂起中断的函数 这一说法,前面概念中讲到非阻塞的任务是可以挂起中断的,那么协程正可以实现此项任务;
- 协程函数:async def 或者 @asyncio.coroutine
- 协程函数所返回的对象
- 通过result = await future或者 result = yeild from future,悬挂协程,直到future完成,获取future的结果/异常
- 通过 result = await coroutine 或者 result = yeild from coroutine 等待另一个协程的结果(或者异常,异常会被传播)。
- returen expression 返回该协程的结果,被await,或者yield from获取。
- raise exception,抛出异常,被await,或者yield from获取。
协程的典型应用案例,摘自《Fluent Python》
# 计算移动平均值
from collections import namedtuple
Result = namedtuple('Result', 'count average')
# 子生成器
def averager():
total = 0.0
count = 0
average = None
while True:
term = yield
if term is None:
total += term
count += 1
average = total/count
return Result(count, average)
# 委派生成器
def grouper(results, key):
while True:
results[key] = yield from averager()
# 客户端代码,即调用方
def main(data):
results = {}
for key, values in data.items():
group = grouper(results, key)
# 协程需要激活
for value in values:
# 传递值给自生成器
group.send(None) # 重要!
# 输出报告
def report(results):
for key, result in sorted(results.items()):
group, unit = key.split(';')
print('{:2} {:5} averaging {:.2f}{}'.format(
result.count, group, result.average, unit))
data = {
[40.9, 38.5, 44.3, 42.2, 45.2, 41.7, 44.5, 38.0, 40.6, 44.5],
[1.6, 1.51, 1.4, 1.3, 1.41, 1.39, 1.33, 1.46, 1.45, 1.43],
[39.0, 40.8, 43.2, 40.8, 43.1, 38.6, 41.4, 40.6, 36.3],
[1.38, 1.5, 1.32, 1.25, 1.37, 1.48, 1.25, 1.49, 1.46],
if __name__ == '__main__':
- 通过在一个已经启动的协程中调用:await coroutine或者yield from coroutine
- 或者通过ensure_task()以及loop.create_task()安排协程的执行。(使用asyncio库)
其实解决高并发就是实现的程序的异步和非阻塞,而多线程\多进程是大多数比较熟悉的方案,将阻塞任务挂起到多个线程, 由操作系统实现线程\进程间的调度,concurrent.futures对象的出现使得多线程的非阻塞任务可以使用回调函数, 参考下例:
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed, wait, FIRST_COMPLETED
from concurrent.futures import Future
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
import time
def get_html(times):
print("get page {} success".format(times))
return times
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2)
def done_callback(msg, future):
print(msg + 'this is called by callback!', future.result())
urls = [3,2,4]
all_task = [executor.submit(get_html, (url)).add_done_callback(partial(done_callback, 'XXX')) for url in urls]
wait(all_task, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED)
NUMBERS = range(12)
URL = '{}'
def fetch(a):
r = requests.get(URL.format(a))
return r.json()['args']['a']
def requests_threadpool():
start = time.time()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
for num, result in zip(NUMBERS,, NUMBERS)):
print('fetch({}) = {}'.format(num, result))
- 线程、进程的创建与切换由os完成,会消耗一定的时间和内存。
- 需写大量的回调函数
Python3.4正式加入的asyncio(读音请自行谷歌) 为单线程实现异步提供了任务循环机制,同时为协程提供了一些包装接口,使得协程不许要进过send\next等繁琐操作。同时引入了 可等待对象(Awaitable) 的概念;
可等待对象要实现的协议有__aiter__, anext,aenter,aexit;asyncio接口可以直接用的可等待对象是:
- 协程
- aysncio.future对象(底层API)
- Task对象(高级API)
- *, , debug=True) 3.7 这个函数可以视当前loop的情况启动协程
- asyncio.create_task(coro) 3.7; 将协程加入到任务队列中去立即执行
- awaitable asyncio.gather(*aws, loop=None, return_exceptions=False) 3.7;在队列中执行可等待对象
- coroutine asyncio.wait(aws, *, loop=None, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) 3.7; 按照条件等待可等待对象的完成,是一种阻塞写法;
上面的接口都是3.7出现的,之前的写法中还会使用带队列loop, 在3.7中致力于取消loop的写法,使得用户更容易上手;
协程中不能写阻塞的代码,所以就不能使用阻塞的任务和库,如requests, pymysql等, 非得使用也可以,异步+多线程的方式仍然有效,而且asyncio也跟多进程一样实现了他自己的同步机制,一定程度上保证线程安全;但是我们都希望所有的任务都可以使用异步完成,目前,aio生态圈正在逐步完善,已经有如下项目:
Libraries to build web applications.
- aiohttp - Http client/server for asyncio (PEP-3156).
- sanic - Python 3.5+ web server that’s written to go fast.
- Quart - An asyncio web microframework with the same API as Flask.
- Vibora - Performant web framework inspired by Flask.
- cirrina - Opinionated asynchronous web framework based on aiohttp.
- autobahn - WebSocket and WAMP supporting asyncio and Twisted, for clients and servers.
- websockets - A library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python with a focus on correctness and simplicity.
- Tornado - Performant web framework and asynchronous networking library.
- Japronto! - Experimental http toolkit built on top of uvloop and picohttpparser.
- Starlette - A lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit for building high performance services.
- uvicorn - The lightning-fast ASGI server.
Libraries to implement applications using message queues.
- aioamqp - AMQP implementation using asyncio.
- aiozmq - Asyncio (pep 3156) integration with ZeroMQ.
- crossbar - is a networking platform for distributed and microservice applications.
- asyncio-nats - Client for the NATS messaging system.
- aiokafka - Client for Apache Kafka.
Libraries to connect to databases.
- asyncpg - Fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
- asyncpgsa - Asyncpg with sqlalchemy core support.
- aiopg - Library for accessing a PostgreSQL database.
- aiomysql - Library for accessing a MySQL database
- aioodbc - Library for accessing a ODBC databases.
- motor - The async Python driver for MongoDB.
- aioredis - aio-libs Redis client (PEP 3156).
- asyncio-redis - Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156).
- aiocouchdb - CouchDB client built on top of aiohttp (asyncio).
- aioinflux - InfluxDB client built on top of aiohttp.
- aioes - Asyncio compatible driver for elasticsearch.
- peewee-async - ORM implementation based on peewee and aiopg.
- GINO - is a lightweight asynchronous Python ORM based on SQLAlchemy core, with asyncpg dialect.
- Tortoise ORM - native multi-backend ORM with Django-like API and easy relations management.
Libraries to communicate in your network.
- AsyncSSH - Provides an asynchronous client and server implementation of the SSHv2 protocol.
- aiodns - Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
Libraries to test asyncio based applications.
- aiomock - A python mock library that supports async methods.
- asynctest - Enhance the standard unittest package with features for testing. asyncio libraries
- pytest-asyncio - Pytest support for asyncio.
- aresponses - Asyncio http mocking. Similar to the responses library used for requests
- aioresponses - Helper for mock/fake web requests in Python aiohttp package.
Alternative asyncio loop implementations.
- uvloop - Ultra fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv.
- curio - The coroutine concurrency library.
Other awesome asyncio libraries.
- aiofiles - File support for asyncio.
- aiodebug - A tiny library for monitoring and testing asyncio programs.
- aiorun - A
function that handles all the usual boilerplate for startup and graceful shutdown.
- aioserial - A drop-in replacement of pySerial.
- aiozipkin - Distributed tracing instrumentation for asyncio with zipkin
Documentation, blog posts, and other awesome writing about asyncio.
- Official asyncio documentation - Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks.
- Short well-written intro to asyncio - Generators, Coroutines, Native Coroutines and async/await.
- Async Through the looking Glass - Nice writing about it’s worth using asyncio or not for specific use-cases.
- Asynchronous Python - Introduction into asynchronous programming with Python.
- AsyncIO for the Working Python Developer - A gentle introduction to asynchronous programming from basic examples working up to URL fetching.
- Test limits of Python aiohttp - Making 1 million requests with python-aiohttp.
Recordings of awesome talks about asyncio.
- Topics of Interest (Python Asyncio) | screencast | slides - PyCon Brasil 2015 keynote (David Beazley).
- Python Asynchronous I/O Walkthrough | blog post - 8-part code walkthrough (Philip Guo).
对着asyncio的文档示例多理解几个程序后, 我们就可以写几个IO密集操作的程序来测试与喜爱各种方案的效率了,我编写了一个简单的爬虫,没有写储存的IO,只测试请求的IO。分别用了以下几个方案:
- requests + ThreadPool
- requests + ProcessPool
- asyncio + requests + ThreadPool
- asyncio + requests + ProcessPool
- asyncio + aiohttp +SingleThread
- asyncio + Multiporcess (这个我直接选用了库aiomultiporcess)
- [1] dongweiming的博客
- [2] segmentFault问答
- [3] Asyncio官方文档
- [4] Awesome-asyncio
- [5] 《流畅的Python》
- [6] PyCon 2017\2018 相关内容