公司UI想出一个SeekBar,中间是0 ,往左是负的,往右是正的,自带的完全无法满足,只能自己撸了,想了一下,有些思路
主要是Canvas 类画直线,画圆,画圆角矩形,看看效果
* 判断是否 touch 在 seekBar thumb 上
* @param event
* @return
private boolean isTouchingTarget(MotionEvent event) {
isTouchLegal = event.getRawX() > progressPosition - DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE
&& event.getRawX() < progressPosition + DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE;
// Log.i("slack", "isTouchLegal " + isTouchLegal);
return isTouchLegal;
* return progress
* -maxProgress minProgress maxProgress
* \------------------------0---------------------------\
* min center touch-->\ max
* (min center touch max are positions in the screen)
* touch progress = (touch - center) / (max - center) * maxProgress;
private float clamp(int value) {
if (mIsCenterState) {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value > centerX) {
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else if (value < centerX) {
if (value <= min) {
return -maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else {
return minProgress;
} else {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else if (value <= min) {
return minProgress;
} else {
return (maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - min) / width ;
* 自定义动画 ofFloat(Object target, String propertyName, float... values)
* 第一个参数用于指定这个动画要操作的是哪个控件
* 第二个参数用于指定这个动画要操作这个控件的哪个属性
* 第三个参数是可变长参数,这个就跟ValueAnimator中的可变长参数的意义一样了,就是指这个属性值是从哪变到哪
* 对于自定义的属性,d第二个参数需要提供setXXX 方法,like: public void setMThumbRadius(int mThumbRadius)
* set方法 属性的第一个字母记得要大写 ! ObjectAnimator.ofInt , ofInt 对应参数的类型,如果float 为ofFloat
private ObjectAnimator getTargetAnimator(boolean touching) {
final ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,
touching ? mThumbPressedRadius : mThumbNormalRadius);
anim.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationUpdate...");
postInvalidate(); // 在子线程中使用刷新View
anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationEnd...");
anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
return anim;
public void setMThumbRadius(float mThumbRadius) {
// Log.i("slack","setmThumbRadius...");
this.mThumbRadius = mThumbRadius;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.support.annotation.ColorInt;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator;
* 从中间可以向两边滑动 左负右正
* Created by slack on 2016/12/12 19:00.
public class CenterSeekBar extends View {
private static final int DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE = 40;
private final int DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING = 10;
private Paint paint;
private float width = 800; // need <= getWidth()
* progress start max
private int minProgress = 0;
* progress end max
private int maxProgress = 100;
* 进度条的颜色 底色 背景色
private int progressBackColor = Color.BLACK;
* 进度条的底色 高度
private float progressBackHeight = 10;
* 进度条 底色 圆角矩形边框 描边
private int progressFrameColor = Color.WHITE;
* 进度条圆角矩形边框 高度
private float progressFrameHeight = 3;
* 进度条的颜色
private int progressColor = Color.GREEN;
* 进度条的 高度
private float progressHeight = 20;
* 如果0在中间,负进度条的颜色
private int progressMinusColor = Color.RED;
* current progress
private int progress = 50;
* seekBar Thumb normal radius
private float mThumbNormalRadius = 14;
* seekBar Thumb radius when touched
private float mThumbPressedRadius = 24;
* seekBar Thumb color
private int mThumbColor = Color.BLUE;
* progress 字体大小
private float mTextSize = 40;
* progress 字体 color
private int mTextColor = Color.WHITE;
* progress 字体 背景 color
private int mTextBackColor = 0x7DD2D3D4;
* progress 字体 背景 radius
private float mTextBackRadius = 10;
* 判断是否是 0 在中间
private boolean mIsCenterState = false;
private float mThumbRadius = mThumbNormalRadius;
private float progressPosition;
private boolean isTouchLegal = false;
private ObjectAnimator mAnimator; // seekBar Thumb Animator
private RectF mTextRectF,mBackRectF,mProgressRectF;
private OnSeekBarProgressListener mOnSeekBarProgressListener;
private OnSeekBarFinishedListener mOnSeekBarFinishedListener;
public CenterSeekBar(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public CenterSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
public CenterSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
paint = new Paint();
if (attrs != null) {
TypedArray styledAttrs = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
R.styleable.CenterSeekBar, 0, 0);
maxProgress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_maxProgress,100);
minProgress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_minProgress,0);
width = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_width,800);
mIsCenterState = styledAttrs.getBoolean(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_centerState,false);
progressBackColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_backColor,Color.BLACK);
progressBackHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_backHeight,10);
progressFrameColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_backFrameColor,Color.WHITE);
progressFrameHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_backFrameSize,3);
progressColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_progressColor,Color.GREEN);
progressHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_progressHeight,progressBackHeight);
progressMinusColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_progressMinusColor,Color.RED);
progress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_progress,50);
mThumbNormalRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_thumbNormalRadius,14);
mThumbPressedRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_thumbPressRadius,24);
mThumbColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_thumbColor,Color.BLUE);
progressColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_progressColor,Color.BLUE);
mTextColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_textColor,Color.WHITE);
mTextSize = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_textSize,40);
mTextBackColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_textBackColor,0x7DD2D3D4);
mTextBackRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.CenterSeekBar_textBackRadius,10);
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(false);
mTextRectF = new RectF();
mBackRectF = new RectF();
mProgressRectF = new RectF();
* 设置是否是 0 在中间
* @param enable
public CenterSeekBar setCenterModeEnable(boolean enable) {
// 将负值 变成正值
if(progress < 0){
progress = -progress;
mIsCenterState = enable;
return this;
public CenterSeekBar setProgress(int progress){
if(progress < maxProgress && progress > minProgress){
this.progress = progress;
} else {
progress = minProgress;
return this;
public CenterSeekBar OnSeekBarProgressListener(OnSeekBarProgressListener l){
mOnSeekBarProgressListener = l;
return this;
public CenterSeekBar OnSeekBarFinishedListener(OnSeekBarFinishedListener l){
mOnSeekBarFinishedListener = l;
return this;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Log.i("slack","onDraw... " + mThumbRadius);
int centerX = getWidth() / 2; // x 是center
int centerY = 3 * getHeight() / 4; // y 是 3/4 高度
float startX = centerX - width / 2;
// draw background line
paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); // 实心
mBackRectF.left = startX;
mBackRectF.top = centerY - progressBackHeight;
mBackRectF.right = startX + width;
mBackRectF.bottom = centerY;
paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // 空心
// canvas.drawLine(startX, centerY, centerX + width / 2, centerY, paint);
// draw progress
if (mIsCenterState) {
// if (progress < 0) {
// paint.setColor(progressMinusColor);
// }
startX = centerX;
progressPosition = startX + (int) ((progress * (width / 2f) / (maxProgress - minProgress)));
}else {
progressPosition = startX + ((progress * width / (maxProgress - minProgress)));
mProgressRectF.top = centerY - progressBackHeight;
mProgressRectF.bottom = centerY;
if(progress > 0) {
mProgressRectF.left = startX;
mProgressRectF.right = progressPosition;
}else {
mProgressRectF.left = progressPosition;
mProgressRectF.right = startX;
// canvas.drawLine(startX, centerY, progressPosition, centerY, paint);
// draw point
canvas.drawCircle(progressPosition, centerY- progressBackHeight/2, mThumbRadius, paint);
/** mThumbRadius will change
* mThumbRadius : mThumbNormalRadius ----------------- mThumbPressedRadius
* alpha : 0 ------------------ 255
int alpha = (int)(255 * (mThumbRadius - mThumbNormalRadius) / (mThumbPressedRadius - mThumbNormalRadius));
// draw text progress
mTextRectF.bottom = centerY - mThumbPressedRadius - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
mTextRectF.right = progressPosition + mTextSize + DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
mTextRectF.top = mTextRectF.bottom - mTextSize - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING * 3;
mTextRectF.left = progressPosition - mTextSize - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
canvas.drawRoundRect(mTextRectF, mTextBackRadius, mTextBackRadius, paint);
// 为了让text 在背景的中心
canvas.drawText(progress + "%", progressPosition, mTextRectF.bottom - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING * 2, paint);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Log.i("slack","onTouchEvent " + event.toString());
if (!isEnabled())
return false;
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (isTouchLegal) {
progress = (int)clamp((int) event.getRawX());
// Log.i("slack","progress " + progress);
invalidate(); // 在UI线程中使用 刷新View
if(mOnSeekBarProgressListener != null){
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (isTouchLegal) {
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(false);
if(mOnSeekBarFinishedListener != null){
return true;
* if touch , seekBar Thumb Animation
private void checkTouchingTarget(MotionEvent event) {
if (isTouchingTarget(event)) {
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(true);
* 判断是否 touch 在 seekBar thumb 上
* @param event
* @return
private boolean isTouchingTarget(MotionEvent event) {
isTouchLegal = event.getRawX() > progressPosition - DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE
&& event.getRawX() < progressPosition + DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE;
// Log.i("slack", "isTouchLegal " + isTouchLegal);
return isTouchLegal;
* 自定义动画 ofFloat(Object target, String propertyName, float... values)
* 第一个参数用于指定这个动画要操作的是哪个控件
* 第二个参数用于指定这个动画要操作这个控件的哪个属性
* 第三个参数是可变长参数,这个就跟ValueAnimator中的可变长参数的意义一样了,就是指这个属性值是从哪变到哪
* 对于自定义的属性,d第二个参数需要提供setXXX 方法,like: public void setMThumbRadius(int mThumbRadius)
* set方法 属性的第一个字母记得要大写 ! ObjectAnimator.ofInt , ofInt 对应参数的类型,如果float 为ofFloat
private ObjectAnimator getTargetAnimator(boolean touching) {
final ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,
touching ? mThumbPressedRadius : mThumbNormalRadius);
anim.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationUpdate...");
postInvalidate(); // 在子线程中使用刷新View
anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationEnd...");
anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
return anim;
public void setMThumbRadius(float mThumbRadius) {
// Log.i("slack","setmThumbRadius...");
this.mThumbRadius = mThumbRadius;
* return progress
* -maxProgress minProgress maxProgress
* \------------------------0---------------------------\
* min center touch-->\ max
* (min center touch max are positions in the screen)
* touch progress = (touch - center) / (max - center) * maxProgress;
private float clamp(int value) {
if (mIsCenterState) {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value > centerX) {
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else if (value < centerX) {
if (value <= min) {
return -maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else {
return minProgress;
} else {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else if (value <= min) {
return minProgress;
} else {
return (maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - min) / width ;
public interface OnSeekBarProgressListener {
void onProgress(int progress);
public interface OnSeekBarFinishedListener {
void onFinished(int progress);
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private CenterSeekBar mSeekBar;
private boolean center = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mSeekBar = (CenterSeekBar) findViewById(R.id.seekbar);
public void reFlush(View view) {
center = !center;
-----update 2017.05.20----------
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.support.annotation.ColorInt;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator;
import com.benqu.core.util.D;
import com.benqu.wuta.R;
* 从中间可以向两边滑动 左负右正
* Created by slack on 2016/12/16 10:11.
public class SeekBarView extends View {
private static final int DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE = 40;
private final int DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING = 10;
private final int DEFAULT_THUMB_COLOR = Color.GRAY;
private final Paint paint;
private float width = 800; // need <= getWidth()
* progress start max
private int minProgress = 0;
* progress end max
private int maxProgress = 100;
* 进度条的颜色 底色 背景色
private int progressBackColor = Color.BLACK;
* 进度条的底色 高度
private float progressBackHeight = 10;
* 进度条 底色 圆角矩形边框 描边
private int progressFrameColor = Color.WHITE;
* 进度条圆角矩形边框 高度
private float progressFrameHeight = 3;
* 进度条的颜色
private int progressColor = Color.GREEN;
* 进度条的 高度
private float progressHeight = 20;
* 如果0在中间,负进度条的颜色
private int progressMinusColor = Color.RED;
* current progress
private int progress = 50;
* seekBar Thumb normal radius
private float mThumbNormalRadius = 14;
* seekBar Thumb radius when touched
private float mThumbPressedRadius = 24;
* seekBar Thumb color
private int mThumbColor = DEFAULT_THUMB_COLOR;
private float mTextLocation = 1;
* progress 字体大小
private float mTextSize = 40;
* progress 字体 color
private int mTextColor = Color.WHITE;
* progress 字体 背景 color
private int mTextBackColor = 0x7DD2D3D4;
* progress 字体 背景 radius
private float mTextBackRadius = 10;
* 判断是否是 0 在中间
private boolean mIsCenterState = false;
private float mThumbRadius = mThumbNormalRadius;
private float progressPosition;
private boolean isTouchLegal = false;
private ObjectAnimator mAnimator; // seekBar Thumb Animator
private RectF mTextRectF, mBackRectF, mProgressRectF;
private int mThumbDrawColor = DEFAULT_THUMB_COLOR;
private OnSeekBarChangeListener mOnSeekBarChangeListener;
private OnSeekBarProgressListener mOnSeekBarProgressListener;
private OnSeekBarFinishedListener mOnSeekBarFinishedListener;
public SeekBarView(Context context) {
this(context, null);
public SeekBarView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
public SeekBarView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
paint = new Paint();
if (attrs != null) {
TypedArray styledAttrs = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
R.styleable.SeekBarView, 0, 0);
maxProgress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_maxProgress, 100);
minProgress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_minProgress, 0);
width = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_width, 800);
mIsCenterState = styledAttrs.getBoolean(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_centerState, false);
progressBackColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_backColor, Color.BLACK);
progressBackHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_backHeight, 10);
progressFrameColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_backFrameColor, Color.WHITE);
progressFrameHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_backFrameSize, 3);
progressColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_progressColor, Color.GREEN);
progressHeight = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_progressHeight, progressBackHeight);
progressMinusColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_progressMinusColor, Color.RED);
progress = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_progress, 50);
mThumbNormalRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_thumbNormalRadius, 14);
mThumbPressedRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_thumbPressRadius, 24);
mThumbColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_thumbColor, Color.BLUE);
progressColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_progressColor, Color.BLUE);
mTextLocation = styledAttrs.getInteger(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_textLocation, 1);
mTextColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_textColor, Color.WHITE);
mTextSize = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_textSize, 40);
mTextBackColor = styledAttrs.getColor(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_textBackColor, 0x7DD2D3D4);
mTextBackRadius = styledAttrs.getDimension(R.styleable.SeekBarView_S_textBackRadius, 10);
mThumbRadius = mThumbNormalRadius;
mThumbDrawColor = mThumbColor;
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(false);
mTextRectF = new RectF();
mBackRectF = new RectF();
mProgressRectF = new RectF();
* 设置是否是 0 在中间
* @param enable
public SeekBarView setCenterModeEnable(boolean enable) {
// 将负值 变成正值
if (mIsCenterState) {
if (!enable) {
if (progress < 0) {
progress = -progress;
mIsCenterState = enable;
return this;
public SeekBarView setProgress(int progress) {
if (mIsCenterState) {
if (progress <= maxProgress && progress >= minProgress - maxProgress) {
this.progress = progress;
} else {
this.progress = minProgress;
} else {
if (progress <= maxProgress && progress >= minProgress) {
this.progress = progress;
} else {
this.progress = minProgress;
return this;
* 是否可用
public SeekBarView setProgressEnable(boolean enable) {
if (enable) {
mThumbDrawColor = mThumbColor;
} else {
this.progress = 0;
return this;
public int getProgress() {
return progress;
public SeekBarView setOnSeekBarChangeListener(OnSeekBarChangeListener l) {
mOnSeekBarChangeListener = l;
return this;
public SeekBarView setOnSeekBarProgressListener(OnSeekBarProgressListener l) {
mOnSeekBarProgressListener = l;
return this;
public SeekBarView setOnSeekBarFinishedListener(OnSeekBarFinishedListener l) {
mOnSeekBarFinishedListener = l;
return this;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Log.i("slack","onDraw... " + mThumbRadius);
int centerX = getWidth() / 2; // x 是center
int centerY = getHeight() / 2; // y 是 2/3 高度
float startX = centerX - width / 2 ;
// draw background line
paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); // 实心
mBackRectF.left = startX;
mBackRectF.top = centerY - progressBackHeight;
mBackRectF.right = startX + width;
mBackRectF.bottom = centerY;
canvas.drawRoundRect(mBackRectF, mTextBackRadius, mTextBackRadius, paint);
paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); // 空心
canvas.drawRoundRect(mBackRectF, mTextBackRadius, mTextBackRadius, paint);
// canvas.drawLine(startX, centerY, centerX + width / 2, centerY, paint);
// draw progress
if (mIsCenterState) {
// if (progress < 0) {
// paint.setColor(progressMinusColor);
// }
startX = centerX;
progressPosition = startX + (int) ((progress * (width / 2f) / (maxProgress - minProgress)));
} else {
progressPosition = startX + ((progress * width / (maxProgress - minProgress)));
mProgressRectF.top = centerY - progressBackHeight;
mProgressRectF.bottom = centerY;
if (progress > 0) {
mProgressRectF.left = startX;
mProgressRectF.right = progressPosition;
} else {
mProgressRectF.left = progressPosition;
mProgressRectF.right = startX;
canvas.drawRoundRect(mProgressRectF, mTextBackRadius, mTextBackRadius, paint);
// canvas.drawLine(startX, centerY, progressPosition, centerY, paint);
// draw point
canvas.drawCircle(progressPosition, centerY - progressBackHeight / 2, mThumbRadius, paint);
/** mThumbRadius will change
* mThumbRadius : mThumbNormalRadius ----------------- mThumbPressedRadius
* alpha : 0 ------------------ 255
int alpha = (int) (255 * (mThumbRadius - mThumbNormalRadius) / (mThumbPressedRadius - mThumbNormalRadius));
// draw text progress up the Thumb code is ok
if (mTextLocation == 1) {
mTextRectF.bottom = centerY - mThumbPressedRadius - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
mTextRectF.right = progressPosition + mTextSize + DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
mTextRectF.top = mTextRectF.bottom - mTextSize - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING * 3;
mTextRectF.left = progressPosition - mTextSize - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING;
canvas.drawRoundRect(mTextRectF, mTextBackRadius, mTextBackRadius, paint);
// 为了让text 在背景的中心
canvas.drawText(progress + "%", progressPosition, mTextRectF.bottom - DEFAULT_TEXT_PADDING * 2, paint);
} else if (mTextLocation == 2) {
// draw text in Thumb
canvas.drawText(progress + "%", progressPosition, centerY, paint);
// private int mLastProgress;
private long mLastTime;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Log.i("slack","onTouchEvent " + event.toString());
if (!isEnabled())
return false;
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (isTouchLegal) {
progress = (int) clamp((int) event.getRawX() - getLeft());
// if (mLastProgress == progress) {
// // 两次一样就不需要重画
// break;
// }
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (currentTime - mLastTime < 50) {
// 刷新 FPS 不超过 20 fps
mLastTime = currentTime;
// Log.i("slack","progress " + progress);
invalidate(); // 在UI线程中使用 刷新View
if (mOnSeekBarChangeListener != null) {
} else if (mOnSeekBarProgressListener != null) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// mLastProgress = -1;
if (isTouchLegal) {
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(false);
if (mOnSeekBarChangeListener != null) {
} else if (mOnSeekBarFinishedListener != null) {
return true;
* if touch , seekBar Thumb Animation
private void checkTouchingTarget(MotionEvent event) {
if (isTouchingTarget(event)) {
mAnimator = getTargetAnimator(true);
* 判断是否 touch 在 seekBar thumb 上
* @param event
* @return
private boolean isTouchingTarget(MotionEvent event) {
float location = progressPosition + getLeft();
isTouchLegal = event.getRawX() > location - DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE
&& event.getRawX() < location + DEFAULT_TOUCH_TARGET_SIZE;
D.i("slack", "isTouchLegal " + isTouchLegal + " " + event.getRawX() + " " +
event.getRawY() + " " + progressPosition);
return isTouchLegal;
* 自定义动画 ofFloat(Object target, String propertyName, float... values)
* 第一个参数用于指定这个动画要操作的是哪个控件
* 第二个参数用于指定这个动画要操作这个控件的哪个属性
* 第三个参数是可变长参数,这个就跟ValueAnimator中的可变长参数的意义一样了,就是指这个属性值是从哪变到哪
* 对于自定义的属性,d第二个参数需要提供setXXX 方法,like: public void setMThumbRadius(int mThumbRadius)
* set方法 属性的第一个字母记得要大写 ! ObjectAnimator.ofInt , ofInt 对应参数的类型,如果float 为ofFloat
private ObjectAnimator getTargetAnimator(boolean touching) {
final ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this,
touching ? mThumbPressedRadius : mThumbNormalRadius);
anim.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationUpdate...");
postInvalidate(); // 在子线程中使用刷新View
anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
// Log.i("slack","onAnimationEnd...");
anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
return anim;
public void setMThumbRadius(float mThumbRadius) {
// Log.i("slack","setmThumbRadius...");
this.mThumbRadius = mThumbRadius;
* return progress
* -maxProgress minProgress maxProgress
* \------------------------0---------------------------\
* min center touch-->\ max
* (min center touch max are positions in the screen)
* touch progress = (touch - center) / (max - center) * maxProgress;
private float clamp(int value) {
if (mIsCenterState) {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value > centerX) {
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else if (value < centerX) {
if (value <= min) {
return -maxProgress;
} else {
return (int) ((maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - centerX) / (width / 2f));
} else {
return minProgress;
} else {
int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
float min = centerX - width / 2;// the start point
float max = centerX + width / 2;// the end point
if (value >= max) {
return maxProgress;
} else if (value <= min) {
return minProgress;
} else {
return (maxProgress - minProgress) * (value - min) / width;
public interface OnSeekBarProgressListener {
void onProgress(int progress);
public interface OnSeekBarFinishedListener {
void onFinished(int progress);
public interface OnSeekBarChangeListener extends OnSeekBarProgressListener, OnSeekBarFinishedListener {