func hello(name:String) ->String
let result = "Hello,"+name
return result
hello(name: "imagine")
func hello(name:String?,greet:String) ->String
let result = greet+","+(name)!
return result
var nickname:String? //nil
nickname = "imagine"
hello(name: nickname,greet: "Good Night") //Good Night,imagine"
func sayHello() ->String
return "Welcome to imaginecode"
sayHello() //"Welcome to imaginecode"
空类型void / () ,不返回任何值
func sayVoid() ->Void{
print("it is a void func")
func maxminScores( scores:[Int]) -> ( maxscore:Int,minscore:Int)? //元组的可选型
if scores.isEmpty{
return nil
var curmax = scores[0] ,curmin = scores[0]
for score in scores[1..
func hello(userName nickname:String,greeting greet:String) -> String{ //内部参数nickname,greet,属于函数体
let result = greet+":"+nickname
return result
hello(userName: "imagine", greeting: "codeing") //给参数nickname与greet起了外部参数名userName和greeting
func hello(nickname:String,greet:String = "hello") -> String{ //给greet默认值hello
let result = greet+":"+nickname
return result
hello(nickname: "imagine") //"hello:imagine"
func hello(nickname:String,greet:String = "hello",other:String = "nihao") -> String{ //给greet默认值hello
let result = greet+":"+nickname+other
return result
hello(nickname: "imagine",other:"how do you do") //"hello:imaginehow do you do"
func add(a:Int,b:Int,others:Int ... ) ->Int //others是可变参数 ... 将其解析为数组
var result = a + b
for num in others
result += num
return result
var res = add(a: 2, b: 3)
res = add(a: 2, b: 3, others: 4,5,6)
NSLog(format: String, args: CVarArg...) //CvarArg也是可变参数
func swapTwoInts( a:inout Int,b:inout Int)
let t = a;
a = b
b = t
var x = 0, y = 100
swapTwoInts(a: &x, b: &y) //传入引用参数
func add(a:Int,b:Int) -> Int
return a+b
let anotherAdd:(Int,Int)->Int = add //参数为两个Int,返回类型为Int ,add 作为变量
func changeScores1(scores:inout [Int]) {
for i in 0..
func changeScores(op:(Int)->Int, scores:inout [Int])
for i in 0..Int {return Int(sqrt(Double(x))*10)}
func op2(x:Int)->Int {return Int(sqrt(Double(x))/150.0*100.0)}
func op3(x:Int)->Int {return x + 3}
var scores1 = [20,40,60,80,90]
changeScores(op: op1, scores: &scores1)
var scores2 = [20,40,60,80,90]
changeScores(op: op2, scores: &scores2)
var scores3 = [20,40,60,80,90]
changeScores(op: op3, scores: &scores3)
var arr = [Int]()
for _ in 1...20
func compareTwoInts(a:Int,b:Int) -> Bool{return a>b }
func mailcost1(weight:Int) -> Int
return 1*weight
func mailcost2(weight:Int) -> Int
return 2*weight
func chooseMailCostMethod(weight:Int) -> (Int)->Int //返回一个Int类型的函数,解耦作用
return weight <= 10 ? mailcost1 : mailcost2
func totalCost(price:Int,weight:Int) -> Int
let mailCost:(Int)->Int = chooseMailCostMethod(weight: weight)
return mailCost(weight) + price*weight
func mailcost1(weight:Int) -> Int
return 1*weight
func mailcost2(weight:Int) -> Int
return 2*weight
func totalCost(price:Int,weight:Int) -> Int
func chooseMailCostMethod(weight:Int) -> (Int)->Int //函数嵌套
return weight <= 10 ? mailcost1 : mailcost2
let mailCost:(Int)->Int = chooseMailCostMethod(weight: weight)
return mailCost(weight) + price*weight