方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)

Paper link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.01100v2.pdf

Code link:  http://ir.hit.edu.cn/~dytang/ the homepage of author

Source: 2016COLING

Author: jasminexjf

Time: 2019-06-25

文章的任务是Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification。

一、Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification

“I bought a new camera. The picture quality is amazing but the battery life is too short

对于不同的target: picture quality : positive       battery life : negative

传统方法使用feature-based SVM,但是feature engineering is labor intensive,且难以解决稀疏、离散特征的问题




方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)_第1张图片



TD-LSTM将文本以target words为中心拆分为左右两部分,左句(从左往右读入)与右句(从右往左读入)分别输入两个LSTM网络中,中心词(target string)都作为句末。最后将两者最后的time step的hidden输入concat之后进入softmax进行分类。损失函数为cross entropy loss function。


方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)_第2张图片


1))作者认为TD-LSTM还不够好,没有获取到target word和上下文之间的相互作用

2)为了模拟人类在被问及target-dependent sentiment classification问题时会在context中寻找相关词的过程

{Wl+1, Wl+2...Wr−1} 为target words,和TD-LSTM一样分别按照正向反向分别接在左句和右句的句尾。

不同的是:对当前target words的vectors(与文本的word embedding属于同一空间域)取均值得到V_{target}用来表示这个target实体,将V_{target}与句中所有word embedding(包括target words)concat,作者认为此法可以在target和每个文本内的词之间建立更好的联系.

方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)_第3张图片



P_c(s) is the probability of predicting s as class c given by the sof tmax layer,P_c^{g}(s) indicates whether class c is the correct sentiment category, whose value is 1 or 0, is ont-hot vector.


3.1  Dataset:

benchmark dataset (Dong et al., 2014)

positive, negative and neutral in training and test sets are both 25%, 25%, 50%

3.2 results

方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)_第4张图片

3.3  不同的预训练word embedding对于训练结果的影响

sentiment-specific word embedding(SSWE_h , SSWE_r  and SSWE_u  are different embedding learning algorithms)

SSWE_h  and SSWE_r  learn word embeddings by only using sentiment of sentences

SSWE_u  takes into account of sentiment of sentences and contexts of words simultaneously


方面级分类paper1 Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification(2016COLING)_第5张图片

3.4 训练时间花费(每轮迭代耗时):TC-LSTM耗时更久,而效果提升小

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3.5 实验分析

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We develop target-specific long short term memory models for target-dependent sentiment classification. The approach captures the connection between target word and its contexts when generating the representation of a sentence. We train the model in an end-to-end way on a benchmark dataset, and show that incorporating target information could boost the performance of a long short-term memory model. The target-dependent LSTM model obtains state-of-the-art classification accuracy.




