20180327 sentiment



n.1. a sentiment that people have is an attitude which is based on their thoughts and feelings. 可变名词  (基于思想或情感的)态度、情绪  supp N

2. a sentiment is an idea or feeling that someone expresses in words. 可数名词 (用言辞表达的)见解,感想

3. sentiment is feelings such as pity or love, especially for things in the past, and may be considered exaggerated and foolish. 不可数名词 (尤指对过去的事过度而无谓的)感伤,眷恋

an opinion or feeling you have about something




1. The majority of people support economic reform. / Most people are in favor of economic reform. / Public opinion favors economic reform. 改写为 Popular/Public sentiment is on the side of economic reform.

2. A few years ago China saw a great wave of anti-Japanese sentiments.

3. Trump's anti-immigrant sentiments are shared by some Americans.

4. More broadly, there is grumbling in the Hindutva camp that he has not championed(支持) their agenda energetically enough. This includes education "reform" (to inculcate(灌输) stronger national sentiment(民族情感) and emphasise Hindu identity).

grumble /ˈɡrʌmbəl/ v&n. 抱怨  Hindutva 提倡印度民族主义及建立印度教国的政治运动    Hindu 印度教

5. "Business is no longer business as usual," says R. Mukundan, chief executive of Tata Chemicals, part of another Indian conglomerate(企业集团) based in Mumbai(孟买) ( a city that was the victim of an epic deluge around the time of Maria). Some creditors, investors and insures murmur similar sentiments. 一些债权人、投资者和保险公司也表达了类似的情绪。

deluge /ˈdɛljuːdʒ/ n.泛滥,洪水  murmur v.低声说



Recent mass shootings in Christchurch have reflected the troubling anti-Muslim sentiments in New Zealand.


The government has issued the lastest policy to limit the perchase of commercial housing; public sentiment on this mixed.

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