简简单单用一条语句就能让 jinja2 渲染出 form:wtf.quick_form(form)
Live Demo: http://tianya.heroku.com/wtf
class CommentForm(Form): name = StringField('', validators=[Length(0, 64)], render_kw={"placeholder": "Your name", "style": "background: url(/static/login-locked-icon.png) no-repeat 15px center;text-indent: 28px"}) email = StringField('', description='* We\'ll never share your email with anyone else.', validators= \ [DataRequired(), Length(4, 64), Email(message=u"邮件格式有误")], render_kw={"placeholder": "E-mail: [email protected]"}) comment = TextAreaField('', description=u"请提出宝贵意见和建议", validators=[DataRequired()], render_kw = {"placeholder": "Input your comments here"}) submit = SubmitField(u'提交')
复制 c:\git\tianya\venv\Lib\site-packages\flask_bootstrap\templates\bootstrap\wtf.html
to: c:\git\tianya\app\templates\_wtf4.html
修改成 Bootstrap4 的告警样式
{%- if field.errors %} {%- for error in field.errors %} <small class="form-text text-warning">{{error}}small> {%- endfor %} {%- elif field.description -%} <small class="form-text text-muted">{{field.description|safe}}small> {%- endif %} {%- endif %}
{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}关于天涯脱水机 - {{ super() }}{% endblock %} {% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %} {% import "_wtf4.html" as _wtf4 %} {% block page_content %} <div class="row comment-form" style="margin-top: 80px"> <div class="col-lg-6 offset-lg-3"> <h3 class="panel-title"> <a href="#" ><i class="fa fa-pencil"> i>留言板a>h3> {{ _wtf4.quick_form(form, form_type="basic ", button_map={'submit':'primary', } ) }} div> div>
添加一个字典fa_addon,通过 form.fa_addon 就可以传递样式给 wtf.html
class CommentForm(Form): name = StringField('', validators=[Length(0, 64)], render_kw={"placeholder": "your name",}) email = StringField('', description='* We\'ll never share your email with anyone else.', validators= \ [DataRequired(), Length(4, 64), Email(message=u"邮件格式有误")], render_kw={"placeholder": "[email protected]"}) comment = TextAreaField('', description=u"* 请提出宝贵意见和建议", validators=[DataRequired()], render_kw = {"placeholder": "input your comments here"}) submit = SubmitField(u'提交') # FontAwesome css, show icon as prefix of fields fa_addon = { 'email': 'fa-envelope-o', 'name': 'fa-user-o', }
修改两处:添加 fa_addon参数,渲染field的fa_addon,最后,把 description移出div以外
{% macro quick_form(form, 。。。 {%- for field in form %} {% if not bootstrap_is_hidden_field(field) -%} {{ form_field(field, form_type=form_type, horizontal_columns=horizontal_columns, button_map=button_map, fa_addon=form.fa_addon[field.name]) }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} form> {%- endmacro %}
{% macro form_field(field, form_type="basic", horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10), button_map={}, fa_addon="") %} 。。。 {% else -%} <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group {% if field.errors %} has-danger{% endif -%} {%- if field.flags.required %} required{% endif -%} "> {%- if fa_addon %} <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa {{ fa_addon }} fa-fw">i>span> {% endif %} {%- if form_type == "inline" %} {{field.label(class="sr-only")|safe}} {% if field.type == 'FileField' %} {{field(**kwargs)|safe}} {% else %} {{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}} {% endif %} {% elif form_type == "horizontal" %} {{field.label(class="control-label " + ( " col-%s-%s" % horizontal_columns[0:2] ))|safe}} <div class=" col-{{horizontal_columns[0]}}-{{horizontal_columns[2]}}"> {% if field.type == 'FileField' %} {{field(**kwargs)|safe}} {% else %} {{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}} {% endif %} div> {%- if field.errors %} {%- for error in field.errors %} {% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, required=required) %} <p class="help-block error"><small>{{error}}small>p> {% endcall %} {%- endfor %} {%- elif field.description -%} {% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, required=required) %} <p class="help-block grey"><small>{{field.description|safe}}small>p> {% endcall %} {%- endif %} {%- else -%} {{field.label(class="control-label")|safe}} {% if field.type == 'FileField' %} {{field(**kwargs)|safe}} {% else %} {{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}} {% endif %} div> {%- if field.errors %} {%- for error in field.errors %} <small class="form-text text-warning">{{error}}small> {%- endfor %} {%- elif field.description -%} <small class="form-text text-muted">{{field.description|safe}}small> {%- endif %} {%- endif %} div> {% endif %} {% endmacro %}
Bootstrap4 - Forms -> Validation
.form-control -> 自带各种格式