


[luxibao@centos ~]$ mkdir platform_LED

[luxibao@centos ~]$ ls

dropbear-0.53.1          fl2440  hello.1  platform_LED  模板  图片  下载  桌面

dropbear-0.53.1.tar.bz2  hello   LED      公共的        视频  文档  音乐

[luxibao@centos ~]$ cd platform_LED


[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ vim plat_led.c




 *      Copyright:  (C) 2011 Guo Wenxue

 *                  All rights reserved.


 *       Filename:  s3c_led.c

 *    Description:  This is the common LED driver runs on S3C24XX.


 *        Version:  1.0.0(10/27/2011~)

 *         Author:  Guo Wenxue

 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "10/27/2011 11:39:10 AM"



#include "s3c_driver.h"


#define DRV_AUTHOR                "Guo Wenxue "

#define DRV_DESC                  "S3C24XX LED driver"


/* Driver version*/

#define DRV_MAJOR_VER             1

#define DRV_MINOR_VER             0

#define DRV_REVER_VER             0


#define DEV_NAME                  DEV_LED_NAME


//#define DEV_MAJOR                 DEV_LED_MAJOR

#ifndef DEV_MAJOR

#define DEV_MAJOR                 0 /*  dynamic major by default */



#define TIMER_TIMEOUT             40


static int debug = DISABLE;

static int dev_major = DEV_MAJOR;

static int dev_minor = 0;



/* ============================ Platform Device part ===============================*/

/*  LED hardware informtation structure*/

struct s3c_led_info


    unsigned char           num;              /* The LED number  */

    unsigned int            gpio;             /* Which GPIO the LED used */

    unsigned char           active_level;     /* The GPIO pin level(HIGHLEVEL or LOWLEVEL) to turn on or off  */

    unsigned char           status;           /* Current LED status: OFF/ON */

    unsigned char           blink;            /* Blink or not */



/*  The LED platform device private data structure */

struct s3c_led_platform_data


    struct s3c_led_info    *leds;

    int                     nleds;




/*  LED hardware informtation data*/

static struct s3c_led_info  s3c_leds[] = {

    [0] = {

        .num = 1,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPB(5),

        .active_level = LOWLEVEL,

        .status = OFF,

        .blink = ENABLE,


    [1] = {

        .num = 2,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPB(6),

        .active_level = LOWLEVEL,

        .status = OFF,

        .blink = DISABLE,


    [2] = {

        .num = 3,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPB(8),

        .active_level = LOWLEVEL,

        .status = OFF,

        .blink = DISABLE,


    [3] = {

        .num = 4,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPB(10),

        .active_level = LOWLEVEL,

        .status = OFF,

        .blink = DISABLE,




/*  The LED platform device private data */

static struct s3c_led_platform_data s3c_led_data = {

    .leds = s3c_leds,

    .nleds = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_leds),



struct led_device


    struct s3c_led_platform_data    *data;

    struct cdev                     cdev;

    struct class                    *dev_class;

    struct timer_list               blink_timer;

} led_device;


static void platform_led_release(struct device * dev)


    int i;

    struct s3c_led_platform_data *pdata = dev->platform_data;


    dbg_print("%s():%d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);


    /* Turn all LED off */

    for(i=0; inleds; i++)


         s3c2410_gpio_setpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, ~pdata->leds[i].active_level);




static struct platform_device s3c_led_device = {

    .name    = "s3c_led",

    .id      = 1,

    .dev     =


        .platform_data = &s3c_led_data,

        .release = platform_led_release,






/* ===================== led device driver part ===========================*/


void led_timer_handler(unsigned long data)


    int  i;

    struct s3c_led_platform_data *pdata = (struct s3c_led_platform_data *)data;


    for(i=0; inleds; i++)


        if(ON == pdata->leds[i].status)


              s3c2410_gpio_setpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, pdata->leds[i].active_level);




              s3c2410_gpio_setpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, ~pdata->leds[i].active_level);



        if(ENABLE == pdata->leds[i].blink )  /* LED should blink */


            /* Switch status between 0 and 1 to turn LED ON or off */

            pdata->leds[i].status = pdata->leds[i].status ^ 0x01;



        mod_timer(&(led_device.blink_timer), jiffies + TIMER_TIMEOUT);





static int led_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)


    struct led_device *pdev ;

    struct s3c_led_platform_data *pdata;


    pdev = container_of(inode->i_cdev,struct led_device, cdev);

    pdata = pdev->data;


    file->private_data = pdata;


    return 0;




static int led_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)


    return 0;



static void print_led_help(void)


    printk("Follow is the ioctl() command for LED driver:\n");

    printk("Enable Driver debug command: %u\n", SET_DRV_DEBUG);

    printk("Get Driver verion  command : %u\n", GET_DRV_VER);

    printk("Turn LED on command        : %u\n", LED_ON);

    printk("Turn LED off command       : %u\n", LED_OFF);

    printk("Turn LED blink command     : %u\n", LED_BLINK);



/* compatible with kernel version >=2.6.38*/

static long led_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)


    struct s3c_led_platform_data *pdata = file->private_data;


    switch (cmd)


        case SET_DRV_DEBUG:

            dbg_print("%s driver debug now.\n", DISABLE == arg ? "Disable" : "Enable");

            debug = (0==arg) ? DISABLE : ENABLE;


        case GET_DRV_VER:


            return DRV_VERSION;


        case LED_OFF:

            if(pdata->nleds <= arg)


               printk("LED%ld doesn't exist\n", arg);

               return -ENOTTY;


            pdata->leds[arg].status = OFF;

            pdata->leds[arg].blink = DISABLE;



        case LED_ON:

            if(pdata->nleds <= arg)


               printk("LED%ld doesn't exist\n", arg);

               return -ENOTTY;


            pdata->leds[arg].status = ON;

            pdata->leds[arg].blink = DISABLE;



        case LED_BLINK:

            if(pdata->nleds <= arg)


               printk("LED%ld doesn't exist\n", arg);

               return -ENOTTY;


            pdata->leds[arg].blink = ENABLE;

            pdata->leds[arg].status = ON;




            dbg_print("%s driver don't support ioctl command=%d\n", DEV_NAME, cmd);


            return -EINVAL;



    return 0;




static struct file_operations led_fops = {

    .owner = THIS_MODULE,

    .open = led_open,

    .release = led_release,

    .unlocked_ioctl = led_ioctl, /* compatible with kernel version >=2.6.38*/




static int s3c_led_probe(struct platform_device *dev)


    struct s3c_led_platform_data *pdata = dev->dev.platform_data;

    int result = 0;

    int i;

    dev_t devno;


    /* Initialize the LED status */

    for(i=0; inleds; i++)


         s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, S3C2410_GPIO_OUTPUT);

         if(ON == pdata->leds[i].status)


            s3c2410_gpio_setpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, pdata->leds[i].active_level);




            s3c2410_gpio_setpin(pdata->leds[i].gpio, ~pdata->leds[i].active_level);




    /*  Alloc the device for driver */

    if (0 != dev_major)


        devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);

        result = register_chrdev_region(devno, 1, DEV_NAME);




        result = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, dev_minor, 1, DEV_NAME);

        dev_major = MAJOR(devno);



    /* Alloc for device major failure */

    if (result < 0)


        printk("%s driver can't get major %d\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major);

        return result;



    /* Initialize button structure and register cdev*/

    memset(&led_device, 0, sizeof(led_device));

    led_device.data = dev->dev.platform_data;

    cdev_init (&(led_device.cdev), &led_fops);

    led_device.cdev.owner  = THIS_MODULE;


    result = cdev_add (&(led_device.cdev), devno , 1);

    if (result)


        printk (KERN_NOTICE "error %d add %s device", result, DEV_NAME);

        goto ERROR;



    led_device.dev_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DEV_NAME);



        printk("%s driver create class failture\n",DEV_NAME);

        result =  -ENOMEM;

        goto ERROR;




    device_create(led_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, NULL, DEV_NAME);


    device_create (led_device.dev_class, NULL, devno, DEV_NAME);



    /*  Initial the LED blink timer */


    led_device.blink_timer.function = led_timer_handler;

    led_device.blink_timer.data = (unsigned long)pdata;

    led_device.blink_timer.expires  = jiffies + TIMER_TIMEOUT;



    printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d initiliazed.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER);


    return 0;




    printk("S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d install failure.\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER, DRV_REVER_VER);



    unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1);

    return result;




static int s3c_led_remove(struct platform_device *dev)


    dev_t devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor);





    device_destroy(led_device.dev_class, devno);



    unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1);

    printk("S3C %s driver removed\n", DEV_NAME);


    return 0;




static struct platform_driver s3c_led_driver = {

    .probe      = s3c_led_probe,

    .remove     = s3c_led_remove,

    .driver     = {

        .name       = "s3c_led",

        .owner      = THIS_MODULE,





static int __init s3c_led_init(void)


   int       ret = 0;


   ret = platform_device_register(&s3c_led_device);



        printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: Can't register platform device %d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__, ret);

        goto fail_reg_plat_dev;


   dbg_print("Regist S3C LED Platform Device successfully.\n");


   ret = platform_driver_register(&s3c_led_driver);



        printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%d: Can't register platform driver %d\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__, ret);

        goto fail_reg_plat_drv;


   dbg_print("Regist S3C LED Platform Driver successfully.\n");


   return 0;





   return ret;




static void s3c_led_exit(void)


    dbg_print("%s():%d remove LED platform drvier\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);


    dbg_print("%s():%d remove LED platform device\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);







module_param(debug, int, S_IRUGO);

module_param(dev_major, int, S_IRUGO);

module_param(dev_minor, int, S_IRUGO);








[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ vim Makefile







        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=`pwd` modules

        make clean



        rm -f *.o *mod.c *.order *.symvers


[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ ls

Makefile  plat_ioctl.h  plat_led.c  s3c_driver.h

[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ make

make -C /home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/linux-3.0 M=`pwd` modules

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/linux-3.0'

  CC [M]  /home/luxibao/platform_LED/plat_led.o

  Building modules, stage 2.

  MODPOST 1 modules

  CC      /home/luxibao/platform_LED/plat_led.mod.o

  LD [M]  /home/luxibao/platform_LED/plat_led.ko

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/linux-3.0'

make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/luxibao/platform_LED'

rm -f *.o *mod.c *.order *.symvers

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/luxibao/platform_LED'

[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ ls

Makefile  plat_ioctl.h  plat_led.c  plat_led.ko  s3c_driver.h



[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ mkdir platform_led_test

[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ ls

Makefile  platform_led_test  plat_ioctl.h  plat_led.c

[luxibao@centos platform_LED]$ cd platform_led_test/

[luxibao@centos platform_led_test]$ vim plat_ioctl.c



*       Copyright: (C) 2016 luxibao <[email protected]>

*               All rights reserved.


*       Filename: plat_icotl.c

*       Description: This file


*       Version: 1.0.0(08/01/2016)

*       Author: luxibao <[email protected]>

*       ChangeLog: 1, Release initial version on "08/01/2016 17:35:23 "












#define PLATDRV_MAGIC   0x60

#define LED_OFF         _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x18)

#define LED_ON          _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x19)

#define LED_BLINK       _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x1A)

#define DEVNAMELEN 10

int main (int argc,char **argv)


        int fd;







        return 0;



[luxibao@centos platform_led_test]$ /opt/buildroot-2012.08/arm920t/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc plat_ioctl.c

[luxibao@centos platform_led_test]$ ls

a.out  plat_ioctl.c





>: tftp -gr plat_led.ko

plat_led.ko          100% |*******************************|  8827   0:00:00 ETA

>: tftp -gr a.out

a.out                100% |*******************************|  5137   0:00:00 ETA

>: chmod 777 a.out

>: chmod 777 plat_led.ko

>: insmod plat_led.ko

S3C led driver version 1.0.0 initiliazed.

>: mknod /dev/led0 c 251 0

>: mknod /dev/led1 c 251 1

>: mknod /dev/led2 c 251 2

>: mknod /dev/led3 c 251 3

>: ls -l dev/led*

crw-rw----    1 root     root      251,   0 Dec 31 17:02 dev/led

crw-r--r--    1 root     root      251,   0 Dec 31 17:02 dev/led0

crw-r--r--    1 root     root      251,   1 Dec 31 17:02 dev/led1

crw-r--r--    1 root     root      251,   2 Dec 31 17:02 dev/led2

crw-r--r--    1 root     root      251,   3 Dec 31 17:02 dev/led3

>: ll a.out

-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root          5137 Dec 31 17:00 a.out

>: chmod 777 a.out













