

[luxibao@centos ~]$ mkdir input_kbd

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ ls

event_button.c  kbd_device.c  kbd_driver.c  kbd_driver.h  Makefile




 *      Copyright:  (C) 2016 Guo Wenxue

 *                  All rights reserved.


 *       Filename:  kbd_driver.h

 *    Description:  This head file is for s3c keyboard driver


 *        Version:  1.0.0(07/26/2016)

 *         Author:  Guo Wenxue

 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "07/26/2016 06:54:47 PM"




#ifndef  _KBD_DRIVER_H_

#define  _KBD_DRIVER_H_


/* keyboard hardware informtation structure definition */

typedef struct s3c_kbd_info_s


    int                     code;      /* input device key code  */

    int                     nIRQ;      /* keyboard IRQ number*/

    unsigned int            setting;   /* keyboard IRQ Pin Setting*/

    unsigned int            gpio;      /* keyboard GPIO port */

} s3c_kbd_info_t;


/* keyboard platform device private data structure */

typedef struct s3c_kbd_platform_data_s


    s3c_kbd_info_t         *keys;

    int                    nkeys;

} s3c_kbd_platform_data_t;


#endif   /* ----- #ifndef _KBD_DRIVER_H_  ----- */


platform_device相关驱动文件 kbd_device.c:


 *      Copyright:  (C) 2016 Guo Wenxue

 *                  All rights reserved.


 *       Filename:  kbd_device.c

 *    Description:  This file


 *        Version:  1.0.0(07/26/2016)

 *         Author:  Guo Wenxue

 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "07/26/2016 05:01:25 PM"












#include "kbd_driver.h"


static s3c_kbd_info_t  s3c_kbd_gpios[] = {

    [0] = {

        .code = KEY_1,

        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT0,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(0),

        .setting = S3C2410_GPF0_EINT0,


    [1] = {

        .code = KEY_2,

        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT2,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(2),

        .setting = S3C2410_GPF2_EINT2,


    [2] = {

        .code = KEY_3,

        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT3,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(3),

        .setting = S3C2410_GPF3_EINT3,


    [3] = {

        .code = KEY_4,

        .nIRQ = IRQ_EINT4,

        .gpio = S3C2410_GPF(4),

        .setting = S3C2410_GPF4_EINT4,




/* keyboard platform device private data */

static s3c_kbd_platform_data_t s3c_kbd_data = {

    .keys = s3c_kbd_gpios,

    .nkeys = ARRAY_SIZE(s3c_kbd_gpios),



static void platform_kbd_release(struct device * dev)





static struct platform_device s3c_keyboard_device = {

    .name    = "s3c_kbd",

    .id      = 1,

    .dev     =


        .platform_data = &s3c_kbd_data,

        .release = platform_kbd_release,





static int __init s3c_keyboard_dev_init(void)


    int            rv;


    rv = platform_device_register(&s3c_keyboard_device);



        printk("S3C keyboard platform device register failure\n");

        return rv;



    printk("S3C keyboard platform device register ok\n");

    return 0;



static void __exit s3c_keyboard_dev_exit(void)


    printk("S3C keyboard device exit\n");



    return ;






MODULE_DESCRIPTION("FL2440 board keyboard input driver platform_device");

MODULE_AUTHOR("Guo Wenxue");


MODULE_ALIAS("platform:FL2440 keyboard device");


platform_driver相关驱动文件 kbd_driver.c:


 *      Copyright:  (C) 2016 Guo Wenxue

 *                  All rights reserved.


 *       Filename:  kbd_driver.c

 *    Description:  This file


 *        Version:  1.0.0(07/26/2016)

 *         Author:  Guo Wenxue

 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "07/26/2016 05:01:25 PM"
















#include "kbd_driver.h"


/* 1HZ=100*jiffies 1*jiffies=10ms => 1HZ=100*10ms = 1s */

#define CANCEL_DITHERING_DELAY          (HZ/50)   /* Remove button push down dithering timer delay 20ms  */


typedef struct s3c_kbd_s


    struct timer_list           *timers; /* every key get a cancel dithering timer */

    struct input_dev            *input_dev;

    s3c_kbd_platform_data_t     *pdata;

} s3c_kbd_t;  /*---  end of struct s3c_kbd_s  ---*/



s3c_kbd_t                       *s3c_kbd = NULL;


static irqreturn_t s3c_kbd_intterupt(int irq, void *dev_id)


    int                         i;

    int                         found = 0;

    struct platform_device      *pdev =  dev_id;

    s3c_kbd_t                   *s3c_kbd = NULL;


    s3c_kbd = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);


    for(i=0; ipdata->nkeys; i++)


        if(irq == s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[i].nIRQ)


            found = 1;





    if(!found) /*  An ERROR interrupt */

        return IRQ_NONE;


    mod_timer(&s3c_kbd->timers[i], jiffies+CANCEL_DITHERING_DELAY);

    return IRQ_HANDLED;



static void  cancel_dithering_timer_handler(unsigned long data)


    int                      which =(int)data;

    unsigned int             pinval;


    pinval = s3c2410_gpio_getpin(s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[which].gpio);


    if( pinval )


        //printk("s3c_kbd key[%d] code[%d] released\n", which, s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[which].code);

        input_event(s3c_kbd->input_dev, EV_KEY, s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[which].code, 0);




        //printk("s3c_kbd key[%d] code[%d] pressed\n", which, s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[which].code);

        input_event(s3c_kbd->input_dev, EV_KEY, s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[which].code, 1);






static int s3c_kbd_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)


    int                         i = 0;

    int                         rv = -ENOMEM;

    struct input_dev            *input_dev = NULL;

    s3c_kbd_platform_data_t     *pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data;


    /* malloc s3c_kbd struct */

    s3c_kbd = kmalloc(sizeof(s3c_kbd_t), GFP_KERNEL);

    if( !s3c_kbd )


        printk("error: s3c_kbd_probe kmalloc() for s3c_kbd failure\n");

        goto fail;


    memset(s3c_kbd, 0, sizeof(s3c_kbd_t));


    /* malloc cancel dithering timer for every key */

    s3c_kbd->timers = (struct timer_list *) kmalloc(pdata->nkeys*sizeof(struct timer_list), GFP_KERNEL);

    if( !s3c_kbd->timers )


        printk("error: s3c_kbd_probe kmalloc() for s3c_kbd timers failure\n");

        goto fail;


    memset(s3c_kbd->timers, 0, pdata->nkeys*sizeof(struct timer_list));


    /* malloc input_dev for keyboard */


    if( !input_dev )


        printk("error: s3c_kbd_probe input_allocate_device() failure\n");

        goto fail;



    /* setup input_dev  */

    input_dev->name = pdev->name;

    input_dev->dev.parent = &pdev->dev;

    input_dev->id.bustype = BUS_HOST;

    input_dev->id.vendor = 0x0001;

    input_dev->id.product = 0x0001;

    input_dev->id.version = 0x0100;





    /* Initialize all the keys and interrupt */

    for(i=0; inkeys; i++)


        set_bit(pdata->keys[i].code, input_dev->keybit);

        s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(pdata->keys[i].gpio, pdata->keys[i].setting);

        irq_set_irq_type(pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH);


        rv = request_irq(pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, s3c_kbd_intterupt, IRQF_DISABLED, pdev->name, pdev);

        if( rv )


            printk("error: request IRQ[%d] for key<%d> failure\n", pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, i);

            rv = -EBUSY;

            goto fail;



        //printk("s3c_kbd request IRQ[%d] for key<%d> ok\n", pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, i);


         /* Initialize all the keys cancel dithering timer */

        setup_timer(&s3c_kbd->timers[i], cancel_dithering_timer_handler, i);



    /* register input device */

    rv = input_register_device(input_dev);

    if( rv )


        printk("error: s3c_kbd_probe input_register_device error!\n");

        goto fail;



    /* set s3c_kbd as private data in pdev */

    s3c_kbd->input_dev = input_dev;

    s3c_kbd->pdata = pdata;

    platform_set_drvdata(pdev, s3c_kbd);


    printk("s3c_kbd_probe ok\n");

    return 0;






        free_irq(pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, pdev);

        del_timer( &s3c_kbd->timers[i] );








    if(s3c_kbd && s3c_kbd->timers)









    printk("s3c_kbd_probe failed\n");


    return -ENODEV;



static int s3c_kbd_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)


    int                         i = 0;

    s3c_kbd_t                   *s3c_kbd = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);


    for(i=0; ipdata->nkeys; i++)


        del_timer( &s3c_kbd->timers[i] );


        free_irq(s3c_kbd->pdata->keys[i].nIRQ, pdev);








    printk("s3c_kbd_remove ok\n");


    return 0;



static struct platform_driver s3c_keyboard_driver = {

     .probe      = s3c_kbd_probe,

     .remove     = s3c_kbd_remove,

     .driver     = {

         .name       = "s3c_kbd",

         .owner      = THIS_MODULE,




static int __init s3c_keyboard_drv_init(void)


    int            rv;


    rv = platform_driver_register(&s3c_keyboard_driver);



        printk("s3c keyboard platform driver register failure\n");

        return rv;



    printk("s3c keyboard platform driver register ok\n");

    return 0;



static void __exit s3c_keyboard_drv_exit(void)


    printk("s3c keyboard driver exit\n");



    return ;






MODULE_DESCRIPTION("FL2440 board keyboard input driver platform_driver");

MODULE_AUTHOR("Guo Wenxue");


MODULE_ALIAS("platform:FL2440 keyboard driver");




 *      Copyright:  (C) 2012 Guo Wenxue

 *                  All rights reserved.


 *       Filename:  event_button.c

 *    Description:  This file used to test GPIO button driver builtin Linux kernel on ARM board


 *        Version:  1.0.0(07/13/2012~)

 *         Author:  Guo Wenxue

 *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "07/13/2012 02:46:18 PM"



















#if 0 /* Just for comment here, Reference to linux-3.3/include/linux/input.h */

struct input_event


    struct timeval time;

    __u16 type;  /* 0x00:EV_SYN 0x01:EV_KEY 0x04:EV_MSC 0x11:EV_LED*/

    __u16 code;  /* key value, which key */

    __s32 value; /* 1: Pressed  0:Not pressed  2:Always Pressed */




#define TRUE               1

#define FALSE              0


#define EV_RELEASED        0

#define EV_PRESSED         1

#define EV_REPEAT          2


#define BUTTON_CNT         5


#define MODE_POLL          0x01

#define MODE_NORMAL        0x02


void usage(char *name);

void display_button_event(struct input_event *ev, int cnt);


int main(int argc, char **argv)


    char                  *kbd_dev = NULL;

    char                  kbd_name[256] = "Unknown";

    int                   kbd_fd = -1;


    int                   rv, opt;

    int                   mode = MODE_NORMAL;

    int                   size = sizeof (struct input_event);


    struct input_event    ev[BUTTON_CNT];


    struct option long_options[] = {

        {"device", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},

        {"poll", no_argument, NULL, 'p'},

        {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},

        {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}



    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:ph", long_options, NULL)) != -1)


        switch (opt)


            case 'd':

                kbd_dev = optarg;



            case 'p':

                mode = MODE_POLL;



            case 'h':


                return 0;







    if(NULL == kbd_dev)



        return -1;



    if ((getuid ()) != 0)

        printf ("You are not root! This may not work...\n");



    if ((kbd_fd = open(kbd_dev, O_RDONLY)) < 0)


        printf("Open %s failure: %s", kbd_dev, strerror(errno));

        return -1;



    ioctl (kbd_fd, EVIOCGNAME (sizeof (kbd_name)), kbd_name);

    printf ("Monitor input device %s (%s) event with %s mode:\n", kbd_dev, kbd_name, MODE_POLL==mode?"poll":"infilit loop");



#if 0 /* Not implement in the Linux GPIO button driver */

    unsigned char key_b[BUTTON_CNT/8 + 1];

    memset(key_b, 0, sizeof(key_b));

    if(ioctl(kbd_fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_b)), key_b) < 0)


        printf("EVIOCGKEY ioctl get error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

        return -1;




#if 0 /* Not implement in the Linux GPIO button driver */

    /* rep[0]表示在按键重复出现之前 delay的时间,rep[1]表示按键重复出现的时间间隔。 */

    int rep[2] ={2500, 1000} ;

    if(ioctl(kbd_fd, EVIOCSREP, rep) < 0)


        printf("EVIOCSREP ioctl get error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

        return -1;



    if(ioctl(kbd_fd, EVIOCGREP, rep) < 0)


        printf("EVIOCGKEY ioctl get error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

        return -1;




        printf("repeate speed: [0]= %d, [1] = %d/n", rep[0], rep[1]);




    while (1)




            fd_set rds;


            FD_SET(kbd_fd, &rds);


            rv = select(kbd_fd + 1, &rds, NULL, NULL, NULL);

            if (rv < 0)


                printf("Select() system call failure: %s\n", strerror(errno));

                goto CleanUp;


            else if (FD_ISSET(kbd_fd, &rds))


                if ((rv = read (kbd_fd, ev, size*BUTTON_CNT )) < size)


                    printf("Reading data from kbd_fd failure: %s\n", strerror(errno));





                    display_button_event(ev, rv/size);






            if ((rv = read (kbd_fd, ev, size*BUTTON_CNT )) < size)


                printf("Reading data from kbd_fd failure: %s\n", strerror(errno));





                display_button_event(ev, rv/size);








    return 0;



void usage(char *name)


    char *progname = NULL;

    char *ptr = NULL;


    ptr = strdup(name);

    progname = basename(ptr);


    printf("Usage: %s [-p] -d \n", progname);

    printf(" -d[device  ] button device name\n");

    printf(" -p[poll    ] Use poll mode, or default use infinit loop.\n");

    printf(" -h[help    ] Display this help information\n");







void display_button_event(struct input_event *ev, int cnt)


    int i;

    struct timeval        pressed_time, duration_time;


    for(i=0; i


        //printf("type:%d code:%d value:%d\n", ev[i].type, ev[i].code, ev[i].value);

        if(EV_KEY==ev[i].type && EV_PRESSED==ev[i].value)


            if(BTN_1 == ev[i].code)


                pressed_time = ev[i].time;

                printf("S1 button key[%d] pressed time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, pressed_time.tv_sec, pressed_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_2 == ev[i].code)


                pressed_time = ev[i].time;

                printf("S2 button key[%d] pressed time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, pressed_time.tv_sec, pressed_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_3 == ev[i].code)


                pressed_time = ev[i].time;

                printf("S3 button key[%d] pressed time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, pressed_time.tv_sec, pressed_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_4 == ev[i].code)


                pressed_time = ev[i].time;

                printf("S4 button key[%d] pressed time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, pressed_time.tv_sec, pressed_time.tv_usec);




                pressed_time = ev[i].time;

                printf("button key[%d]  pressed time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, pressed_time.tv_sec, pressed_time.tv_usec);



        if(EV_KEY==ev[i].type && EV_RELEASED==ev[i].value)


            if(BTN_1 == ev[i].code)


                timersub(&ev[i].time, &pressed_time, &duration_time);

                printf("S1 button key[%d] released time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, ev[i].time.tv_sec, ev[i].time.tv_usec);

                printf("S1 button key[%d] duration time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, duration_time.tv_sec, duration_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_2 == ev[i].code)


                timersub(&ev[i].time, &pressed_time, &duration_time);

                printf("S2 button key[%d] released time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, ev[i].time.tv_sec, ev[i].time.tv_usec);

                printf("S2 button key[%d] duration time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, duration_time.tv_sec, duration_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_3 == ev[i].code)


                timersub(&ev[i].time, &pressed_time, &duration_time);

                printf("S3 button key[%d] released time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, ev[i].time.tv_sec, ev[i].time.tv_usec);

                printf("S3 button key[%d] duration time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, duration_time.tv_sec, duration_time.tv_usec);


            else if(BTN_4 == ev[i].code)


                timersub(&ev[i].time, &pressed_time, &duration_time);

                printf("S4 button key[%d] released time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, ev[i].time.tv_sec, ev[i].time.tv_usec);

                printf("S4 button key[%d] duration time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, duration_time.tv_sec, duration_time.tv_usec);




                timersub(&ev[i].time, &pressed_time, &duration_time);

                printf("button key[%d] released time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, ev[i].time.tv_sec, ev[i].time.tv_usec);

                printf("button key[%d] duration time: %ld.%ld\n", ev[i].code, duration_time.tv_sec, duration_time.tv_usec);



    } /*  for(i=0; i






KERNEL_VER = linux-3.0

LINUX_SRC ?= /home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/$(KERNEL_VER)




PWD := $(shell pwd)


obj-m += kbd_device.o

obj-m += kbd_driver.o



        @make -C $(LINUX_SRC) M=$(PWD) modules

        @make clear

        @chmod a+x *.ko && cp *.ko

        @make testapp



        @rm -f *.o *.cmd *.mod.c

        @rm -rf  *~ core .depend  .tmp_versions Module.symvers modules.order -f

        @rm -f .*ko.cmd .*.o.cmd .*.o.d


clean: clear

        @rm -f  *.ko ${TEST_APP}



        ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc ${TEST_APP}.c -o ${TEST_APP}


[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ make

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/linux-3.0'

  CC [M]  /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_device.o

  CC [M]  /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_driver.o

  Building modules, stage 2.

  MODPOST 2 modules

  CC      /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_device.mod.o

  LD [M]  /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_device.ko

  CC      /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_driver.mod.o

  LD [M]  /home/luxibao/input_kbd/kbd_driver.ko

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/luxibao/fl2440/kernel/linux-3.0'

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/luxibao/input_kbd'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/luxibao/input_kbd'

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/luxibao/input_kbd'

/opt/buildroot-2012.08/arm920t/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc event_button.c -o event_button

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/luxibao/input_kbd'

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ ls

event_button    kbd_device.c   kbd_driver.c  kbd_driver.ko

event_button.c  kbd_device.ko  kbd_driver.h  Makefile

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ rm -rf event_button

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ ls

event_button.c  kbd_device.ko  kbd_driver.h   Makefile

kbd_device.c    kbd_driver.c   kbd_driver.ko

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ /opt/buildroot-2012.08/arm920t/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc event_button.c

[luxibao@centos input_kbd]$ ls

a.out           kbd_device.c   kbd_driver.c  kbd_driver.ko

event_button.c  kbd_device.ko  kbd_driver.h  Makefile

>: tftp -gr kbd_device.ko

kbd_device.ko        100% |*******************************|  3358   0:00:00 ETA

>: tftp -gr kbd_driver.ko

kbd_driver.ko        100% |*******************************|  3358   0:00:00 ETA

>: tftp -gr a.out

a.out                100% |*******************************| 12829   0:00:00 ETA


>: insmod kbd_device.ko

S3C keyboard platform device register ok

>: insmod kbd_driver.ko

input: s3c_kbd as /devices/platform/s3c_kbd.1/input/input0

s3c_kbd_probe ok

s3c keyboard platform driver register ok

>: ./a.out

Usage: a.out [-p] -d

 -d[device  ] button device name

 -p[poll    ] Use poll mode, or default use infinit loop.

 -h[help    ] Display this help information

>: ./a.out -p -d /dev/event0

Monitor input device /dev/event0 (s3c_kbd) event with poll mode:

button key[2]  pressed time: 919.885106

button key[2] released time: 920.65095

button key[2] duration time: 1092937936.65087

button key[3]  pressed time: 921.5096

button key[3] released time: 921.190084

button key[3] duration time: 1092937937.190076

button key[4]  pressed time: 922.330099

button key[4] released time: 922.485089

button key[4] duration time: 1092937938.485081






解决:删除/tftp   用sz命令就行








