privatevoidsubscribe(Object subscriber, SubscriberMethod subscriberMethod) {
Class> eventType = subscriberMethod.eventType;
// 将订阅者以及接收事件的方法封装成一个 subscription,为什么需要一个方法以及订阅者封装成的 subscription 对象呢?// 原因就是 EventBus 支持仅仅解绑订阅者中的某一个方法。
Subscription newSubscription = new Subscription(subscriber, subscriberMethod);
// 根据事件类型取出所有的 subscription。subscrpiption。后面的判空以及赋值的不说了,太简单。
CopyOnWriteArrayList subscriptions = subscriptionsByEventType.get(eventType);
if (subscriptions == null) {
subscriptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
subscriptionsByEventType.put(eventType, subscriptions);
} else {
if (subscriptions.contains(newSubscription)) {
thrownew EventBusException("Subscriber " + subscriber.getClass() + " already registered to event "
+ eventType);
// 这个循环主要是将优先级(priority) 高的放在 list 的前面。int size = subscriptions.size();
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
if (i == size || subscriberMethod.priority > subscriptions.get(i).subscriberMethod.priority) {
subscriptions.add(i, newSubscription);
List> subscribedEvents = typesBySubscriber.get(subscriber);
if (subscribedEvents == null) {
subscribedEvents = new ArrayList<>();
typesBySubscriber.put(subscriber, subscribedEvents);
// 这里就是处理 stick 事件的了,这里的 stickEvents 是在 postStick 的时候进行赋值的。if (subscriberMethod.sticky) {
if (eventInheritance) {
// Existing sticky events of all subclasses of eventType have to be considered.// Note: Iterating over all events may be inefficient with lots of sticky events,// thus data structure should be changed to allow a more efficient lookup// (e.g. an additional map storing sub classes of super classes: Class -> List).
Set, Object>> entries = stickyEvents.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry, Object> entry : entries) {
Class> candidateEventType = entry.getKey();
if (eventType.isAssignableFrom(candidateEventType)) {
Object stickyEvent = entry.getValue();
checkPostStickyEventToSubscription(newSubscription, stickyEvent);
} else {
Object stickyEvent = stickyEvents.get(eventType);
checkPostStickyEventToSubscription(newSubscription, stickyEvent);
这里直接看 postSticky,因为其内部也会调用 post 方法。
publicvoidpostSticky(Object event) {
synchronized (stickyEvents) {
// 看到没,就是这里,把事件的类型为key,事件对象为 value 存储到map 里面。// 从这里也看出,如果 postStick 了两个相同类型的 event,则前一个会覆盖掉。
stickyEvents.put(event.getClass(), event);
// Should be posted after it is putted, in case the subscriber wants to remove immediately
/** Posts the given event to the event bus. */publicvoidpost(Object event) {
//PostingThreadState 会使用 ThradLocal 根据线程拿到当前线程的PostingThreadState,了解过 handler 机制的同志应该知道。
PostingThreadState postingState = currentPostingThreadState.get();
List eventQueue = postingState.eventQueue;
if (!postingState.isPosting) {
// 判断当前是否为主线程
postingState.isMainThread = Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper();
postingState.isPosting = true;
if (postingState.canceled) {
thrownew EventBusException("Internal error. Abort state was not reset");
try {
while (!eventQueue.isEmpty()) {
// 取出事件队列的第一个进行发送
postSingleEvent(eventQueue.remove(0), postingState);
} finally {
postingState.isPosting = false;
postingState.isMainThread = false;
privatevoidpostSingleEvent(Object event, PostingThreadState postingState) throws Error {
Class> eventClass = event.getClass();
boolean subscriptionFound = false;
if (eventInheritance) {
// 根据事件类型,取出自身以及父类、接口所有的类型。
List> eventTypes = lookupAllEventTypes(eventClass);
int countTypes = eventTypes.size();
for (int h = 0; h < countTypes; h++) {
Class> clazz = eventTypes.get(h);
// 执行发送,返回是否找到订阅者
subscriptionFound |= postSingleEventForEventType(event, postingState, clazz);
} else {
subscriptionFound = postSingleEventForEventType(event, postingState, eventClass);
if (!subscriptionFound) {
if (logNoSubscriberMessages) {
Log.d(TAG, "No subscribers registered for event " + eventClass);
if (sendNoSubscriberEvent && eventClass != NoSubscriberEvent.class &&
eventClass != SubscriberExceptionEvent.class) {
post(new NoSubscriberEvent(this, event));
Enum是计算机编程语言中的一种数据类型---枚举类型。 在实际问题中,有些变量的取值被限定在一个有限的范围内。 例如,一个星期内只有七天 我们通常这样实现上面的定义:
public String monday;
public String tuesday;
public String wensday;
public String thursday
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No matching PlatformTransactionManager bean found for qualifier 'add' - neither qualifier match nor bean name match!
Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB or using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAM
* 格式化时间 2013/6/13 by 半仙 [email protected]
* 需要 pad 函数
* 接收可用的时间值.
* 返回替换时间占位符后的字符串
* 时间占位符:年 Y 月 M 日 D 小时 h 分 m 秒 s 重复次数表示占位数
* 如 YYYY 4占4位 YY 占2位<p></p>
* MM DD hh mm
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ls -l 给出文件或者文件夹的详细信息
ls -a 显示所有文件,包括隐藏文
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