使用adb shell下查看sqlite数据库

windows命令行 提示符下输入以下命令,我们进入可以sqlite

sqlite3 数据库路径

如:C:\WINDOWS\system32>sqlite3 db.db



       .help 这个命令让我们看到许多命令


sqlite> .help

.bail ON|OFF            Stop after hitting an error.   Default OFF

.databases              List names and files of attached databases

.dump ?TABLE? ...       Dump the database in an SQL text format

.echo ON|OFF            Turn command echo on or off

.exit                   Exit this program

.explain ON|OFF         Turn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off.

.header(s) ON|OFF       Turn display of headers on or off

.help                   Show this message

.import FILE TABLE      Import data from FILE into TABLE

.indices TABLE          Show names of all indices on TABLE

.load FILE ?ENTRY?      Load an extension library

.mode MODE ?TABLE?      Set output mode where MODE is one of:

                          csv       Comma-separated values

                          column    Left-aligned columns.   (See .width)

                          html      HTML


                          insert    SQL insert statements for TABLE

                          line      One value per line

                          list      Values delimited by .separator string

                          tabs      Tab-separated values

                          tcl       TCL list elements

.nullvalue STRING       Print STRING in place of NULL values

.output FILENAME        Send output to FILENAME

.output stdout          Send output to the screen

.prompt MAIN CONTINUE   Replace the standard prompts

.quit                   Exit this program

.read FILENAME          Execute SQL in FILENAME

.schema ?TABLE?         Show the CREATE statements

.separator STRING       Change separator used by output mode and .import

.show                   Show the current values for various settings

.tables ?PATTERN?       List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern

.timeout MS             Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds

.width NUM NUM ...      Set column widths for "column" mode


       .tables 查看所有表,例如我的系统里有Studentandroid_metadata两个表


    查询表Student 数据内容,我们输入

select * from Student;



         .mode column

         .header on


我们看到SQLite SQL语句并没什么特别,可参考http://www.sqlite.org/lang.html ,这


你可能感兴趣的:(使用adb shell下查看sqlite数据库)