并发编程陷阱系列 (二)InterruptException无处不在


当一个方法抛出 InterruptedException 时,它是在告诉您,如果执行该方法的线程被中断,它将尝试停止它正在做的事情而提前返回,并通过抛出 InterruptedException 表明它提前返回。


切忌生吞InterruptedException 异常,正确的做法:


public class TaskQueue {
    private static final int MAX_TASKS = 1000;

    private BlockingQueue queue 
        = new LinkedBlockingQueue(MAX_TASKS);

    public void putTask(Task r) throws InterruptedException { 

    public Task getTask() throws InterruptedException { 
        return queue.take();

 2、在重新抛出 InterruptedException 之前执行特定于任务的清理工作。


public class PlayerMatcher {
    private PlayerSource players;

    public PlayerMatcher(PlayerSource players) { 
        this.players = players; 

    public void matchPlayers() throws InterruptedException { 
        try {
             Player playerOne, playerTwo;
             while (true) {
                 playerOne = playerTwo = null;
                 // Wait for two players to arrive and start a new game
                 playerOne = players.waitForPlayer(); // could throw IE
                 playerTwo = players.waitForPlayer(); // could throw IE
                 startNewGame(playerOne, playerTwo);
         catch (InterruptedException e) {  
             // If we got one player and were interrupted, put that player back
             if (playerOne != null)
             // Then propagate the exception
             throw e;
 3、捕捉 InterruptedException 后恢复中断状态

例如当由 Runnable 定义的任务调用一个可中断的方法时,就是如此。在这种情况下,不能重新抛出 InterruptedException,但是您也不想什么都不做。当一个阻塞方法检测到中断并抛出 InterruptedException 时,它清除中断状态。如果捕捉到 InterruptedException 但是不能重新抛出它,那么应该保留中断发生的证据,以便调用栈中更高层的代码能知道中断,并对中断作出响应。该任务可以通过调用 interrupt() 以 “重新中断” 当前线程来完成。

public class TaskRunner implements Runnable {
    private BlockingQueue queue;

    public TaskRunner(BlockingQueue queue) { 
        this.queue = queue; 

    public void run() { 
        try {
             while (true) {
                 Task task = queue.take(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
         catch (InterruptedException e) { 
             // Restore the interrupted status
参考: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-jtp05236.html

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