
本文通过Python3+PyQt5实现《python Qt Gui 快速编程》这本书13章文档打印功能。本文共通过三种方式:



#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import sys
import html
from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import QPrinter,QPrintDialog
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QDate, QRectF, Qt)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication,QDialog, 
 QHBoxLayout,QPushButton, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem,QVBoxLayout)
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QFont,QFontMetrics,QPainter,QTextCharFormat,
  QTextCursor, QTextDocument, QTextFormat,
  QTextOption, QTextTableFormat,
import qrc_resources

from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import QPrinter,QPrintDialog
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QDate, QRectF, Qt)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication,QDialog, 
 QHBoxLayout,QPushButton, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem,QVBoxLayout)
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QFont,QFontMetrics,QPainter,QTextCharFormat,
  QTextCursor, QTextDocument, QTextFormat,
  QTextOption, QTextTableFormat,
import qrc_resources
DATE_FORMAT = "MMM d, yyyy"

class Statement(object):

 def __init__(self, company, contact, address): = company = contact
 self.address = address
 self.transactions = [] # List of (QDate, float) two-tuples

 def balance(self):
 return sum([amount for date, amount in self.transactions])

class Form(QDialog):

 def __init__(self, parent=None):
 super(Form, self).__init__(parent)

 self.printer = QPrinter()
 self.table = QTableWidget()

 cursorButton = QPushButton("Print via Q&Cursor")
 htmlButton = QPushButton("Print via &HTML")
 painterButton = QPushButton("Print via Q&Painter")
 quitButton = QPushButton("&Quit")

 buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout()
 layout = QVBoxLayout()



 def generateFakeStatements(self):
 self.statements = []
 statement = Statement("Consality", "Ms S. Royal",
 "234 Rue Saint Hyacinthe, 750201, Paris")
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 8, 11), 2342))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 9, 10), 2342))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 10, 9), 2352))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 10, 17), -1500))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 11, 12), 2352))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 12, 10), 2352))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 12, 20), -7500))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 12, 20), 250))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2008, 1, 10), 2362))

 statement = Statement("Demamitur Plc", "Mr G. Brown",
 "14 Tall Towers, Tower Hamlets, London, WC1 3BX")
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 5, 21), 871))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 6, 20), 542))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 7, 20), 1123))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 7, 20), -1928))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 8, 13), -214))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 9, 15), -3924))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 9, 15), 2712))
 statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 9, 15), -273))
 #statement.transactions.append((QDate(2007, 11, 8), -728))
 #statement.transactions.append((QDate(2008, 2, 7), 228))
 #statement.transactions.append((QDate(2008, 3, 13), -508))
 #statement.transactions.append((QDate(2008, 3, 22), -2481))
 #statement.transactions.append((QDate(2008, 4, 5), 195))

 def populateTable(self):
 headers = ["Company", "Contact", "Address", "Balance"]
 for row, statement in enumerate(self.statements):
 self.table.setItem(row, 0, QTableWidgetItem(
 self.table.setItem(row, 1, QTableWidgetItem(
 self.table.setItem(row, 2, QTableWidgetItem(statement.address))
 item = QTableWidgetItem("$ {0:,.2f}".format(float(statement.balance())))
 self.table.setItem(row, 3, item)

 def printViaHtml(self):
 htmltext = ""
 for statement in self.statements:
 date = QDate.currentDate().toString(DATE_FORMAT)
 address = html.escape(statement.address).replace(
  ",", "
") contact = html.escape( balance = statement.balance() htmltext += ("

" "

Greasy Hands Ltd." "
New Lombard Street" "
WC13 4PX

" "


Dear {2},

" "

The balance of your account is $ {3:,.2f}.").format( date, address, contact, float(balance)) if balance < 0: htmltext += ("

Please remit the " "amount owing immediately.") else: htmltext += (" We are delighted to have done business " "with you.") htmltext += ("

" "

") for date, amount in statement.transactions: color, status = "black", "Credit" if amount < 0: color, status = "red", "Debit" htmltext += ("" "".format( date.toString(DATE_FORMAT), status, color,float(abs(amount)))) htmltext += ("
" "Transactions
{0}{1}" "$ {3:,.2f}

" "We hope to continue doing " "business with you,
Yours sincerely," "

K. Longrey, Manager

") dialog = QPrintDialog(self.printer, self) if dialog.exec_(): document = QTextDocument() document.setHtml(htmltext) document.print_(self.printer) def printViaQCursor(self): dialog = QPrintDialog(self.printer, self) if not dialog.exec_(): return logo = QPixmap(":/logo.png") headFormat = QTextBlockFormat() headFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) headFormat.setTextIndent( self.printer.pageRect().width() - logo.width() - 216) bodyFormat = QTextBlockFormat() bodyFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) lastParaBodyFormat = QTextBlockFormat(bodyFormat) lastParaBodyFormat.setPageBreakPolicy( QTextFormat.PageBreak_AlwaysAfter) rightBodyFormat = QTextBlockFormat() rightBodyFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) headCharFormat = QTextCharFormat() headCharFormat.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", 10)) bodyCharFormat = QTextCharFormat() bodyCharFormat.setFont(QFont("Times", 11)) redBodyCharFormat = QTextCharFormat(bodyCharFormat) redBodyCharFormat.setForeground( tableFormat = QTextTableFormat() tableFormat.setBorder(1) tableFormat.setCellPadding(2) document = QTextDocument() cursor = QTextCursor(document) mainFrame = cursor.currentFrame() page = 1 for statement in self.statements: cursor.insertBlock(headFormat, headCharFormat) cursor.insertImage(":/logo.png") for text in ("Greasy Hands Ltd.", "New Lombard Street", "London", "WC13 4PX", QDate.currentDate().toString(DATE_FORMAT)): cursor.insertBlock(headFormat, headCharFormat) cursor.insertText(text) for line in statement.address.split(", "): cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText(line) cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat) cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("Dear {0},".format( cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat) cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) balance = statement.balance() cursor.insertText("The balance of your account is $ {0:,.2f}.".format(float(balance))) if balance < 0: cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, redBodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("Please remit the amount owing " "immediately.") else: cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("We are delighted to have done " "business with you.") cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("Transactions:") table = cursor.insertTable(len(statement.transactions), 3, tableFormat) row = 0 for date, amount in statement.transactions: cellCursor = table.cellAt(row, 0).firstCursorPosition() cellCursor.setBlockFormat(rightBodyFormat) cellCursor.insertText(date.toString(DATE_FORMAT), bodyCharFormat) cellCursor = table.cellAt(row, 1).firstCursorPosition() if amount > 0: cellCursor.insertText("Credit", bodyCharFormat) else: cellCursor.insertText("Debit", bodyCharFormat) cellCursor = table.cellAt(row, 2).firstCursorPosition() cellCursor.setBlockFormat(rightBodyFormat) format = bodyCharFormat if amount < 0: format = redBodyCharFormat cellCursor.insertText("$ {0:,.2f}".format(float(amount)), format) row += 1 cursor.setPosition(mainFrame.lastPosition()) cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("We hope to continue doing business " "with you,") cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("Yours sincerely") cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat) if page == len(self.statements): cursor.insertBlock(bodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) else: cursor.insertBlock(lastParaBodyFormat, bodyCharFormat) cursor.insertText("K. Longrey, Manager") page += 1 document.print_(self.printer) def printViaQPainter(self): dialog = QPrintDialog(self.printer, self) if not dialog.exec_(): return LeftMargin = 72 sansFont = QFont("Helvetica", 10) sansLineHeight = QFontMetrics(sansFont).height() serifFont = QFont("Times", 11) fm = QFontMetrics(serifFont) DateWidth = fm.width(" September 99, 2999 ") CreditWidth = fm.width(" Credit ") AmountWidth = fm.width(" W999999.99 ") serifLineHeight = fm.height() logo = QPixmap(":/logo.png") painter = QPainter(self.printer) pageRect = self.printer.pageRect() page = 1 for statement in self.statements: y = 0 x = pageRect.width() - logo.width() - LeftMargin painter.drawPixmap(x, 0, logo) y += logo.height() + sansLineHeight painter.setFont(sansFont) painter.drawText(x, y, "Greasy Hands Ltd.") y += sansLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, "New Lombard Street") y += sansLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, "London") y += sansLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, "WC13 4PX") y += sansLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, QDate.currentDate().toString(DATE_FORMAT)) y += sansLineHeight painter.setFont(serifFont) x = LeftMargin for line in statement.address.split(", "): painter.drawText(x, y, line) y += serifLineHeight y += serifLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, "Dear {0},".format( y += serifLineHeight balance = statement.balance() painter.drawText(x, y, "The balance of your account is $ {0:,.2f}".format(float(balance))) y += serifLineHeight if balance < 0: painter.setPen( text = "Please remit the amount owing immediately." else: text = ("We are delighted to have done business " "with you.") painter.drawText(x, y, text) painter.setPen( y += int(serifLineHeight * 1.5) painter.drawText(x, y, "Transactions:") y += serifLineHeight option = QTextOption(Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter) for date, amount in statement.transactions: x = LeftMargin h = int(fm.height() * 1.3) painter.drawRect(x, y, DateWidth, h) painter.drawText( QRectF(x + 3, y + 3, DateWidth - 6, h - 6), date.toString(DATE_FORMAT), option) x += DateWidth painter.drawRect(x, y, CreditWidth, h) text = "Credit" if amount < 0: text = "Debit" painter.drawText( QRectF(x + 3, y + 3, CreditWidth - 6, h - 6), text, option) x += CreditWidth painter.drawRect(x, y, AmountWidth, h) if amount < 0: painter.setPen( painter.drawText( QRectF(x + 3, y + 3, AmountWidth - 6, h - 6), "$ {0:,.2f}".format(float(amount)), option) painter.setPen( y += h y += serifLineHeight x = LeftMargin painter.drawText(x, y, "We hope to continue doing " "business with you,") y += serifLineHeight painter.drawText(x, y, "Yours sincerely") y += serifLineHeight * 3 painter.drawText(x, y, "K. Longrey, Manager") x = LeftMargin y = pageRect.height() - 72 painter.drawLine(x, y, pageRect.width() - LeftMargin, y) y += 2 font = QFont("Helvetica", 9) font.setItalic(True) painter.setFont(font) option = QTextOption(Qt.AlignCenter) option.setWrapMode(QTextOption.WordWrap) painter.drawText( QRectF(x, y, pageRect.width() - 2 * LeftMargin, 31), "The contents of this letter are for information " "only and do not form part of any contract.", option) page += 1 if page <= len(self.statements): self.printer.newPage() painter.restore() if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) form = Form() app.exec_()



