Memory Leak Protection in Tomcat 7


The last time DZone spoke with Mark Thomas, a Senior Software Engineer with SpringSource and committer for Apache Tomcat, he said that Tomcat has had a long history of memory leaks when reloading web applications. This topic could easily fill its own article, he said. In hisoverview of the featurescoming in Tomcat 7, Thomas said that the new version, which is expected to have an alpha release next month, will address many of the memory leaks caused by web applications, their libraries, and even the JVM. He said that a small percentage of the leaks were caused by Tomcat, but those bugs were fixed several years ago. Now the challenge has been to come up with workarounds for the vast array of memory leak sources. In this exclusive interview with DZone, Thomas elaborates on these fixes coming in the next version of Apache Tomcat.
