1. autocomplete
1.1 download the .tar or .zip
1.2 use M-x(alt+x) load-file install.el(under etc folder)
Not yet Done, coz will encounter this error
File error: Cannot open load file, auto-complete-config
(fix) Install the pupup.el by M-x(alt+x) load-fle popup.el
1.3 Turn on the autocomplete-mode for testing
2. yasnippet
No need to download the .tar coz follow the step of organization will not work, config the .emacs file to load the file NO WORK.
2.1 Use the M-x(alt+x) package_list...
2.2 Choose the displayed list yasnippet to installation.
2.3 Turn on yasnippet mode for testing : yas-global-mode.
2.4 Start a new file that I tried is test.c, input main, click tab, then the magic ...
[20130316] One abnormal stuff, today mor i open to test the yas-global-mode whether work fine, but it encountered this error [yas] Reloaded everything (snippets will load just-in-time)... some error. Then I try to reinstall by M-x package-install-file yasnippet, No work.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/plugins/yasnippet") (require 'yasnippet) (yas/global-mode 1)but at the beginning, I told No need to follow the config, but now fix the issue by this setting, this confuse me ...
3. ajc-java-complete
just uncompress the file the java_base.tag and put it to home directory and rename it to .java_base.tag which can refer the ajc-java-complete.el.
4. cedet 1.1
5. ecb 2.40
Error: ECB can only be used with cedet [1.0pre6, 1.0.9]!
Forgot to expand macro eieio-object-p
m-x ecb-activate
ECB 2.40 - Error: ECB can only be used with cedet [1.0pre6, 1.0.9]! Please install it and restart Emacs!
change ecb-2.4 ecb-upgrade.el
(defconst ecb-required-cedet-version-max '(1 0 4 9))
1 0 4 9 -> 1 1 4 9
6. JDE
JDEE requires a version of CEDET between 1.0beta2 and 1.0 (found 1.1beta)”
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it! ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. '(jde-check-version-flag nil)) ;;不进行版本检查
6.1 complie .java by JDE
add this to your .bash_profile
export JAVA_HOME='/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home'
when compile a java file one emacs, will trigger this error
(defun jde-get-tools-jar () "Gets the correct tools.jar or equivalent. Signals an error if it cannot find the jar." (let ((tools (expand-file-name (if (eq system-type 'darwin) "Classes/classes.jar" "lib/tools.jar") (jde-get-jdk-dir)))) (if (file-exists-p tools) tools (error (concat "Cannot find JDK's tools jar file (or equivalent)." "Type M-x describe-function [RET] jde-get-jdk-dir for more info.")))))will find out need two .jar on Classes directory and lib directory, find them two and put two this two directories.
My Mac two directories for reference.
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents
7 JDIbug