Scada 使用二



1. var & val

var 变量,可变

val 类似常量,不可变


2. map/reduce

val list = List(1,2,3,4,5,6) f => println(s"val: $f") )		// val:1 xxx val:6
val sum = list.reduce( (sum, n) => sum+n ) 	// 21


3. 泛型

scala泛型设计太过复杂,泛型支持多个奇怪的操作符,如:<: >: <%  T:class T:Ordering


3.1 上下边界 <: >:

A <: B A是B的子类

// 基类
class Person(val name: String) {
	def talk(person: Person){
		println( + " talk to " +

// 派生类
class Worker(name: String) extends Person(name)

// 普通类
class Dog(val name: String)

 * 泛型为[]
 * <: 上边界,指明本身及派生类
class Club1[T <: Person](p1: T, p2: T){
	def communicate =

// 测试代码
val p = new Person("Spark")
val w = new Worker("Scala")
new Club1(p, w).communicate			// 无参调用可省略(),输出: Spark talk to Scala


 3.2 view bound <%

A <% B A可以转化B,需要一个隐式转换函数。

// <%
class Club2[T <% Person](p1: T, p2: T){
	def communicate =

// 隐式转换函数
implicit def dog2Person(dog: Dog) = new Person(
val d = new Dog("Dog")
new Club2[Person](p, w).communicate		// 对象擦除至Object,需[object]强转。 输出:Spark talk to dog


3.3 逆变和协变 +T -T

+T  Container[A]是Container[B]的子类

// Earth
class Earth {
	def sound(){

// Animal
class Animal extends Earth{
	override def sound() = {
		println("Animal sound")

// Bird
class Bird extends Animal{
	override def sound() = {
		println("Bird sound")

// Container
class Space[+T] {
	println("Hello space")

// 测试代码
var a = new Space[Animal]
a = new Space[Bird]		// Bird为Animal子类,ok
// a = new Space[Earth]	        // Earth为父类,error



hello space

hello space








