最近,它又复活了。三家重要的浏览器厂商 — Apple、Opera 和 Mozilla Foundation — 成立了 Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group(WhatWG)来开发传统 HTML 的新版本。最近,W3C 也注意到了这些活动,也启动了自己的新一代 HTML 项目,双方的成员有很多是相同的。这两个项目最终很可能合并。虽然很多细节还在争论之中,但下一版本 HTML 的大体轮廓已经清楚了。 我们来看看 HTML 5 提供了什么
由于缺少结构,即使是形式良好的 HTML 页面也比较难以处理。必须分析标题的级别,才能看出各个部分的划分方式。边栏、页脚、页眉、导航条、主内容区和各篇文章都由通用的 div 元素来表示。HTML 5 添加了一些新元素,专门用来标识这些常见的结构:
* section:这可以是书中的一章或一节,实际上可以是在 HTML 4 中有自己的标题的任何东西
* header:页面上显示的页眉;与 head 元素不一样
* footer:页脚;可以显示电子邮件中的签名
* nav:指向其他页面的一组链接
* article:blog、杂志、文章汇编等中的一篇文章
我们来考虑一个典型的 blog 主页,它的顶部有页眉,底部有页脚,还有几篇文章、一个导航区和一个边栏,见清单 1。
Yesterday I joined the Brooklyn Bird Club for our
annual trip to Western New Jersey, specifically Hyper
Humus, a relatively recently discovered hot spot. It
started out as a nice winter morning when we arrived
at the site at 7:30 A.M., progressed to Spring around
10:00 A.M., and reached early summer by 10:15.
Seems you can now go bird watching via the Internet. I
haven't been able to test it out yet (20 user
limit apparently) but this is certainly cool.
Personally, I can't imagine it replacing
actually being out in the field by any small amount.
On the other hand, I've always found it quite
sad to meet senior birders who are no longer able to
hold binoculars steady or get to the park. I can
imagine this might be of some interest to them. At
least one elderly birder did a big year on TV, after
he could no longer get out so much. This certainly
tops that.
Yesterday I joined the Brooklyn Bird Club for our
annual trip to Western New Jersey, specifically Hyper
Humus, a relatively recently discovered hot spot. It
started out as a nice winter morning when we arrived at
the site at 7:30 A.M., progressed to Spring around 10:00
A.M., and reached early summer by 10:15.
Seems you can now go bird watching via the Internet. I
haven't been able to test it out yet (20 user
limit apparently) but this is certainly cool.
Personally, I can't imagine it replacing
actually being out in the field by any small amount.
On the other hand, I've always found it quite
sad to meet senior birders who are no longer able to
hold binoculars steady or get to the park. I can
imagine this might be of some interest to them. At
least one elderly birder did a big year on TV, after
he could no longer get out so much. This certainly
tops that.
HTML 4 用 5 个不同的内联元素表示略有差异的计算机代码:var、code、kbd、tt 和 samp。但是,它无法表示时间、数字等基本数值。HTML 5 提供了几个新的内联元素来满足非技术作者的需求。
m 元素表示文本被 “加上标志”,但是不一定要强调。可以把它想像成书中突出显示的一节。Google 的缓存页面就是典型的用例。如果链接到一个缓存的副本,搜索词就被加上标志。例如,如果搜索 “Egret”,那么缓存的 Google 页面可能像下面这样:
The Great Egret (also known as the
American Egret) is a large white wading bird found worldwide.
The Great Egret flies with slow wing beats. The
scientific name of the Great Egret is Casmerodius
对于这个元素的名称当前还有争议。在规范发布之前,它可能从 m 改为 mark。
time 元素表示一个时间值,比如 5:35 P.M., EST, April 23, 2007。例如:
I am writing this example at
time 元素可以帮助浏览器和其他程序识别出 HTML 页面中的时间。它不要求对元素内容应用任何特定的格式。但是,每个 time 元素都应该有一个 datetime 属性,其中包含更适合机器识别的时间值,比如:
I am writing this example at
meter 元素表示指定范围内的数字值。例如,可以用它表示薪水、投票给 Le Pen 的法国选民的百分比或考试分数。在这里,我使用 meter 标出 Software Development 2007 上一位 Google 程序员提供的数据:
An entry level programmer in Silicon Valley
can expect to start around $90,000 per year.
meter 元素帮助浏览器和其他客户机识别 HTML 页面中的数量。它不要求对元素内容应用任何特定的格式。但是,每个 meter 元素可以有最多 6 个属性,它们按照更适合机器识别的形式表示这个数量:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getImportantForAccessibility()' on a null object reference
在运行里输入cmd,利用cmd命令进入到本地的工作盘符。(如我的是D盘下的文件有此路径 D:\workspace\prpall\WEB-INF\classes)
cd D: 回车
cd workspace/prpal
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&q
Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area.
public class Solution {
public int maximalRectangle(char[][] matrix)
随着RESTful Web Service的流行,测试对外的Service是否满足期望也变的必要的。从Spring 3.2开始Spring了Spring Web测试框架,如果版本低于3.2,请使用spring-test-mvc项目(合并到spring3.2中了)。
Spring MVC测试框架提供了对服务器端和客户端(基于RestTemplate的客户端)提供了支持。
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
/*you'll also need to set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in the plist file if you use this method
Thread Dump and Concurrency Locks
Thread dumps are very useful for diagnosing synchronization related problems such as deadlocks on object monitors. Ctrl-\ on Solaris/Linux or Ctrl-B