# wget https://www.percona.com/downloads/XtraBackup/Percona-XtraBackup-2.4.1/binary/tarball/percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz # mv percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz* percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz # tar -zxvf percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz # mv percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64 /usr/bin # cd /usr/bin # mv percona-xtrabackup-2.4.1-Linux-x86_64 xtrabackup # echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/xtrabackup/bin' >> /etc/profile # source /etc/profile # yum -y install libaio
2.进入拷贝后mysql_backup_shell所在目录, 然后执行chmod 777 mysql_backup.sh
mysql_conf_file=/usr/local/meb/my.cnf.3309 #mysql cnf文件路径
user=root #mysql连接用户名
port=3309 #端口号
host= #mysql ip
password= #密码,可以为空
socket=/data0/mysql/3309/mysql.sock #mysql socket
backup_dir=/root/workspace/mysqlbackup/ #全备份后文件存放目录
full_backup_month_day=29 #全备份在每月哪天进行, 29代表本月29号进行全备份
is_tar_full=1 #取值为0或1,为1表示会压缩全备份目录,并且删除全备份目录,而保留全备份目录压缩后tar.gz文件。 取0不压缩,保留全备份目录。
PS: 除上面这些项,其他项一般不需要修改。
#crontab -e 59 23 * * * YourPath/mysql_backup_shell/mysql_backup.sh > /tmp/monitor.log 2>&1
> ./mysql_backup.sh
根据backup.conf文件里面full_backup_month_day值, 和当天日期比较, 如果相同执行全备份;如果不相同执行增量备份。
./mysql_backup.sh -t full #会进行全备份
./mysql_backup.sh -t inc #会进行增量份
3.每次全备份前会删除上个月全备份和增量备份的文件, 换句话:只会持续保持一个月的数据内容。
4.增量备份基于上次的增量备份进行, 除全备以后第一次增量备份, 其余都基于上次增量备份目录进行。
# xtrabackup backup shell # Date : 2016-03-23 source /etc/profile work_dir=`dirname $0` cd $work_dir #获取配置文件中配置项的值 conf_file=$work_dir/backup.conf user=`sed '/^user=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` password=`sed '/^password=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` mysql_conf_file=`sed '/^mysql_conf_file=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` port=`sed '/^port=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` # mysql host host=`sed '/^host=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` # mysql socket mysql_socket=`sed '/^socket=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` backup_dir=`sed '/^backup_dir=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` full_backup_month_day=`sed '/^full_backup_month_day=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` full_backup_prefix=`sed '/^full_backup_prefix=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` increment_prefix=`sed '/^increment_prefix=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` mysql_conf_file=`sed '/^mysql_conf_file=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` error_log_name=`sed '/^error_log=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` index_file_name=`sed '/^index_file=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` is_tar_full=`sed '/^is_tar_full=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` #获取当前时间 backup_date=`date +%F` backup_time=`date +%H-%M-%S` backup_month_day=`date +%d` #获取日志和错误文件所在目录 log_dir=$work_dir/log var_dir=$work_dir/var #日志和错误文件路径 error_log=$log_dir/$error_log_name index_file=$var_dir/$index_file_name mkdir -p $backup_dir mkdir -p $log_dir mkdir -p $var_dir #调用xtrabckup进行全量备份 function full_backup() { backup_folder=${full_backup_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} echo "backup_folder: $backup_folder" mkdir -p $backup_dir/$backup_folder echo "xtrabackup --defaults-file=$mysql_conf_file --user=$user --password=$password --port=$port --socket=$mysql_socket --backup --no-lock --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log" xtrabackup \ --defaults-file=$mysql_conf_file \ --user=$user \ --password=$password \ --port=$port \ --socket=$mysql_socket \ --backup \ --no-lock \ --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log 2>&1 return $? } #调用xtrabckup进行增量备份 function increment_backup() { backup_folder=${increment_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} echo "index_file : $index_file" incr_base_folder=`sed -n '$p' $index_file | \ awk -F '[, {}]*' '{print $3}' | \ awk -F ':' '{print $2}'` echo "backup_folder: $backup_folder" echo "incr_base_folder: $incr_base_folder" mkdir -p $backup_dir/$backup_folder echo "xtrabackup --defaults-file=$mysql_conf_file --user=$user --password=$password --port=$port --socket=$mysql_socket --backup --no-lock --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder --incremental-basedir=$backup_dir/$incr_base_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log" xtrabackup \ --defaults-file=$mysql_conf_file \ --user=$user \ --password=$password \ --port=$port \ --socket=$mysql_socket \ --backup \ --no-lock \ --target-dir=$backup_dir/$backup_folder \ --incremental-basedir=$backup_dir/$incr_base_folder > $log_dir/${backup_folder}.log 2>&1 return $? } #根据索引文件记录的恢复记录, 删除备份目录 function delete_before_backup() { if [ ! -n "`cat $index_file`" ]; then return fi cat $index_file | awk -F '[, {}]*' '{print $3}' | \ awk -v backup_dir=$backup_dir -F ':' '{if($2!=""){printf("rm -rf %s/%s\n", backup_dir, $2)}}' | \ /bin/bash cat $index_file | awk -F '[, {}]*' '{print $3}' | \ awk -v log_dir=$log_dir -F ':' '{if($2!=""){printf("rm -rf %s/%s.log\n", log_dir, $2)}}' | \ /bin/bash } #备份索引文件 function backup_index_file() { cp $index_file ${index_file}_$(date -d "1 day ago" +%F) } function send_index_file_to_remote() { echo 'send index file ok' } #写入索引日志 function append_index_to_file() { echo "{week_day:$backup_month_day, \ dir:${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}, \ type:${1}, \ date:${backup_date}}" >> $index_file } #写入解压日志 function append_tar_index_to_file() { echo "{week_day:$backup_month_day, \ dir:${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}.tar.gz, \ type:${1}, \ date:${backup_date}}" >> $index_file } #记录错误日志 function logging_backup_err() { echo "{week_day:$backup_month_day, \ dir:${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time}, \ type:${1}, \ date:${backup_date}}" >> $error_log } #清除索引文件 function purge_index_from_file() { > $index_file } #清除错误日志 function purge_err_log() { > $error_log } #压缩全备份目录 function tar_backup_file() { tar_file=${1}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} tar -C $backup_dir -zcvf $backup_dir/${tar_file}.tar.gz ${tar_file} echo "tar $1 ok" } function send_backup_to_remote() { echo "send $1 remote ok" } #获取恢复的类型,返回类型:0:full, 1:inc # 0:full, 1:incr function get_backup_type() { full_backup_month_day=`sed '/^full_backup_month_day=/!d;s/.*=//' $conf_file` backup_type=0 if [ "${full_backup_month_day}_x" == "${backup_month_day}_x" ]; then backup_type=0 else backup_type=1 fi if [ ! -n "`cat $index_file`" ]; then backup_type=0 fi return $backup_type } #检测配置文件各项数据合法性 function test_conf_file() { if [ ! -n "$user" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file user not set'; exit 2; fi #if [ ! -n "$password" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file password not set'; exit 2; fi #if [ ! -n "$host" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file host not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$mysql_socket" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file mysql_socket not set'; exit 2; fi #if [ ! -n "$port" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file port not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$backup_dir" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file backup_dir not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$full_backup_month_day" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file full_backup_month_day not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$full_backup_prefix" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file full_backup_prefix not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$increment_prefix" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file increment_prefix not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$mysql_conf_file" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file mysql_conf_file not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$error_log" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file error_log not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$index_file" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file index_file not set'; exit 2; fi if [ ! -n "$is_tar_full" ]; then echo 'fail: configure file is_tar_full not set'; exit 2; fi } #运行主函数 function run() { test_conf_file backup_type=-1 #解析命令行参数 while getopts "t:" arg do case $arg in t) if [ "$OPTARG" = "$full_backup_prefix" ]; then backup_type=0 elif [ "$OPTARG" = "$increment_prefix" ]; then backup_type=1 fi ;; ?) echo "unkonw argument" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$backup_type" -eq -1 ]; then get_backup_type backup_type=$? fi echo "backup_type: $backup_type" case $backup_type in 0)#全量备份 echo '----------------------full backup start----------------' echo 'delete_before_backup start' delete_before_backup echo 'call xtrabackup to full backup start' full_backup backup_ok=$? if [ 0 -eq "$backup_ok" ]; then if [ 1 -eq "$is_tar_full" ]; then tar_backup_file $full_backup_prefix fi #send_backup_to_remote $full_backup_prefix echo 'backup_index_file start' backup_index_file # send_index_file_to_remote echo 'purge_index_from_file start' purge_index_from_file echo 'append_index_to_file start' if [ 1 -eq "$is_tar_full" ]; then append_tar_index_to_file $full_backup_prefix fi append_index_to_file $full_backup_prefix echo 'call xtrabackup to increment backup start' increment_backup backup_ok=$? if [ 0 -eq "$backup_ok" ]; then # tar_backup_file $increment_prefix # send_backup_to_remote $increment_prefix echo 'append_index_to_file start' append_index_to_file $increment_prefix rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${full_backup_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} else rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${increment_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} logging_backup_err $increment_prefix fi else rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${full_backup_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} logging_backup_err $full_backup_prefix fi ;; 1)#增量备份 echo '----------------------incr backup start----------------' echo 'call xtrabackup to increment backup start' increment_backup backup_ok=$? if [ 0 -eq "$backup_ok" ]; then # tar_backup_file $increment_prefix # send_backup_to_remote $increment_prefix echo 'append_index_to_file start' append_index_to_file $increment_prefix else rm -rf ${backup_dir}/${increment_prefix}_${backup_date}_${backup_time} logging_backup_err $increment_prefix fi ;; esac } run $@