Properties : gs.getProperty(''property name'');

glide.servlet.uri : Servicenow Instance URI

glide.war : Servicenow Instance Version

glide.ui.attachment_drag_and_drop : true/false Close the attachment drag and drop

com.snc.change_request.copy.attributes : field name Detamine which fields will be copy when copy change

glide.pdf_export_from_form_list.show_report_attrs : true/false If this property is set to true, a heading section with applicable report attributes like title, run date and time, query condition etc , shall be displayed at the top of the generated pdf report, when a list or form view is exported to PDF.

glide.ui.forgetme : true/false If this property is set to true, remove the ‘Remember me’ check box from login page.

glide.sys.time_format : Application development unique vendor key

glide.ui.audit_deleted_tables : By default, the system does not audit records from system tables. To audit a system table, add it to the list of tables in this property list.