3D设计 Adobe Acrobat 3D 8.1.0 英文版 下载

在智能文档中发布、共享、审阅和标注 3D 设计
Adobe? Acrobat? 3D 软件使扩展团队能够使用 Adobe PDF 文档,更加安全可靠地交流 3D 设计创意,从而丰富了协作内容。 在 Adobe PDF 文档中插入并发布用主流的 CAD 应用程序创建的 3D 设计,用免费的 Adobe Reader? 7.0* 软件即可轻松地与供应商、合作伙伴及客户共享这些文档。


Adobe® Acrobat® 3D software empowers CAD, CAM, and CAE users to convert virtually any CAD file to a highly compressed 3D PDF file to enable 3D-based collaboration and CAD data interoperability. Increase engineering productivity by sharing Adobe PDF files containing precise geometry and product manufacturing information with users of free Adobe Reader® software to mark up 3D designs, or leverage Adobe PDF files for downstream manufacturing processes without having to buy CAD translators.

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