1. 下载jbpm5: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbpm/files/
2. 下载ant : http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
3. 配置ant: 即ant 环境变量配置,将apache-ant-1.8.2\bin配置到环境变量 path中
如果有已经有eclipse 则修改eclipse所在目录。如果没有当然是去下载呀。
# the home of your eclipse installation # will be used to deploy the Eclipse plugin to eclipse.home=D:/javaIDE/eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32 # defines whether you want the birt plugin (for reporting) to be downloaded or not # by default this is turned off to avoid having to do a rather large download # if you do not download the birt plugin, reporting in the jbpm-console will not work # put this property to true if you want to download birt as well jBPM.birt.download=false
5. 在启动cmd 切换到jbpm5解压的目录下,运行如下命令
Install the jBPM Eclipse plugin
Install the Drools Eclipse plugin
6.启动eclipse 创建jbpm项目,切换到Drools视图,这个时候我们就可以Drag and drop控件了,呵呵,当然如果熟悉了,就手动编写呀。
7. 配置jbpm runtime 在eclipse-- preferences-- jbpm-- install jbpm runtime ,然后创建一个新jbpm runtime,jbpm runtime 目录在您的jbpm5的根目录
8. 然后创建jbpm工程.
9. 不过不要高兴得太早了,我用的是eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32这个版本,图形界面切换到XML代码界面有点麻烦。要右击选择XML编辑器打开。不能直接双画布区域,进入xml代码编辑。