个人数据管理软件 My Notes Keeper V1.8+中文语言包 下载

My Notes Keeper 是一款功能强大、简单易用的树状标签结构个人数据库管理软件,能进行个人信息管理和文字、表格处理,有密码保护功能。你可以通过它管理你的通讯簿、网址收藏和安排日程表等,甚至可以用它来制作电子书。软件的操作方式跟 Word 几乎没有多大区别,对中文的支持也非常好!推荐使用!

Download: 下载页面
Download: My Notes Keeper V1.7 Build771 中文语言包
Download: My Notes Keeper Reader 1.5 中文语言包

请将中文语言包Chinese Simplified.lng复制到安装目录的Language文件夹下,每日一帖内容Tips.txt复制到安装目录下覆盖同名文件。


个人数据管理软件 My Notes Keeper V1.8+中文语言包 下载_第1张图片

My Notes Keeper is the premier note/outliner application for Windows 9x/2000/XP/NT. It allows you to store all of your notes and information in an easy-to-use outline, where you can quickly find what you need.
 [+] - added feature
 [*] - bug fixed, modified or improved feature
 [-] - removed feature

Version 1.8
 * Fix some bug.
Version 1.8 Beta1
 + Add pick current style.
 + Add Measurement units setting.
 + Support drag file from windows explorer.
 + Add USB disk run mode.
 * Re-organize some menu.
 * Improve some dialog.
 * Fix some bug in vista.

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