con.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + start + "-" + end);
int currentPartSize = fileSize / mThreadNum;
for (int i = 0; i < mThreadNum; i++) { int start = i * currentPartSize;//计算每条线程下载的开始位置 int end = start + currentPartSize-1;//线程结束的位置 if(i==mThreadNum-1){ end=fileSize; }}
public static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL="create table "+TABLE_NAME+"(_id integer primary " +"key autoincrement, threadId, start , end, completed, url)";
public static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL="create table "+TABLE_NAME+"(_id integer primary" + " key autoincrement ,fileName, url, length, finished)";
//ThredInfo.java public class FileInfo { private String fileName; //文件名 private String url; //下载地址 private int length; //文件大小 private int finished; //下载已完成进度 private boolean isStop=false; //是否暂停下载 private boolean isDownloading=false; //是否正在下载 public FileInfo(){ } public FileInfo(String fileName,String url){ this.fileName=fileName; this.url=url; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public int getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(int length) { this.length = length; } public int getFinished() { return finished; } public void setFinished(int finished) { this.finished = finished; } public boolean isStop() { return isStop; } public void setStop(boolean stop) { isStop = stop; } public boolean isDownloading() { return isDownloading; } public void setDownloading(boolean downloading) { isDownloading = downloading; } @Override public String toString() { return "FileInfo{" + "fileName='" + fileName + '\'' + ", url='" + url + '\'' + ", length=" + length + ", finished=" + finished + ", isStop=" + isStop + ", isDownloading=" + isDownloading + '}'; }} //FileInfo.java public class FileInfo { private String fileName; //文件名 private String url; //下载地址 private int length; //文件大小 private int finished; //下载已完成进度 private boolean isStop=false; //是否暂停下载 private boolean isDownloading=false; //是否正在下载 public FileInfo(){ } public FileInfo(String fileName,String url){ this.fileName=fileName; this.url=url; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public int getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(int length) { this.length = length; } public int getFinished() { return finished; } public void setFinished(int finished) { this.finished = finished; } public boolean isStop() { return isStop; } public void setStop(boolean stop) { isStop = stop; } public boolean isDownloading() { return isDownloading; } public void setDownloading(boolean downloading) { isDownloading = downloading; } @Override public String toString() { return "FileInfo{" + "fileName='" + fileName + '\'' + ", url='" + url + '\'' + ", length=" + length + ", finished=" + finished + ", isStop=" + isStop + ", isDownloading=" + isDownloading + '}'; }}
public class ThreadHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ public static final String TABLE_NAME="downthread"; public static final String CREATE_TABLE_SQL="create table "+TABLE_NAME+"(_id integer primary " +"key autoincrement, threadId, start , end, completed, url)"; public ThreadHelper(Context context, String name, int version) { super(context, name, null, version); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_SQL); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { }}
3.接下来封装一些数据库的增删改查操作,用的单例模式,用双重检验锁实现单例。好处:既能很大程度上确保线程安全,又能实现延迟加载。 缺点:使用volatile关键字会使JVM对该代码的优化丧失,影响性能。并且在一些高并发的情况,仍然可能会创建多个实例,这称为双重检验锁定失效。单例模式
public class Thread { private SQLiteDatabase db; public static final String DB_NAME="downthread.db3"; public static final int VERSION=1; private Context mContext; private volatile static Thread t=null; private Thread(){ mContext= BaseApplication.getContext(); db=new ThreadHelper(mContext,DB_NAME,VERSION).getReadableDatabase(); } public static Thread getInstance(){ if(t==null){ synchronized (Thread.class){ if(t==null){ t=new Thread(); } } } return t; } public SQLiteDatabase getDb(){ return db; } //保存当前线程下载进度 public synchronized void insert(ThreadInfo threadInfo){ ContentValues values=new ContentValues(); values.put("threadId",threadInfo.getThreadId()); values.put("start",threadInfo.getStart()); values.put("end",threadInfo.getEnd()); values.put("completed",threadInfo.getCompeleted()); values.put("url",threadInfo.getUrl()); long rowId=db.insert(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,null,values); if(rowId!=-1){ UtilsLog.i("插入线程记录成功"); }else{ UtilsLog.i("插入线程记录失败"); } } //查询当前线程 下载的进度 public synchronized ThreadInfo query(String threadId,String queryUrl){ Cursor cursor=db.query(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,null,"threadId= ? and url= ?",new String[]{threadId,queryUrl},null,null,null); ThreadInfo info=new ThreadInfo(); if(cursor!=null){ while (cursor.moveToNext()){ int start=cursor.getInt(2); int end=cursor.getInt(3); int completed=cursor.getInt(4); String url=cursor.getString(5); info.setThreadId(threadId); info.setStart(start); info.setEnd(end); info.setCompeleted(completed); info.setUrl(url); } cursor.close(); } return info; } //更新当前线程下载进度 public synchronized void update(ThreadInfo info){ ContentValues values=new ContentValues(); values.put("start",info.getStart()); values.put("completed",info.getCompeleted()); db.update(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,values,"threadId= ? and url= ?",new String[]{info.getThreadId(),info.getUrl()}); } //关闭db public void close(){ db.close(); } //判断多线程任务下载 是否第一次创建线程 public boolean isExist(String url){ Cursor cursor=db.query(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,null,"url= ?",new String[]{url},null,null,null); boolean isExist=cursor.moveToNext(); cursor.close(); return isExist; } public synchronized void delete(ThreadInfo info){ long rowId=db.delete(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,"url =? and threadId= ?",new String[]{info.getUrl(),info.getThreadId()}); if(rowId!=-1){ UtilsLog.i("删除下载线程记录成功"); }else{ UtilsLog.i("删除下载线程记录失败"); } } public synchronized void delete(String url){ long rowId=db.delete(ThreadHelper.TABLE_NAME,"url =? ",new String[]{url}); if(rowId!=-1){ UtilsLog.i("删除下载线程记录成功"); }else{ UtilsLog.i("删除下载线程记录失败"); } }}
public class DownLoadManager { private Mapmap = new HashMap<>(); private static int mThreadNum; private int fileSize; private boolean flag = false; //true第一次下载 false不是第一次下载 private List threads; private static FileInfo mInfo; private static ResultListener mlistener; public static ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); public static File file; private int totalComleted; private DownLoadManager() { threads = new ArrayList<>(); } public static DownLoadManager getInstance(FileInfo info, int threadNum,ResultListener listener) { mlistener = listener; mThreadNum = threadNum; mInfo = info; return DownLoadManagerHolder.dlm; } private static class DownLoadManagerHolder { private static final DownLoadManager dlm = new DownLoadManager(); } public void start() { totalComleted=0; clear(); final FileInfo newInfo = DownLoad.getInstance().queryData(mInfo.getUrl()); newInfo.setDownloading(true); map.put(mInfo.getUrl(),newInfo); prepare(newInfo); } //停止下载任务 public void stop() { map.get(mInfo.getUrl()).setDownloading(false); map.get(mInfo.getUrl()).setStop(true); } public void clear(){ if(threads.size()>0){ threads.clear(); } } //重新下载任务 public void restart() { stop(); try { File file = new File(com.cmazxiaoma.downloader.download.DownLoadManager.FILE_PATH, map.get(mInfo.getUrl()).getFileName()); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } java.lang.Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DownLoad.getInstance().resetData(mInfo.getUrl()); start(); } //获取当前任务状态, 是否在下载 public boolean getCurrentState() { return map.get(mInfo.getUrl()).isDownloading(); } //添加下载任务 public void addTask(FileInfo info) { //判断数据库是否已经存在此下载信息 if (!DownLoad.getInstance().isExist(info)) { DownLoad.getInstance().insertData(info); map.put(info.getUrl(), info); } else { DownLoad.getInstance().delete(info); DownLoad.getInstance().insertData(info); UtilsLog.i("map已经更新"); map.remove(info.getUrl()); map.put(info.getUrl(), info); } } private void prepare(final FileInfo newInfo) { new java.lang.Thread(){ @Override public void run() { HttpURLConnection con = null; RandomAccessFile raf=null; try { //连接资源 URL url = new URL(newInfo.getUrl()); UtilsLog.i("url=" + url); con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); con.setConnectTimeout(2 * 1000); con.setRequestMethod("GET"); int length = -1; UtilsLog.i("responseCode=" + con.getResponseCode()); if (con.getResponseCode() == 200) { length = con.getContentLength(); UtilsLog.i("文件大小=" + length); } if (length <= 0) { return; } //创建文件保存路径 File dir = new File(com.cmazxiaoma.downloader.download.DownLoadManager.FILE_PATH); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs();//建立多级文件夹 } newInfo.setLength(length); fileSize = length; UtilsLog.i("当前线程Id=" + java.lang.Thread.currentThread().getId() + ",name=" + java.lang.Thread.currentThread().getName()); int currentPartSize = fileSize / mThreadNum; file = new File(com.cmazxiaoma.downloader.download.DownLoadManager.FILE_PATH, newInfo.getFileName()); raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rwd"); raf.setLength(fileSize); if (Thread.getInstance().isExist(newInfo.getUrl())) { flag = false; } else { flag = true; } for (int i = 0; i < mThreadNum; i++) { if (flag) { UtilsLog.i("第一次多线程下载"); int start = i * currentPartSize;//计算每条线程下载的开始位置 int end = start + currentPartSize-1;//线程结束的位置 if(i==mThreadNum-1){ end=fileSize; } String threadId = "xiaoma" + i; ThreadInfo threadInfo = new ThreadInfo(threadId, start, end, 0,newInfo.getUrl()); Thread.getInstance().insert(threadInfo); DownLoadTask thread = new DownLoadTask(threadInfo,newInfo, threadId, start, end, 0); DownLoadManager.executorService.execute(thread); threads.add(thread); } else { UtilsLog.i("不是第一次多线程下载"); ThreadInfo threadInfo = Thread.getInstance().query("xiaoma" + i, newInfo.getUrl()); DownLoadTask thread = new DownLoadTask(threadInfo,newInfo,threadInfo.getThreadId(),threadInfo.getStart(),threadInfo.getEnd(),threadInfo.getCompeleted());//这里出现过问题 DownLoadManager.executorService.execute(thread); threads.add(thread); } } boolean isCompleted=false; while(!isCompleted){ isCompleted=true; for(DownLoadTask thread:threads){ totalComleted+=thread.completed; if(!thread.isCompleted){ isCompleted=false; } } if(newInfo.isStop()){ totalComleted=0; return; } Message message=new Message(); message.what=0x555; message.arg1=fileSize; message.arg2=totalComleted; handler.sendMessage(message); if(isCompleted){ totalComleted=0; //任务线程全部完成,清空集合 clear(); handler.sendEmptyMessage(0x666); return; } totalComleted=0; java.lang.Thread.sleep(1000); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { try { if (con != null) { con.disconnect(); } if(raf!=null){ raf.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }.start(); } private Handler handler=new Handler(){ @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { super.handleMessage(msg); switch (msg.what){ case 0x555: if(mlistener!=null){ mlistener.progress(msg.arg1,msg.arg2); } break; case 0x666: if(mlistener!=null){ mlistener.comleted(); } break; } } };}
public class DownLoadTask extends java.lang.Thread{ private int start;//当前线程的开始下载位置 private int end;//当前线程结束下载的位置 private RandomAccessFile raf;//当前线程负责下载的文件大小 public int completed=0;//当前线程已下载的字节数 private String threadId;//自己定义的线程Id private FileInfo info; private ThreadInfo threadInfo; public boolean isCompleted=false; //true为当前线程完成任务,false为当前线程未完成任务 //保存新的start public int finshed=0; public int newStart=0; public DownLoadTask(ThreadInfo threadInfo,FileInfo info,String threadId, int start, int end,int completed){ this.threadInfo=threadInfo; this.info=info; this.threadId=threadId; this.start=start; this.end=end; this.completed=completed; } @Override public void run() { HttpURLConnection con = null; try { UtilsLog.i("start="+start+",end="+end+",completed="+completed+",threadId="+getThreadId()); URL url = new URL(info.getUrl()); con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); con.setConnectTimeout(2 * 1000); con.setRequestMethod("GET"); con.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + start + "-"+end);//重点 raf=new RandomAccessFile(DownLoadManager.file,"rwd"); //从文件的某一位置写入 raf.seek(start); if (con.getResponseCode() == 206) { //文件部分下载 返回码是206 InputStream is = con.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int hasRead = 0; while ((hasRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) { //写入文件 raf.write(buffer, 0, hasRead); //单个文件的完成程度 completed += hasRead; threadInfo.setCompeleted(completed); //保存新的start finshed=finshed+hasRead;//这里出现过问题,嘻嘻 newStart=start+finshed; threadInfo.setStart(newStart); //UtilsLog.i("Thread:"+getThreadId()+",completed=" + completed); //停止下载 if (info.isStop()) { UtilsLog.i("isStop="+info.isStop()); //保存下载进度 UtilsLog.i("现在Thread:"+getThreadId()+",completed=" + completed); Thread.getInstance().update(threadInfo); return; } } //删除该线程下载记录 Thread.getInstance().delete(threadInfo); isCompleted=true; Thread.getInstance().update(threadInfo); UtilsLog.i("thread:"+getThreadId()+"已经完成任务!--"+"completed="+completed); } } catch (Exception e) { if (con != null) { con.disconnect(); } try { if (raf != null) { raf.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } public String getThreadId() { return threadId; }}
public interface ResultListener{ void progress(int max, int progress); void comleted();}