PowerDesigner15 逆向工程不生成physical option及NAME/CODE转换


在使用PowerDesigner15 逆向工程转换PDM后,发现转换后的表都指定了 tablespace 、storage等参数设置,不太适合常规使用习惯,如何处理?


在选择表,逆向转换之前,取消勾选physical option,就可以忽略 tablespace 、storage等参数设置。希望对大家有用。




Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch

Dim mdl 'the current model

'get the current active model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model"
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model."
ProcessFolder mdl
End If

'This routine copy name into code for each table, each column and each view
'of the current folder
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)

Dim Tab 'running table
for each Tab in folder.tables
if not tab.isShortcut then
if len(tab.comment) <> 0 then
tab.name = tab.comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
Dim col 'running column
for each col in tab.columns
if len(col.comment) <>0 then
col.name =col.comment
end if
On Error Resume Next
end if
end sub

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