Git Wiki

Create Git repository on server

At home of user 'git'.

git@server:~$ mkdir myproject.git

git@server:~$ cd myproject.git

git@server:~/myproject.git$ git init --bare #Create repository on server.

Create a master branch for the server. At home of user 'git'.

git@server:~$ mkdir initial.commit

git@server:~$ cd initial.commit 

git@server:~/initial.commit$ git init 

git@server:~/initial.commit$ echo 'hello world' > index.html

git@server:~/initial.commit$ git add index.html

git@server:~/initial.commit$ git commit -m 'index.html'

Clone the repository on client.

myuser@local:~$ git clone git@server:~/myproject.git

myuser@local:~$ cd myproject

mysuer@local:~/myproject$ git remote add origin git@server:~/myproject.git

mysuer@local:~/myproject$ git push origin master

mysuer@local:~/myproject$ git pull origin master

Deploy your website using git.
git@server:~/myproject.git$ cd hooks

git@server:~/myproject.git/hooks$ vim post-receive


git@server:~/myproject.git/hooks$ chmod +x post-receive

In the directory of your website, such as /var/www/mywebsite.
git@server:/var/www/mywebsite$ git init

Write code on your client machine, and push it to the master of server, deploy it to the website.
myuser@local:~/web$ git push origin master

Push default.
myuser@local:~/web$ git config --global push.default current
